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[网贴翻译] 希腊要求公共机构交出储备资金

发表于 2015-4-21 14:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【英文标题】Greece asks public agencies to hand overreserve cash
【更新时间】20 April 2015
Greece has orderedits public sector bodies to hand over any reserve cash to help it meet apayment due to the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

The country isrunning out of cash and must repay the IMF nearly €1bn in May.

It comes after thehead of the European Central Bank, Mario Draghi, said that Greece needed to domuch more if it wanted access to bailout funds.

Negotiators aretrying to strike a deal ahead of a meeting of eurozone finance ministers onFriday.

There are mountingfears that Greece could default on its debts and exit the eurozone.

Prime ministerAlexis Tsipras urgently needs money to pay government salaries as well as thecountry's debt repayments.
总理Alexis Tsipras迫切需要钱来支付政府官员的工资以及该国的债务偿还。

In order to get thefunding, he needs to strike a deal with eurozone lenders at the EuropeanCentral Bank, the European Union and the IMF, and introduce economic reforms.

"More work,much more work is needed now and it's urgent", said Mr Draghi at theweekend.

"We all wantGreece to succeed. The answer is in the hands of the Greek government."

Asked whetherGreece could default, Mr Draghi said "I don't want to even contemplatesuch an event... the Greek leaders repeatedly state that they want to honourall their obligations".

Greek publicagencies have already been asked for voluntary payments, but this now looks setto be made compulsory.

The decree by theGreek government, which must still be passed by parliament, says "withthis act, the government hopes to cover urgent needs of the state amounting tothree billion euros for the next 15 days".

It includes allpublic bodies and local authorities, but, according to Reuters, excludespension funds and some state-owned firms.

An Athens-basedanalyst told Reuters: "This is a pre-emptive move to ensure that they willbe able to secure as much liquidity as possible because of the squeeze.

"There arestill some billions of euros in cash reserves parked in banks by stateentities."

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