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[7, 25, NPR] 中国训练拉拉队以召集观众(加油)

发表于 2008-7-27 10:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【原文标题】 China Trains Cheerleaders To Rally The Masses
【中文标题】 中国训练拉拉队以召集观众(加油)
【登载媒体】 NPR
【来源地址】 http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=92669919
【译者】  中国大家庭


by Louisa Lim

It is no coincidence that the first published essay of China's former leader, Chairman Mao Zedong, was about sports.
也许并非巧合, 中国前领导人毛泽东的第一篇发表的短文是关于体育运动的.

A strong nation, he wrote, needs strong people. And China has long used sports to bolster its international position and unite its masses.
他写到, 一个强大的国家需要强大的人民. 而长期以来中国都是通过体育运动来展示他的国际地位和团结民众.

But the controversies surrounding this summer's Olympics in Beijing have heightened a heady mixture of Chinese pride and nationalism.

Officially Approved Slogans

The students in one cheerleading class are not leggy athletic girls with pompoms, but rather desk-bound, middle-aged government employees brandishing balloons.
在一个拉拉队训练班中的学生不是那些手持丝球的两腿修长的运动型女孩, 二十挥舞着气球的坐办公室的中年政府公务员.

These workers have volunteered, without pay, to be cheerleaders. They are receiving 10 hours of instruction in how to shout the officially approved slogans, such as "Go China! Go Olympics!"
这些人都是志愿作为拉拉队, 没有报酬. 他们接到 10 小时的训练如何喊官方批准的口号, 例如"中国加油,奥运加油".

At least 300,000 such volunteers will make up China's Olympic cheering squads. And 3,000 of those have been trained by Zhang Jinling, a professional enthusiast with a fixed rictus grin of joy.
至少有 30 万名这样的志愿者组成中国的奥运会拉拉队. 他们中有 3000 人接受了张金玲(音译)的训练. 张是总是面带笑容的专业(拉拉队)训练者.

"We raise our arms and shout powerfully to encourage China and the Olympics," she says to her students.
"我们举起手臂, 用力挥舞, 为中国和奥运加油" 她队她的学生说.

"Our cheering squads are more of a collective undertaking than NBA cheerleaders; they're more unified as a whole," Zhang says, explaining why China's fans should cheer with one voice. "Our squad is made up of workers and staff from different units, and they show the realization of our 100-year-long dream."
"我们的拉拉队方阵和 NBA 的拉拉队必起来更像是拼凑的集体, NBA 拉拉队更加统一,  好像一个整体", 张说道. 她解释为什么中国的拉拉队需要一种声音, "我们的拉拉队有来自不同单位的工人和职员组成, 她们要展示我们 100 年来的梦想'.

That dream has been to host the Olympics for the first time in China's history.

For this cheering squad, the Games signify China's arrival on the world stage as an equal. It is all the more symbolic given Beijing's official historical narrative, emphasizing a century and a half of humiliation at the hands of the West and Japan.
对这些拉拉队来说, 这次奥运会表明中国平等地站立在世界舞台上.  这具有重大的象征意义, 特别是在北京的所有官方叙述中强调中国在一个半世纪以来中国被西方和日本侵略的耻辱.

No 'Sick Man Of Asia'

Xiong Xiaozhen of Beijing Sport University's Centre for Olympic Studies explains why the games matter.

"In modern times, China has been a backwards, weak country," says Xiong. "We think that the Olympics is a way to cast off that sense of humiliation, to change China's international image as the 'sick man of Asia.' That's the dream of the Chinese people."
"在近代, 中国曾经是落后, 衰弱的国家", 雄说."我想奥运会是摆脱这种耻辱的感觉的一个途径, 改变中国的"东亚病夫的国际形象". 这是(所有)中国人的梦想."

For this reason, the Olympic torch relay was supposed to be a global victory lap.
因此, 奥运火炬接力理应得到支持, 获得成功.

Instead, it became a lightning rod for protests over Beijing's human rights record. This was a shock to many Chinese people, who expected international goodwill for China's achievements. The controversy heightened feelings of nationalism, nurtured by a potent mixture of extreme pride and extreme humiliation.
相反, 他成为了那些反对北京的人权记录的抗议者的攻击目标. 这震惊了很多中国人, 他们期盼因为中国的成就而带来的国际友好环境. 这种争论激发了民族主义情绪, 混合着极端民族自豪感和极端民族主义.

