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[BBC] 倾向报道Greece hands China Olympic torch

发表于 2008-4-1 00:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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Last Updated: Sunday, 30 March 2008, 13:46 GMT 14:46 UK
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Greece hands China Olympic torch

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The torch's route on Sunday was shortened
[img=203 vspace=2 border=0,1 alt=]http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/nol/shared/img/v3/inline_dashed_line.gif[/img]

Torch ceremony

The Olympic torch has been handed over to Chinese officials at a ceremony in Athens, amid scuffles between police and pro-Tibet demonstrators.
A small group of protesters tried to break through a police cordon to enter the stadium.
Thousands gathered as the flame was delivered and transferred to a lamp for its journey by plane to China.
The handover came as pro-Tibet protesters tried to storm the Chinese embassy in Nepal's capital, Kathmandu.
The torch's passage through Greece has been dogged by protests on human rights and Tibet.
The flame, which was lit in Olympia on 24 March, will be welcomed at a ceremony in Beijing's Tiananmen Square on Monday.
It will then tour 20 countries before returning for the opening on 8 August.

See map of Olympic torch relay route
'Timeless symbol'
Sunday's formal handover was held in the Panathinaiko Stadium, where the first modern Olympics took place in 1896.

[img=203 border=0,220 alt=]http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/44524000/jpg/_44524554_tibetget.jpg[/img] The route of the torch in Greece has been dogged by protests

The Chinese and Greek flags were marched in by Greek athletes to the strains of a band, before a circle of white-clad actresses dressed as ancient priestesses surrounded a podium as the torch was brought in.
Minos Kyriakou, president of the Hellenic Olympic Committee, passed the flame to chief Beijing organizer Liu Qi.
"The Olympic flame is the timeless symbol which stirs admiration, pride and faith [in] the Olympic ideals and values," said Mr Kyriakou.
"I hope the world community welcomes the flame and honours it".
Mr Liu pointed out that the summit of Mount Everest was on the torch's destination list, "testifying to the great strength of the Olympic movement in marking the progress of human civilisation".
Nepal protest
The protesters tried to unfurl a banner which said "stop genocide in Tibet", but failed to enter the stadium or disrupt the solemn ceremony.
At least six people were arrested.
Police had warned they would confiscate all banners, signs or objects that might be thrown.
Greek organisers had altered the torch's route ahead of the ceremony to nullify protests. The torch has had a police guard and a group of runners to protect it.
Meanwhile, in Kathmandu, police baton-charged Tibetan exiles and Buddhist monks who were trying to storm an office of the Chinese embassy, and arrested at least 100 people.

[img=203 border=0,152 alt=]http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/44524000/jpg/_44524850_nepal_nun_203ap.jpg[/img] Many arrested in Nepal were Buddhist monks or nuns

The city is home to hundreds of Tibetan exiles, and the protest was the third over Tibet in the past week. Those detained in the previous incidents were released within hours. And in India's capital Delhi, exiled Tibetans launched an "independence torch" to tour the world in an anti-China protest.
The Tibetan alternative torch was unveiled in Delhi on Sunday and will next go to San Francisco on 9 April, when the Olympic torch is expected to arrive.
Tibet's government-in-exile, based in India, says about 140 people were killed in the crackdown on recent unrest by Chinese security forces. Beijing disputes this, saying 19 people were killed by rioters.
There has been little movement internationally towards a boycott of the Games, although French President Nicolas Sarkozy has said "all options are open" following the recent unrest in Tibet.

[img=416 border=0,205 alt=]http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/44511000/gif/_44511700_olympic_tourch_416x250.gif[/img]
Torch lit in Olympia on 24 March and taken on five-day relay around Greece to Athens
After handover ceremony, it is taken to Beijing on 31 March to begin a journey of 136,800 km (85,000 miles) around the world

Torch arrives in Macao on 3 May. After three-month relay all around China, it arrives in Beijing for opening ceremony on 8 August

[img=416 vspace=2 border=0,1 alt=]http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/nol/shared/img/v3/inline_dashed_line.gif[/img]

See detailed route on Beijing 2008 official site

发表于 2008-4-1 02:03 | 显示全部楼层





届时,游览20个国家,然后返回,为开幕式于8月8日。 见地图的奥运会火炬接力路线。

'永恒的象征, '



米诺斯kyriakou ,总统的希腊奥林匹克委员会,通过了火焰,以行政北京主办刘淇。

"奥运圣火传递的是永恒的象征,它挑拨敬佩,自豪和信心, [在]奥林匹克理想和价值观念,说: " kyriakou 。

"我希望,国际社会欢迎奥运火焰和其荣誉" 。

廖先生指出,成功登上珠穆朗玛峰的顶峰,是对圣火的目的地名单" ,这证明了伟大的力量,对奥林匹克运动在标志着人类进步文明之光" 。


示威者试图打出一面旗帜,其中说: "停止在西藏的种族灭绝" ,但未能进入和打乱庄严的仪式。






在印度首都新德里,流亡海外的西藏人,推出了"独火炬" ,以游览世界上的一个反中国抗议。



一直很少运动在国际上建立一个抵制的比赛过程中,虽然法国总统萨尔科齐说: "所有选择都是开放的"后,最近的动乱在西藏。

经过交接仪式,这是考虑到北京3月31日开始的征程136800公里( 85000英里)世界各地
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