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[网贴翻译] 【印媒 20150320】印度家长爬窗口叠纸飞机 帮孩子考试作弊

发表于 2015-3-21 13:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Images of Indian students blatantly cheating on school-leaving examinations under the noses of supervisors have gone viral, inviting ridicule on Twitter and exposing flaws in the much-maligned education system of an impoverished eastern state.

On Thursday, the Hindustan Times published a photo of dozens of men clambering up the wall of a four-floor test center in Bihar state, perched on window ledges as they folded answer sheets into paper planes flown into classrooms.
《印度斯坦时报》(Hindustan Times)周四发布了一张图片,图中有几十名男子爬上比哈尔邦一栋四层的考试中心,攀在窗口将答案叠成纸飞机投入教室中。

"Should we shoot them?" asked Prashant Kumar Shahi, Bihar's education minister, addressing a news conference after television news channels aired the incriminating photo and raked up the scandal.
“我们应该向他们开枪吗?”比哈尔邦教育局长Prashant Kumar Shahi新闻发布会上问道。

"On average, four or five persons are helping each student use unfair means," Shahi said, adding it was impossible to curb cheating if parents encouraged their children.

Exams held by the Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) are viewed as make-or-break tests that could transform the lives of millions growing up in poverty.
比哈尔学校考试委员会(Bihar School Examination Board)举行的考试被视为“成王败寇”的考试,可能改变数以百万贫寒子弟的命运。

Copying is rampant during state-run standardized tests and invigilators look the other way when pupils consult peers via WhatsApp messages on phones or jot down answers from notes smuggled into classrooms.

More than 1.4 million students are taking the tests this week, crammed into 1,217 examination centers in Bihar.

This year, more than 1,000 students were caught cheating in three days and have been expelled. The tests end on March 24.

发表于 2015-3-21 14:32 | 显示全部楼层
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