krypton 发表于 2008-12-16 12:20

【12.13 加拿大 环球邮报】 邓小平后的日子

【标题】 邓小平后的日子

Life after Deng

China's door has now been open for 30 years, but the world's perceptions remain skewed
December 13, 2008 at 12:00 AM EST

As I was casting about for some way to sum up the 30 years in Chinasince the start of the open-door policy, George H..W. Bush saved me thetrouble. In a recent interview with the China Daily, an officialnewspaper, he said: "I think it's not even questionable that peoplehave more freedom than they used to have. Now some people don't understand that. They still regard the Chinese asa bunch of communists."

This is the sort of thing an old guy who doesn't care just blurts out.But it's also true; Western perceptions of China are quite skewed.Moreover, it appeared in a Chinese newspaper. Okay, the China Daily isan English-language paper of small circulation, but the fact that thequote made it into print shows how far China has come since Mr. Bushfirst set foot here. It was certainly a communist country then. What isit now?

Thirty-four years ago, Mr. Bush came to head up the U.S. Liaison Officein Beijing, an outcome of Richard Nixon's opening to China and aprecursor to the re-establishment of diplomatic relations. It would befour more years before things really began to change.

The event marking that watershed moment — arguably as big a moment asthe Communist revolution of 1949 — was the Third Plenum of the 11thCentral Committee of the Chinese Communist Party. It concluded inDecember of 1978, 30 years ago this month. Few grasped that thecardboard speeches of that plenum would change not only China but theworld.

By then, Mao Zedong had been dead for more than two years. A powerstruggle had raged. In the end, Deng Xiaoping prevailed; the tectonicplates of Chinese politics had shifted. The open-door policy was born.
Other things happened that month. The United States and China announcedthe resumption of diplomatic relations; Boeing sold its first airplanesto the People's Republic; Coke said it was going into China.

Thirty years on, we know what Mr. Deng set in motion. By now, we canalmost recite the gee-whiz statistics: the world's third-largesteconomy, 40 million new Internet users every year, 600 millioncellphones, $2-trillion (U.S.) in foreign-exchange holdings and — myown favourite — the planet's biggest consumer of cement. This countryhas seen the greatest poverty-alleviation effort in history. Yes, yes,we've heard it all. But somehow, knowing this does not quite do thisplace justice.

I arrived in China seven years after Mr. Deng's triumph, in the fall of1985. I was employed by a Chinese "work unit." My local colleagueslived in cold-water flats they didn't own, rode ancient bicycles andlooked forward to the annual train ride to see their parents in anotherprovince. Getting a passport was next to impossible, and you neededpermission to read certain papers containing foreign news. Now they owntheir apartments, many have cars, and they go online to book theirholidays abroad. Most surprising, they don't seem to find thistransition, in less than a generation, the least bit jarring.

China's rise exhibits many interesting phenomena. One is the oftenskewed view of China beyond its borders, which is equal parts awe,greed and fear.

Awe, because it's so vast and so old and so storied; China has anenduring mystique (which its tourism promoters hope never fades). Thegreed comes from thinking that there's something in the China miraclefor us: Can we sell them resources, can we produce more cheaply there,can we tap that supposedly bottomless consumer market? And finallyfear: What if they not only want to buy our oil and minerals, but alsothe companies that produce them?

The self-contradictory attitude towards China is now at a peak becauseof the financial crisis. The Economist asked a few weeks ago: "CanChina save the world?" It was an economic basket-case 30 years ago, butwe're now counting on China's engine to keep the global economy tickingover. Its recently announced four-trillion-yuan ($72-billion) stimuluspackage has everyone hoping.

Despite the saturation coverage that China gets, what I hear from mostfirst-time visitors is "I had no idea." That normally refers to China'spockets of affluence, its stunning infrastructure and just what asimply cool place it can be. For whatever reason, after 30 years ofChina's open door, people don't fully get it unless they've been here.

Part of the problem is the nature and tone of the coverage China getsin the international media. The other day, CNN carried an item onChinese golf schools. Halfway through, up popped those hoary old imagesof communism so beloved by the cliché machine: a grainy MovietoneNews-style clip of Mao Zedong, inspecting something or other. Thevoiceover said ominously that the bourgeois indulgence of golf was oncebanned in China, and that recently there have been renewed calls forlimiting course construction. Well, that's probably true; they bannedeverything fun, we all know that. Buit in the clip, Mao wasn't anywherenear a golf course, and the reasons for wanting to limiting them thesedays are quite prosaic: Golf eats up farm land and uses too much water.That's it.

