rebecca514 发表于 2008-12-7 20:49

【08.12 6 卫报】从柏林到北京,不管总理还是总统都感到压力

【08.12 6 卫报】从柏林到北京,不管总理还是总统都感到压力
【原文标题】from Berlin to Beijing, chancellors and president feel the strain
【来源地址】 ... sion-global-economy
















From Berlin to Beijing, chancellors and presidents feel

the strainThe deepening world recession has dented prospects for many of the world's leaders trying to contain the financial fallout

The financial crisis has already changed the face of the political world. It decisively tipped the US election in Barack Obama's favour, tarnishing John McCain with the brush of Republican economic mismanagement. It brought Gordon Brown back from the political dead, making him appear statesmanlike, assured. It helped Nicolas Sarkozy turn his approval ratings round, as he too sought to offer crisis leadership and this week produced a package heavily larded with populist measures. A handful of other leaders around the world are having a "good" crisis, most notably Brazil's President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, another economic populist, who is basking in 70% approval ratings.

But across much of the world, it has been hard to avoid one of the intractable laws of politics - when the economy goes south, the people in charge get the blame. Canada's prime minister, Stephen Harper, is feeling the pain most acutely this week, but just about everyone running a substantial economy anywhere must now be worrying about their own job security. That goes too for those untroubled by the necessity of holding elections. Popular wrath has other ways of making itself felt.

China: Hu Jintao
It wasn't much of a protest: 100 factory owners and employees, demanding help to collect debts from a bankrupt company.

But the gathering outside government offices in Guangzhou yesterday was the most recent in a spate of incidents. And while demonstrators did not blame the government for their woes, they expected it to do something about them.

No wonder Chinese authorities are expressing real alarm about the world's fourth largest economy. The World Bank predicts 7.5% GDP growth in 2009 - the lowest rate for 19 years, after half a decade of double-digit expansion.

With other nations in recession, that doesn't sound so bad. Yet China is still a developing country, and 8% growth is thought necessary to provide enough jobs for the expanding labour force.

Above all, the government's legitimacy rests largely on its remarkable success in raising living standards. If progress falters, it will find it harder to explain why people should trust their leaders - and not try choosing their own. Most Chinese follow officials in blaming the US for their travails. And they applaud a 4 trillion yuan (£399bn) stimulus package, although it has proved less generous than first thought.

But last weekend, President Hu Jintao warned the politburo that the downturn was so severe it challenged the government's grip. "Whether we can turn this pressure into momentum, turn challenges into opportunities, and maintain steady and relatively fast economic development ... is a test of our party's capacity to govern," he cautioned, according to official media.

That does not mean the party expects to be overthrown. But implementing policy and keeping order is tough at the best of times in a vast country with 1.3 billion inhabitants.

Zhou Tianyang, a leading Communist party scholar, warned this week that mass unemployment could dramatically increase theft and robbery and other "menaces to social stability".

He added: "This is extremely likely to create a reactive situation of mass-scale social turmoil."
Tania Branigan



[ 本帖最后由 rebecca514 于 2008-12-7 20:54 编辑 ]

xusun 发表于 2008-12-7 20:58


gavien_1 发表于 2008-12-7 21:23


光明大使 发表于 2008-12-7 21:48


驴驹 发表于 2008-12-7 22:12


rainne 发表于 2008-12-7 23:10

Q71) 说实在的,中国所遇到的问题,是我们自己搞出来的.

rainne 发表于 2008-12-7 23:14


竹隐泉 发表于 2008-12-8 00:01


firetheworld 发表于 2008-12-8 00:29

回复 楼主 rebecca514 的帖子

中央最近头疼了, 当经济不再快速发展, 当很多人失业后, 人民对于贪污的愤怒及社会内部的矛盾就会爆发, 如果一个国家不能民主,如果人民没有出气口, 而同时又经济衰退,结果是怎样?
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