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[网贴翻译] 中国对奔驰公司进行价格罚款

发表于 2015-4-23 17:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 Annie2014 于 2015-4-23 17:57 编辑

【英文标题】China fines Daimler's Mercedes-Benz for price-fixing
【更新时间】April 23,2015

China has fined Daimler's Mercedes-Benz350m yuan ($56.5m; £37.6m) for price-fixing as part of a broader clampdown onanti-monopolistic practices.

A pricing regulator in Jiangsu said theluxury German carmaker pressured local dealers into setting a minimum salesprice on some of its car models.

Some of its local dealers were also fined7.7m yuan, regulators said.

A Mercedes-Benz said it "accepts thedecision and takes its responsibilities under competition law very seriously".

"We have taken all appropriate stepsto ensure to fully comply with the law," a spokesperson told the Reutersnews agency.

In a statement, the Chinese regulator said:"The investigation found Mercedes-Benz and its dealers in Jiangsu came toand carried out monopoly agreements to cap the lowest sales prices of E-Class,S-Class models and certain spare parts."
中国监管机构在一份声明中说:“调查发现奔驰和其在江苏的经销商签订垄断协议,限制E-Class, S-Class的车型和某些零部件的最低价格。”

Last year, the Xinhua news agency reportedthat Mercedes had also been found guilty of manipulating the prices ofafter-sales services in China.


China is the world's largest car market andforeign automakers have been under scrutiny for allegedly reaping high profitsby overcharging customers.

Last year, Chinese regulators fined thelocal units of Volkswagen and Fiat Chrysler a combined $46m for price-fixing.

They also levied a record fine totaling1.24bn yuan on 12 Japanese car parts companies including Sumitomo Electric andMitsubishi Electric for price-fixing.

Authorities also conducted investigationsinto foreign business practices in the pharmaceutical, technology and foodsectors.地方当局也对外国医药,技术和食品行业进行了调查。

Last August, six producers of infantformula - all foreign companies - were given a record fine for price-fixing.去年8月,六家婴儿配方奶粉的生产商,均为外国公司都被给予了价格规定的罚金。

As a result, there have been risingconcerns in the foreign business community that they are being targeteddisproportionately.因此,在外国商界中有担忧产生,称他们被不平等地对待。

However, China says it does notdiscriminate between domestic and overseas companies.

发表于 2015-4-23 18:07 | 显示全部楼层
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