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Beijing to help victims of Tibet clashes (CNN March 29, 2008 )

发表于 2008-4-1 06:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
BEIJING, China (AP) -- Beijing will compensate victims of anti-government protests in Tibet, a state news agency said Saturday, while diplomats were taken to visit the region in an effort by China to show it has restored order. Tibetans walk past Potala Palace, traditional residence of the Dalai Lama, in Lhasa Friday. more photos » The communist government wants to enforce calm quickly following the riots, which drew attention to its human rights record as it prepares for this summer's Beijing Olympics. Families of 18 civilians killed will each receive $28,500, the Xinhua News Agency said, citing an announcement by the Beijing-installed Tibet regional government. It said people injured will receive free medical care and owners of damaged homes and shops will get help rebuilding. About two dozen diplomats from countries including the United States, Britain and Japan were in Tibet on Saturday on a government-organized trip. The Chinese foreign ministry did not respond to a request for details of their agenda. The visit comes after a similar one by foreign journalists to Tibet's regional capital, Lhasa, backfired when about 30 crying monks burst into a briefing room shouting there was no religious freedom in Tibet. Beijing says 22 people died in protests that spread earlier this month to dozens of Tibetan communities across western China, in the broadest challenges to Chinese rule in decades. Tibetan exiles say almost 140 are dead. See images of the protests in Tibet. » Xinhua gave no indication Saturday whether there would be compensation for four other deaths -- one police officer and three people who the government says were fleeing arrest. The government says 382 civilians and 241 police officers also were hurt. The protests, led by monks, began peacefully March 10, on the anniversary of a failed 1959 uprising against Chinese rule. Tibet had been effectively independent for decades before Chinese communist troops entered in 1950. Beijing blames the unrest on supporters of the Dalai Lama, the Tibetan spiritual leader who lives in exile in India. On Saturday the Dalai Lama accused Beijing of "demographic aggression" -- encouraging settlers from China's ethnic Han majority to move to the sparsely Tibetan populated region. Don't Miss Statement: CNN on Tibet coverage Dalai Lama pleads for peaceful dialogue on Tibet Police shut Muslim quarter in Lhasa Activists fear for Tibetan monks Protesting Tibetan exiles jailed in Nepal He said the number of settlers in Tibet was expected to increase by more than 1 million following the Olympics, but did not say where he obtained such information. "There is evidence the Chinese people in Tibet are increasing month by month," the Tibetan spiritual leader told reporters in New Delhi. Lhasa has 100,000 Tibetans and twice as many outsiders, the majority of them from the Han majority, the Dalai Lama said. In Hong Kong, John Kamm, a veteran activist who met recently with Chinese officials, said the officials indicated that Beijing would not back down on Tibet despite any possible complications over the Olympics. "I doubt frankly that they're going to be willing to do much with respect to Tibet. I'm very doubtful, for instance, that the Chinese leadership will agree to meet with the Dalai Lama," said Kamm, the executive director of the Dui Hua Foundation in San Francisco. He did not identify the officials he spoke to. Kamm said one official told him "any sign of concession would be seen as a sign of weakness." Kamm's group researches Chinese prisons and has helped to arrange the release of political prisoners. The United States is represented on the Tibet trip by a second secretary from the U.S. Embassy in Beijing, State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said in Washington. "He is somebody in the political section who speaks fluent Mandarin and his portfolio is Tibet," he said. The protests in Tibet and in other provinces with sizable Tibetan populations have threatened to mar Beijing's effort to use the Olympics in August to showcase China as a confident, respected power. President Bush and Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd said Friday they want Chinese leaders to meet with the Dalai Lama to defuse tensions. 被过滤广告被过滤广告"It is absolutely clear that there are human rights abuses in Tibet," Rudd told reporters after meeting Bush in Washington. European Union foreign ministers gathering in Slovenia on Friday appealed to China to resolve the crisis peacefully.
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-1 06:48 | 显示全部楼层
