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[网贴翻译] 美国航空公司首席支持股票支付薪水而放弃现金支付

发表于 2015-4-23 17:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 Annie2014 于 2015-4-23 17:51 编辑

【英文标题】American Airlines chief gives up cash salary for stock
【更新时间】April 23,2015

American Airlines chief executive DougParker has joined a select group of company bosses opting to be paid entirelyin shares.美国航空公司首席执行官道格·帕克已经加入了公司老板组成的小组,选择通过股票的方式获得薪水。

He has decided to give up the cash portionof his salary and annual bonus.

Mr Parker was paid more than $12m lastyear, 40% of which was in cash, according to regulatory filings.

Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg, Google'sLarry Page and Kinder Morgan's Rich Kinder are also paid solely in shares.
脸书的首席执行官马克·扎克伯格,谷歌的拉里·佩奇以及Kinder Morgan的Rich Kinder都同样在股票里获得薪水。

"I believe this is the right way formy compensation to be set -- at risk, based entirely on the results achieved,and in the same currency that our shareholders receive," Mr Parker said ina letter to employees.

Under the new deal, 54% of his payout willtied to performance targets.

The 53 year-old industry veteran has helpedtransform American Airlines into one of the country's most successfulcompanies.

Shares of American Airlines have more thandoubled in value since the company merged with rival US Airways in 2013.
自2013年该公司与其竞争对手US Airways合并之后,美国航空公司的股价已经翻了一倍多。

Both carriers had undergone bankruptcy buttheir combination has since created the world's largest airline company basedon passenger traffic.

American Airlines also posted a recordprofit of $2.9bn last year, helped by cheaper fuel prices and reducedcompetition.

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