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非洲苏丹论坛---北京奥运会 有一个错误的主题

发表于 2008-8-18 23:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

北京奥运会 有一个错误的主题

Sunday 17 August 2008 03:41.周日2008年8月17日3时41分。  Printer-Friendly version 友善列印版本   Comments... 评论...

By Taban Abel Aguek由班阿贝尔aguek




     中国是主要的国家,苏丹政府用途,以精益就因为它犯下对人权的所有暴行,比北京的长城厚。苏丹的石油的发现,它成为向中国不仅流动在河流的血液中的苏丹方式之一。2006年非洲-中国首脑会议上,当总统的苏丹在中国,他站起来,并因此ignorantly说,死亡人数在达尔富尔是一个仅1.0万人,而不是由传媒宣称的那样是200000。令人惊讶的是,中国政府不能质疑基地beshir ,总统苏丹,如果这不是一场灾难,政府在同样一个地方要杀死万人,三年当他们是相同的人的生命交付给它的安全和管理最大的照顾。相反,中国认为,这是比它阐明了太少,它发送枪到苏丹。如果是这样的意思同一个世界,那么,同一个梦就象很多的和平行的线一样,不可能的。

    今天有谈到的所有细节,中国与苏丹的关系,这是未来的坟墓,最近复活后的50年发现石油在苏丹南部。有没有这样的关系之前,和最真诚的事,如内政,是这两个国家,中国和苏丹,需要一个故事来解释的复活他们的亲密友谊,因为石油,仅描绘了更多的血腥处理不仅仅是一个经济内政。苏丹失去了朋友,在西方和欧洲,和另一个,不仅作为替代,但也是一个后卫,在失误可能犯下或已承诺更提出了在中国作为一个崛起的超级权力和抗衡西方。 武器和否决权,都是中国所拥有的重要方面,使苏丹有价值的石油,这是不是商品的商品,虽然中国的关系是类似一个中国,备品备件,通常,这是不能完成一轮旅程。

       在联合国安理会1607号决议说,要求部署约23000强有力的维持和平行动在达尔富尔的任务,这是中国第一次提出了手反对和主要障碍对所有制裁苏丹是假设承担。 在2006年6月后,有担保的保证,保护来自中国,共和国总统,苏丹宣布,饲养比是一个国家元首,他将导致战争对国际和平,一个民族,这是属于他所说的一种新的殖民统治。他警告说,因为这个新殖民主义,苏丹,如果与西方国家发生战争,就象在非洲的另一个伊拉克,但他再次忘了要申报自己是另一个萨达姆。不过,这是两个相同的男子和他的中国盟友比以往任何时候更加殖民统治苏丹。苏丹模式,每天从达尔富尔在西方, kasalla在东部地区和整个南方,因为中国的支持,政府在喀土穆。它是相同的中国供应这修辞政府与武器的目的之一,世界划分成许多不同的痛苦阵营,与其他人生活在脆弱的难民营和贫民窟,今天的变化,不会在心脏,但在口头上为仅仅是美容和吸引力。

还是这是一个很大的疑问。中国生活在自己的世界,并已同一个梦想:成为世界超级的权力-如果它的事项,应该建立在牺牲穷人的无辜的非洲人这么多是最好的。 没有什么中国不能做的,因为要达到这个地位和地位,通过北京奥运会就是其中的项目设置,以推动他们向这个目标。 苏丹-猜测,使中国成为一个超级的权力获得计数多枚金牌,半数以上的,包括一半。 怀疑论者从来都不是坏的人。中国将有能力在行动说服世界,而不是在口头上那个只开到月底的北京奥运会,世界是一个梦想是好的,为达尔富尔人民。

Mr. Taban Abel Aguek is based in Rumbek South Sudan.班先生阿贝尔aguek是总部设在苏丹南部伦拜克。 He can be reached by email: agaj_preciouson@yahoo.com他可以达成的电子邮件: agaj_preciouson@yahoo.com

