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[网贴翻译] 【英媒20150418】菲律宾指责中国影响全球贸易 网友评

发表于 2015-4-18 21:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


IHS简氏防务周刊》称,空中客车防务及航天公司(AirbusDefence and Space323日的图片显示了中国在南沙群岛永暑礁上的跑道工程。





Philippine President Benigno Aquino said on Friday the territorial dispute with China in the South China Sea was of concern for the world because global trade will be hit by China's reclamation.

Recent satellite images show China has made rapid progress in building an airstrip suitable for military use in contested territory in the Spratly Islands and may be planning another.

IHS Jane's Defence Weekly said March 23 images from Airbus Defence and Space showed work on the runway on reclaimed parts of Fiery Cross Reef in the Spratly archipelago.

"We keep asserting the problem in the South China Sea is not a regional problem," Aquino told journalists. "This is a problem of the whole world because 40 percent of global trade pass through these waters. Global leaders have already expressed their concern on this problem."


They are charging China of everything everyday, is this making your economy stronger? I don’t think China cares about you...

It seems that the only thing they can do is help from US.

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