bylife 发表于 2009-2-2 18:50


本帖最后由 bylife 于 2009-2-2 18:57 编辑

【原文标题】Hong Kong schoolboy in online prostitution investigation



香港标准日报报道(The Hong Kong Standard reported),这位香港学生自称小良在一家成#人#轮#坛上表示愿意为“年龄在10到45岁的女人”提供性服务。


标准日报说,这个男孩被曝光后, 他在网上发表呼吁,请求校长不要把他从学校开除。



A 12-year-old schoolboy posted naked pictures of himself online and offered to be a prostitute to women as old as 45.

The Hong Kong student called himself Little Leung and offered sexualservices to "females between the ages of 10 and 45" on an adultfriendship forum, The Hong Kong Standard reported.

LittleLeung described himself as a Christian who was offering to "make love"to girls and women for $91. He also included a photograph of hisgenitals.

Angry internet users published the boy's personaldetails online through a process known in China as "human searchengine" where online resources and information are pooled to track aperson down, the Associated Press reported.

After he was revealed, the boy posted an online appeal to his principal not to expel him from school, the Standard said.

HongKong Internet Society chairman Charles Mok Nai-kwong said people whoposted information abut the boy should know they are committing acrime.

"What really makes things complicated is that a minoris at the center of this fiasco, but he should be given a second chancebecause of his immaturity," he said.

Police said the were investigating the case, but said no charges had been laid.         


陪你到天亮 发表于 2009-2-2 21:11


蔚蓝矢车菊 发表于 2009-2-3 12:31


强国之鹰 发表于 2009-2-3 12:51

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查看完整版本: 【澳洲先驱太阳报】香港小学生面对互联风卖淫调查