A wrong theme for the Beijing Olympics
Sunday 17 August 2008 03:41.
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By Taban Abel Aguek
August 16, 2008 — "One World, One Dream" as the theme for the Beijing Olympics, though only in words, is as beautiful as the Bird’s Nest Stadium where the ceremony for the world sports was officially opened; but ironically it reflects exactly the opposite of what China portrays in the world.
Unless the theme is confined to suit sports only, there is no way one would believe that China could both be a perpetrator of love and peace and at the same time the mentor behind the war and genocide in Darfur. This proved beyond all doubt that China has opened its doors for the world’s Olympics not in beautiful colors but also in forms of an attractive wording to make up a theme that will put a curtain on the face of the world.
In terms of sports Beijing Olympics bring joy to hearts of many people around the world. However, sports are a little fraction of total humanness. For the world to be driven to Olympics with one dream, with China as the driver is not worthy. It has been clear that the world has never been one for China and is not one even as it hosts Olympics and enticing the world with a nice theme, to many people, is only one of the coloring flavors added to the Olympics. It is a paradox that one China cheers up athletes in Beijing and at the same time, cheers up the killing of the innocent people of Darfur. So how can the world be one for people in Darfur and what dream do they have?
Thicker than the Beijing wall, China is the main country that the Sudan Government uses to lean on as it commits all atrocities against human rights. Sudanese oil finds it way to China only to flow in rivers of blood in several parts of Sudan. When the President of Sudan went to China in the year 2006 for the Africa-China summit, he stood up and stated so ignorantly that the number of deaths in Darfur was a mere 10,000 people, not 200,000 as claimed by the media. Surprisingly, the government of China could not question Al Beshir, the president of Sudan, if it was not a disaster for a government to kill 10,000 people in a space of three years when they are the same people whose lives are entrusted to it to secure and manage with utmost care. Instead, China felt that was far too little than it articulated for the guns it sent to Sudan. If that is the meaning of one world, then the dreams are very many and parallel.
Today there is talk of all niceties between China and Sudan of a relationship that was long in the grave, recently resurrected 50 years after the discovery of oil in the South of the Sudan. There was no such relation before, and the most genuine thing about such affair is that the two countries, China and Sudan, needed a story to explain the revival of their intimate friendship because oil alone portrays more of a bloody deal than a mere economic affair. Sudan lost friends in the West and Europe, and another, not only as a substitute but also a defender in mistakes it may commit or have already committed was more presented in China as a rising super power and a rival to the West. The arms and veto that are both possessed by China are important aspects that make the value of the Sudanese oil something that is less than a business commodity, though Chinese relation is akin to a Chinese spare part, usually, that can not complete a round of a journey.
During the UN Security Council resolution 1607 that demanded the deployment of about 23,000 strong peace keeping mission in Darfur, it was China that first raised a hand against it and the main barrier against all the sanctions that Sudan was suppose to shoulder. In June 2006, after having secured assurance of protection from the China, the president of the Republic of the Sudan announced that he would lead war against the international peace keepers than be a head of state of a nation that was falling under what he described as a new colonization. He warned that because of this neocolonialism, Sudan, if it went to war with the West, would have been another Iraq in Africa; but again forgot to declare himself another Saddam. Yet, it was the same man and his Chinese allies that colonized Sudan more than ever before. Sudanese die everyday from Darfur in the West, Kasalla in the East and the whole of the South because of China supported government in Khartoum. It is the same China that supplies this rhetoric government with arms for purpose dividing one world into so many different suffering classes, with others living in vulnerable camps and slums, that today changes not in heart but in words for mere beauty and attraction.
After the Olympics I will be one of the people that will have their ears wide open to listen to China. The war in Darfur needs the intervention of China. The world has opened its paths to China and the only way it must pay back to all the people around the world is peace in Darfur.
Still this is a big doubt. China lives in its own world and has one dream: to be the world super power – if it matters that it should be at the expense of the poor innocent Africans so much the best. There is nothing that China can not do to achieve this status and the Beijing Olympics is one of the projects set to drive them to this target. For China to be a super power counts more than gold medals and more than half the Sudan – guess which half. Skeptics are never bad people. China will have to convince the world in action, not in words at the end of the Beijing Olympics that the world is one and dream is good for the people of Darfur.
Mr. Taban Abel Aguek is based in Rumbek South Sudan. He can be reached by email: agaj_preciouson@yahoo.com
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