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[时事新闻] 全面揭露:7名“遇难宇航员”近期被证明至少6人依然健在

发表于 2018-4-7 10:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 10的112次方 于 2018-4-7 10:38 编辑


作者:Baxter Dmitry
视频:周周 翻译:正向





       数以百万的美国人(占总人口的17%)在电视上观看了这次发射的实况转播,因为美国航天局宣布将邀请一位教师参加航天飞行,并计划让该教师在太空中为全国中小学生讲授两节有关太空和飞行的科普课,所以激起民众的极大关注。这“第一位”太空教师叫克里斯特·麦考利夫(Christa McAuliffe)。





       这场灾难导致美国航天局的航天飞机计划中断32个月,并成立了罗杰斯委员会(Rogers Commission)进行调查。这是当时的罗纳德·里根(Ronald Reagan)总统任命的一个调查事故的特别委员会。1986年6月9日,以前国务卿罗杰斯为首的总统委员会向里根总统提交了调查报告,题为《总统委员会关于“挑战者”号航天飞机事故的报告》。报告表示,美国航天局的组织文化和决策过程是导致事故的关键因素。

弗朗西斯·理查德·斯科比(Francis Richard Scobee),指挥官

迈克尔·J·史密斯(Michael J. Smith),飞行员

罗纳德·麦克奈尔(Ronald McNair),任务专家

埃里森·奥尼佐卡(鬼冢承二;Ellison Onizuka),任务专家,日裔美国人

朱蒂丝·雷斯尼克(Judith Resnik),任务专家

格里高利·杰维斯(Gregory Jarvis),载荷专家

科里斯塔·麦考利芙(Christa McAuliffe),教师


       这就是simonshack和其他人在聊天论坛CluesForum.info上的争执。 他们宣称7名“挑战者号”机组成员中有6人仍然活着; 这些人甚至继续用着他们原来的名字。下面就是他们找到的证据。 (注:Clues Forum引用了Darrell Foss发表在Opob News的一篇短文《“挑战者号”灾难是一个骗局?》,作为证据的第一个来源。)





 楼主| 发表于 2018-4-7 10:31 | 显示全部楼层

Just about everything we are told is a big lie. I don’t trust anything anymore

“The whole world is a stage”

I agree!

http://batman-news.com RYBACK
What was their motivation for doing this?

Marisa Keeland
They didnt expect it to blow up…

https://www.facebook.com/StopTheDistructionOfTheAmericanDream/ Stop The Destruction
So are you saying they covered up that nobody was on board because the earth is really flat?

Rob Greenfield
Baxter Dmitry- What an pile of shit you are. These people died a horrific death in the name of science and you repost this conspiracy theory crap. Asshole.

Terry Madsen
“how could so many people required to commit crimes of such atrocity be able to keep quiet about it”~common argument
answer: pedophilia, Shareholder, Mason, Priest (Imam, et cetera), New World Order

Money, plus threat of prison time.

Fred Reeve
Has any of you investigative type joirnalists walked up to these people and confronted them? Or tried to get an interview with them to ask them surreptitiously whether or not they are in fact the shuttle crew?

But to what end? What would be the point?

To end a treasonous propaganda program (NASA) because they outlived their usefulness.

NASA was created, solely to compete with the Soviet Union – both programs being propaganda ploys to prove which country is more “advanced”, “powerful”, “smarter”.

Hollywood had a hand in the dissemination of the disinformation, and once the Soviet Union collapsed, that tool (NASA) was not needed anymore, and could not be allowed to continue to exist, as a federally funded, program.

In order to conceal the treasonous directives of former presidents and illegitimate legislation by Congress, the best option was to discredit the entire program, turn it into a theme park and let it die a “natural death”.

If any of it were left to it’s own devices, sooner or later, one little lie would be exposed, and the whole ball of yarn would unravel.

It’s standard operating procedure for covering up and concealing Treason, and too many Americans are still falling for it. Especially, when new “disaster” after new “disaster” pops up, pushing older “disasters” further and further to the edge of the table, until they fall off and are summarily forgotten.

https://www.facebook.com/StopTheDistructionOfTheAmericanDream/ Stop The Destruction
What would the motive be to fake this? Lack of a good motive gives no credence to this story. Perhaps the crew was blasted into Earth-2 and the Earth-2 crew were blasted here.

Michael Rutledge
Would you go to a murder scene and deny the victim or victims were murdered just because you don’t know the motive?

Just because the motive might not be apparent, doesn’t mean there isn’t any.

The space program was originally designed to create competition during the Cold War, in an attempt to bankrupt the Soviet Union, which did happen.

Once that goal was realized, government (NASA) was then tasked with pushing back from the table of their propaganda tool, and attempting to make it all become forgotten. The first step toward that goal? Have a disaster, shelve all future projects, and cease and desist in further shows of propaganda.

Concealing and covering up treasonous propaganda, is plenty of motive.

Eliao Jah
Who cares what their motive was. If you think this story is bullshit explain to me how come there is no record of the black astro-not having a twin brother prior to 1986. This is easily verifiable, not fake news. It’s because he faked his death and tried living as his twin. The problem is that in 1986 it was easy to hid out because information moved slow and we didn’t have the technology that we do today; they did not nor could not foresee the internet and that was their undoing or else they would have covered their tracks better.

https://www.facebook.com/StopTheDistructionOfTheAmericanDream/ Stop The Destruction
It just sounds far fetched. These kind of stories are developed to make is look stupid just like the flat earth theory.
They use the fact that conspiracy theorist believe anything to discredit real conspiracies like 911.

Fake News !

Arizona Patriot
fake news

Maureen Mack Lindekugel
perhaps they were not on the flight?? What if the US was trying to show the world how “advanced” we were but were not willing to put these lives at risk … just in case something bad happened. They could have staged a successful landing if all would have gone well and the United States would be heros on the world stage …

J Bishop

Snopes is a known disinformation outlet.

Useless comment.

Satan’s left Nut
LOL. So, Onizuka supposedly lost his earlobes? McAuliffe lost half of the breadth of her chin, Resnik’s face slid down to her chin, Carl McNair magically got a different set of natural teeth, AND is a contemporary of his brother, so what happened to his brother then?
Really, none of these people’s faces match on keypoints.
This is a clear case of paranoid bullshit artistry. Shit like this is why nobody takes truthseekers serious anymore.
With completely retarded shit like this and the Flat Earth psychosis, the madness claim that Obama’s wife is a man, that nobody has been on the moon (we can see their remnants with a telescope, but who’s asking for real evidence, right?) etc. etc. all that is accomplished is that nobody takes reasonable conspiracy research serious anymore, and that satire is now called “fake news”.
Mission accomplished, eh, Baxter?
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 楼主| 发表于 2018-4-7 11:14 | 显示全部楼层



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 楼主| 发表于 2018-4-7 21:11 | 显示全部楼层
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