"Chinese people are very friendly," says cheering squad member Yao Jiabin. "We Chinese do not oppose any country, but we do have our own stance. And we're friendly towards people from every country, just as long as they don't oppose our stance."
"中国人是非常友好的", 拉拉队队员姚加斌(音译)说, "我们中国人不反对任何国家, 但是我们有自己的立场. 我们会友好地面对每个国家的人民, 只要他们不反对我们的立场."

Politics On The Field

In the past, Chinese nationalism has reared its ugly head on the sports field, especially during soccer games. One low point for sports in China was the Asian Cup football competition held in Beijing in 2004, as Sino-Japanese relations had plummeted to a low point. When the Japanese national anthem began playing, the crowd erupted into a chorus of boos.
过去, 中国的民族主义在体育场上已经有丑陋的表现, 特别在足球比赛中. 其中在中国运动场上的一次糟糕表现是2004年在北京举行的亚洲杯足球赛上, 也使中日关系到了最低点. 当运动场上开始播放日本国歌, 人群爆发出异口同声的嘘声.

Throughout the match, every time the Japanese team had possession of the ball, the Chinese spectators booed and whistled.
在整个比赛过程中, 每次日本队一拿到球, 中国观众就发出嘘声和哨声.

The Japanese spectators were placed under police protection, and after the match they were escorted from the stadium by bus to protect them from angry mobs of young Chinese men.
日本观众被安排在一个被警察保护的区域. 比赛后他们被从体育场护送到汽车上, 一面遭到愤怒的中国年轻人的攻击.

The Olympics may also trigger some displays of sports nationalism, according to sports anthropologist Susan Brownell, the author of Beijing's Games: What the Olympics Mean to China.
根据 "北京奥运会: 奥运会对中国意味什么" 这边书的作者, 运动人类学家 Susan Brownell 说, 奥运会也许也会引发一些体育场上的民族主义,

"I think we are likely to see some impolite, unsportsmanlike performance from some of the Chinese crowd, who will be displaying nationalistic feelings and supporting China, and perhaps booing Japan or the U.S. or other countries," says Brownell. "It's not just due to Chinese nationalism; it's due to the lack of sophistication of the spectators who do not normally spectate at sports events."
"我想可能会看到一些不礼貌的行为, 来自于中国人的人群中的没有运动员风度的表现, 他们会表现出民族主义的情感和支持中国, 也可能对日本, 美国或者其他国家发出嘘声", Brownell 说. "这不仅仅因为中国的民族主义, 还因为缺少成熟的观众." (who do not normally spectate at sports events, 后面这句感觉和前面的内容不配, 没有翻译)

Masking Hostilities With Cheer

This is why cheerleading trainer Zhang Jinling has been enlisted. Beijing may just be hoping generic cheers of "Higher! Faster! Stronger!" will drown out any embarrassing lapses in sportsmanship — even if such conformist cheerleading invites comparison to China's mass campaigns of the past.
这就是为什么选择张金玲作为拉拉队训练者的原因. 北京希望"更高, 更快, 更强"的一般性口号可以掩盖那些令人不安的有违体育道德的口号--即使有人把这些这些拉拉队比做中国过去的群众性运动.

This is the biggest Olympic education campaign to teach spectator etiquette to the masses.
这是奥运会对中国最大的教育运动, 教育大家观众礼仪.

Zhang reminds her class of their duty: "Our ordered movement, our loud and clear shouts will definitely create a good atmosphere for the athletes, so they'll be able to get new Olympic records on our yellow earth."
张提示她的学员他们的责任: "我们有序的运动, 我们强烈而清晰的叫喊将会给运动员营造好的竞赛环境. 因此他们会从我们这个得到全新的奥运会的感受."

With that, she launches into an official Olympic song, complete with a baffling sequence of complicated hand gestures.
她唱起了一首官方奥运歌曲, 并且以一串复杂的手势结束.

"Smile, Beijing," the song exhorts, "a smile shows Beijing's best tomorrow." That may be true, but such mass campaigns also serve as a reminder of how closely intertwined sports and Chinese nationalism are — and how that worries Beijing.
"微笑吧, 北京", 这首歌唱道, "微笑展示北京最好的未来" 这也许使对的, 但是这样的群众运动也是告诉人们体育和中国的民族主义是如何纠缠到一起--这也是北京感到担忧.




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