China has an image problem, and that old communist tag doesn't help. Ofcourse, the Chinese Communist Party runs the place, but it could justas easily be called the Chinese Pragmatist Party these days. Old-schoolcongresses with waves of clapping delegates are still de rigueur, asare the stars and hammers and sickles. It all makes for great photo ops— and perpetrates the myth that today's China bears any resemblance toour Cold War-forged notions of communism.

Of course, China has many deep-seated problems, too. For starters: apaucity of human rights, a growing gap between rich and poor, theenvironment, Internet censorship, a crumbling social-safety net thatisn't being repaired quickly enough. Pretty much anyone you talk to inChina these days will frankly acknowledge all these points; that's thedifference between now and when I arrived in 1985.

China is a place of contradictions and contrasts; it was acontradiction, after all, that set this chain of events in motion. Whatused to be called "Socialism with Chinese characteristics," that hybridof communism and capitalism, is what sparked this place to life. Itsarchitect, Deng Xiaoping, was a contradictory character himself. Hisvision created the freer China of today, but he was a disciplinarian —and the Tiananmen debacle happened on his watch.

Politics and economics are the two areas where there's the greatestdisconnect between foreign hopes and Chinese reality. For 15 years,various commentators have been saying China is ripe for politicalchange. It hasn't happened. In any event, China is not going to be aliberal democracy in our lifetimes and whatever system does evolve herewill probably never suit Western tastes. Get over it.

As for economics: Just what is China's system, and why has it managedto create such vast wealth in such a short time? The combination ofauthoritarian politics, state capitalism and a frenetic private sectorhas been a potent wealth-creator. China is at the same time highlyentrepreneurial (the private sector accounts for up to 60 per cent ofGDP now, depending on whose numbers you use) but also verystate-directed. There are far fewer state-owned enterprises in Chinatoday than a decade ago, but they are leaner than their predecessors,have healthy balance sheets and, importantly, are profitable. Many havebeen partially privatized through stock-market listings, but thecentral-planning hand remains strong.

This makes people outside China uncomfortable. They picture backroomsfull of cadres scheming about world domination. What they should bepicturing is boardrooms full of suits, scheming about their companiesdominating the ones down the road. These are big, strong companies,some of which want to play on the world stage. If you want to play withthem, you have to come to terms with the government factor, because itisn't going away. It's been amusing to watch the waves of paranoia thathave rippled out every time China Investment Corp., the sovereignwealth fund, has raised an eyebrow about an acquisition. This is apassive equity investor just looking for a place to park cash; it's notDr. Evil. (So far, CIC has taken a bath on the likes of Morgan Stanleyand Blackstone stock; they are not seers.)

So here we are, 30 years into Mr. Deng's complex and often fraughtexperiment. Look at it this way: China has now been longer in the Dengmode than it was in the Mao mode. Is this communism? Yes, but let'scall it Communism 2.0. That separates it from those days when Maobanned golf — and leaves open the tantalizing prospect of the upgradesto come.

当我寻求某种方法总结中国改革开放30年时,乔治 W 布什省了我的麻烦。他在中国官方报纸中国日报最近一次采访中说:“我认为如今人们拥有比以前更多的自由是毫无疑问的,但现在一些美国人不明白这点,他们仍然认为中国人都是一帮共产主义分子。”




















以下部分由高级编译 dakelv 翻译


joseph Cheng      from Toronto, Canada writes:
While I disagree with a few points in Mr. Grimmer's article, I find hisdescription of modern day China very insightful, realistic andinformative. It's a far cry from those nitpicking and one-sided Chinabashing dispatches of Geoffrey York. Thanks G & M !!


Bob G -from Canada writes:    
A very thoughtful and accurate portrait of China today , not unlikeSasha Trudeau's video documentary on CBC before the Olympics.
Onehundred years ago China was nearing the end of Qing Dynasty under thecontrol of Cixi , a horrible woman who had murdered her son theemperor. China was a nasty place after the opium wars of westernexploitation and Europeans had burned down the summer palace inBeijing. All things western were hated.
This was followed by 40 years of war and revolution and then 30 years of Mao , and more revolution......
Todayshe has spacecraft circling the moon and is becoming a freer and richerplace daily with dozens of TV channels and high speed internet.
Universities have grown like weeds, the one I teachat has just built a huge new campus outside of town.
Thepoint is, China has had an absolute emperor and no western style rightsor freedoms for thousands of years, yet its moving into the future init's own way at it's own speed.
There has never been democracy in China so people cant miss something they never had.
Things are changing in China and progress is being made.
Bob Griffith
Hohhot, China               


Bob Griffith

Vickky Angstrom   from Victoria, Canada writes:   
Amnesty International figures: 10 million political prisoners in Chinaright now; more than 50 million have died in jail since 1949; Tibetansare not even allowed to hang a picture of the Dalai Lama in theirhomes; the real Panchin Lama is under house arrest in Beijing while achinese child is put in his place. These are all simple facts.