北京,中国(美联社) -北京,将赔偿受害者的反政府抗议活动,在西藏,一个国家新闻社说,周六,而外交官被带到访问该地区,在努力,中国以显示它已恢复了秩序。 Tibetans walk past Potala Palace, traditional residence of the Dalai Lama, in Lhasa Friday.藏民路过布达拉宫,传统民居的dl喇嘛,在拉萨周五。 more photos » The communist government wants to enforce calm quickly following the riots, which drew attention to its human rights record as it prepares for this summer's Beijing Olympics.更多照片»共产党政府要强制执行很快平静后,暴乱,其中提请注意其人权纪录,因为它准备为今年夏天的北京奥运会。 Families of 18 civilians killed will each receive $28,500, the Xinhua News Agency said, citing an announcement by the Beijing-installed Tibet regional government.家庭的18名平民死亡,将每人将获得28500美元,新华社报道说,宣布由北京安装西藏自治区政府。 It said people injured will receive free medical care and owners of damaged homes and shops will get help rebuilding.它说,人轻重伤,将可享受免费的医疗和业主的受损房屋和商店将获得帮助重建工作。 About two dozen diplomats from countries including the United States, Britain and Japan were in Tibet on Saturday on a government-organized trip.约24家驻华使节的国家包括美国,英国和日本分别在西藏上周六对政府是通过有组织的行程。 The Chinese foreign ministry did not respond to a request for details of their agenda.中国外交部对此没有回应要求更为详细的重要议事日程。 The visit come s after a similar one by foreign journalists to Tibet's regional capital, Lhasa, backfired when about 30 crying monks burst into a briefing room shouting there was no religious freedom in Tibet.这次访问来 s后,类似的一个由外国记者到西藏地区的首府,拉萨,适得其反的时候,约30哭泣和尚爆裂成简报室喊起来,有没有宗教信仰自由在西藏。 Beijing says 22 people died in protests that spread earlier this month to dozens of Tibetan communities across western China, in the broadest challenges to Chinese rule in decades.北京说, 22人死亡,在抗议活动蔓延本月初,几十个藏族社区横跨中国西部地区,在最广泛的挑战,对中国统治几十年来的。 Tibetan exiles say almost 140 are dead.西藏流亡人士说,近一百四十人死亡。 See images of the protests in Tibet.见图象的抗议活动在西藏。 » Xinhua gave no indication Saturday whether there would be compensation for four other deaths -- one police officer and three people who the government says were fleeing arrest. »日电没有显示出周六是否会有补偿,其他4人死亡-其中1名警察和3人,政府说,为逃避被逮捕。 The government says 382 civilians and 241 police officers also were hurt.政府说, 382名平民和241警务人员也受到伤害。 The protests, led by monks, began peacefully March 10, on the anniversary of a failed 1959 uprising against Chinese rule.抗议活动,为首的僧人,开始和平3月10日,为纪念一个失败的起义, 1959年对中国的统治。 Tibet had been effectively independent for decades before Chinese communist troops entered in 1950.西藏已得到了有效的独立数十年来,前中共军队进入了1950年。 Beijing blames the unrest on supporters of the Dalai Lama, the Tibetan spiritual leader who lives in exile in India.北京指责动乱的支持者,dl喇嘛,西藏精神领袖,他住在流亡印度。 On Saturday the Dalai Lama accused Beijing of "demographic aggression" -- encouraging settlers from China's ethnic Han majority to move to the sparsely Tibetan populated region.上周六,dl喇嘛指责北京的"人口侵略" -鼓励定居者从中国的汉族多数迁移到稀疏的藏族居住地区。 Don't Miss Statement: CNN on Tibet coverage Dalai Lama pleads for peaceful dialogue on Tibet Police shut Muslim quarter in Lhasa Activists fear for Tibetan monks Protesting Tibetan exiles jailed in Nepal He said the number of settlers in Tibet was expected to increase by more than 1 million following the Olympics, but did not say where he obtained such information.千万不要错过声明:对有线电视新闻网报导,西藏dl喇嘛请求国际和平对话,就西藏警方关闭穆斯林季在拉萨活动家都不怕,藏族僧人抗议流亡藏人被囚禁在尼泊尔他说,定居者的人数在西藏预计增加超过百万以下奥运,但并没有说,如果他获得这些资料。 "There is evidence the Chinese people in Tibet are increasing month by month," the Tibetan spiritual leader told reporters in New Delhi. "有证据显示中国人在西藏正在增加按月计算的, "这位西藏精神领袖告诉记者,在新德里举行。 Lhasa has 100,000 Tibetans and twice as many outsiders, the majority of them from the Han majority, the Dalai Lama said.拉萨先后100000西藏人和多一倍的外来者,他们中的绝大多数人从汉多数,dl喇嘛说。 In Hong Kong, John Kamm, a veteran activist who met recently with Chinese officials, said the officials indicated that Beijing would not back down on Tibet despite any possible complications over the Olympics.在香港,约翰康原,是一位资深活动家,最近会晤了中国官员说,有关官员表示,北京将不会退缩对西藏尽管任何可能出现的并发症,超过了奥运会。 "I doubt frankly that they're going to be willing to do much with respect to Tibet. I'm very doubtful, for instance, that the Chinese leadership will agree to meet with the Dalai Lama," said Kamm, the executive director of the Dui Hua Foundation in San Francisco. "我怀疑坦白地说,他们要去愿意做很多方面的西藏,我很怀疑,例如,中国领导层同意将会见dl喇嘛, "康原说,执行主任统一身份证华基金会在旧金山举行。 He did not identify the officials he spoke to.他并没有确定他的官员交谈。 Kamm said one official told him "any sign of concession would be seen as a sign of weakness."康原说,一名官员告诉他"没有这样的迹象,特许权将被视为软弱的迹象" 。 Kamm's group researches Chinese prisons and has helped to arrange the release of political prisoners.康原的小组研究,中国的监狱,并协助安排释放政治犯。 The United States is represented on the Tibet trip by a second secretary from the US Embassy in Beijing, State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said in Washington.美国代表就西藏之行,由中央第二书记,由美国驻北京大使馆,美国国务院发言人麦科马克在华盛顿说。 "He is somebody in the political section who speaks fluent Mandarin and his portfolio is Tibet," he said. "他是某人在政治科的人能说一口流利的国语和他的投资组合是西藏, "他说。 The protests in Tibet and in other provinces with sizable Tibetan populations have threatened to mar Beijing's effort to use the Olympics in August to showcase China as a confident, respected power.抗议活动在西藏及其他省份与可观的藏族人口早就扬言要在3月北京的努力,利用奥运会在8月,以展示中国作为一个自信,尊敬的电力。 President Bush and Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd said Friday they want Chinese leaders to meet with the Dalai Lama to defuse tensions.美国总统布什和澳大利亚总理凯文拉德说,周五他们希望中国领导人会见dl喇嘛,以缓解紧张局势。 被过滤广告被过滤广告"It is absolutely clear that there are human rights abuses in Tibet," Rudd told reporters after meeting Bush in Washington.被过滤广告被过滤广告" ,这是绝对清楚的,有侵犯人权,在西藏, "拉德告诉记者会面后,布什在华盛顿举行。 European Union foreign ministers gathering in Slovenia on Friday appealed to China to resolve the crisis peacefully.欧洲联盟各国外长聚会在斯洛文尼亚周五呼吁中国以和平解决这一危机。
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