TheChinese government has not changed -- except that they now placatetheir populous with rampant materialism just like the North Americans.When people step out of line, the Chinese government reverts to the oldways and tortures executes and imprisons millions.


中国政府根本没变 -- 只不过他们用极度的物质主义来安抚其人民,就像北美人一样。如果人民越界,中国政府马上就回到从前的嘴脸,折磨、处决和拘留成百万的人。

Paris M    from Andorra, Andorra writes:         
Well, if I could pay my workers .75c per hour and make them work 70hours a week without vacation or any other benefits, I could easily bethe world's fastest growing business! Surely those are not theconditions for all chinese workers, however if anyone wants tochallenge that the conditions listed above, are in effect for 80% ofthe mainland chinese labor force, please show me some hard facts andstats to the contrary. If China wants to be taken as an equal by thedeveloped world than raised the standards of living to match those ofthe developed world, not just for 15% of their population but for themajority of their citizens, including the ones that feed the country.Until then, it simply is an over populated third world country thatpays cheap wages to get ahead of others. Opportunism and exploitationare not social/economic models for long term development. Freeelections on the other hand would be a good step in the rightdirection!


Springfire .    from China writes:      
This article sums up current China rather accurately. It is full ofcontradictions and opportunities. To Chinese people, it is not asurprise. For Western audience, it is perceived so because they arebrainwashed by the main stream media on the daily basis.

The above two comments show my point nicely.               



Hans-Bernd von Haeften   from Canada writes:       
Paris is correct....practically non-existent safety standards, zeroworker rights, pathetic wages and a huge labour force, are the onlyreason China can compete.


Major T. J. 'King' Kong   from Canada writes:                  
Even with the advantages mentioned by Paris, China still produces garbage.               


J D    from Canada writes:   
Interesting article and largely a reflection of how China sees itself.Bluntly stating that 'China is not going to be a liberal democracy inour lifetimes and whatever system does evolve here will probably neversuit Western tastes. Get over it.' is silly. It is the viewpoint of thegoverning authorities, delivered in the style of the governingauthorities.

ManyChinese wish China would be a liberal democracy and it has been a dreamfor over a century. It will be a long, difficult journey but that daywill indeed arrive. China will be a better place. Get over it.



Tom Heinz   from London, United Kingdom writes:                   
To Paris from Andorra,

Yes Paris I have a few statistics here which somehow deviate from what yousaid (I am not seeking to challenge your ones but I'd like to sharethese)

According to statistics, China's labour work force as of2007 is 800.7 million, and 25% out of that working in industry such asconstruction and manufacturing, 32% working in banking and servicesector and 43% working in agriculture sector. The minimum wage in Chinawas raised again in 2007 and at China's manufacturing heartland,Guangdong Province the minimum monthly wage has been raised to $120 amonth.

Paris, I have a question which I have not got an answerfor, hopefully a bright mind like you can help me answer it. How canthe living standard be raised to match to that of developed world ? Byeconomic growth through different phases ? or just leapfrog from'developing' to 'developed' overnight ? And how can this be done ?

Iffree election can guarantee long term development then would you mindelaborate why democratic countries such as the Philippines, India,African countries, Thailand, Cambodia, Caribbean Islands are still poorand backward ?

I hope you don't see this post as a challenge but rather a friendly knowledge exchange.               


数据显示,2007年中国有8亿多劳动大军,其中25%从事建筑和制造业,32%从事银行和服务业,还有43%从事农业。中国的最低工资在2007年又一次得到提高,在中国制造业的心脏地带 - 广东省 - 最低月薪已提高到每月120美元。




悉听尊便 发表于 2008-12-16 12:42

文字组织看得头晕。。不过还是支持翻译 Q20)

闲登小阁 发表于 2008-12-16 13:01


dakelv 发表于 2008-12-16 13:04


千年明月 发表于 2008-12-16 13:21


rainne 发表于 2008-12-16 20:13


盒饭Janny 发表于 2008-12-17 01:35



心心知我心 发表于 2008-12-17 02:44


大漠金舟 发表于 2008-12-17 11:14


tony1984 发表于 2008-12-17 11:38


herqldh 发表于 2008-12-17 19:31


firegun_2003 发表于 2008-12-17 19:50


ieqa 发表于 2008-12-17 22:36


pzhcdx 发表于 2008-12-17 23:28




rlsrls08 发表于 2008-12-18 03:09


Dennis.Tw.Cn 发表于 2008-12-18 03:53



无可就要 发表于 2008-12-18 04:06





everemember 发表于 2008-12-18 07:49


tnnd1452 发表于 2008-12-18 15:57



桔子咪咪 发表于 2008-12-18 21:36

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