tenderstorm 发表于 2009-2-3 21:42


斯里兰卡新闻网(lankaweb.com news)


据披露,有1278家所谓非政府组织(NGO)在位于斯里兰卡的非政府组织秘书处(NGO Secretariat)登记,其中仅147家获得的国外资金就达163亿美元。记者无国界组织(英文简称RWB/法文简称RSF)作为其中一家受外国政府和间谍机构资助而化身非政府组织的机构,可谓伪装得最好不过。它和一些媒体和宗教团体沆瀣一气,对斯里兰卡近期的社会稳定构成严重威胁。







据巴黎的一家名为“红色伏尔泰”的报纸(Red Voltaire)披露,2002年,梅纳德和“自由古巴中心”(CFC)签订过协议。CFC是美国国际开发署(USAID)的前哨站,专门向欧洲国家宣传古巴如何压制迫害新闻记者。

2005年,供职一家加拿大媒体常驻哈瓦那的法国记者让-盖伊-阿拉德(Jean-Guy Allard)撰书揭露了梅纳德的政治恶行及其资金来源。梅纳德从美国国家民主基金会(NED)、CIA和欧盟等处获得资助。

美国自由记者和北加州传媒公会的成员戴安娜-巴拉红娜(Diana Barahona)在名为“回击”的节目中报道说,RWB是对卡斯特罗政权进行“新保守主义”攻伐的一部分,并从美国国务院领取薪水。

2005年2月,法国记者马克西米-维瓦斯要求欧盟指定一位仲裁人调查RWB和美国政府合谋破坏古巴政府以及阴谋干涉独立国家的政治、社会、文化和卫生体制的活动。前CIA特工菲利普-阿吉为维瓦斯提供了有力可信的证据。他供称,RWB的后台老板NED实际隶属于CIA。比如,CIA和NED在尼加拉瓜联合设立了一个名为“公民道路”(Civic Way)的组织作为活动前哨。欧盟曾给予超过120万欧元的资助,很显然地,欧盟对维瓦斯的要求根本不会理睬。2008年,她又写了一本书,名为“记者无国界组织的另一面:从中情局到五角大楼”。








Doha Center for Media Freedom)的主任。

通过对RWB的金主及其活动的简单介绍可以看出,在维克拉马通加(Lasantha Wickramatunga)被杀之后,它们利用影子前哨发动的国际反斯里兰卡运动如出一辙。



Reporters Without Borders:the real face
Ajit Randeniya

More than a century ago, the Austrian satirical review Die Fackel (The Torch) made the observation: 'The newspapers seem to offer up the spectacle of a million dirty hands holding a million brooms, all bent on sweeping other people's doorsteps'.

With the reported 1,278 so-called NGOs registered with the NGO Secretariat in Sri Lanka, just 147 of them receiving Rs.16.3 billion in foreign funds, the same could be said of the so-called NGOs. No other such body fits the model, of a group funded by foreign governments and spy agencies posing as a NGO, better than the outfit known as Reporters Without Borders (RWB, Reporters sans frontières, RSF). This group, in collaboration with some of the media and religious groups is posing a serious threat to Sri Lanka's near term security and well being.

A writer to 'Anti-CNN Forum' website best summarised the 'modus operandi' of RWB, as a covert CIA organisation with the aims: 1. Wage psychological operations (PSYOP wars) against countries with independent agendas, 2. Play down systematic media censorship in Western countries with 'Media-Freedom-Index' propaganda, and 3. Save journalists unveiled as intelligence agents from prison with dedicated campaigns.

One of the common propaganda weapons RWB employs is to accuse progressive governments of provoking political polarisation, and using freedom of the international capitalist press to facilitate sedition by assisting opposition groups. As the name 'Without Borders' warns, RWB attacks security laws of independent countries which aim to protect their national security, state interests and public order.
An examination of the history of this shadowy entity and its activities shows that the above observations are entirely accurate.
RWB was set up in France in 1979 by a French national named Robert Ménard, allegedly to advocate freedom of the press around the world and to help journalists under attack. He remained the secretary-general of RWB until September 2008, when the principled campaign of exposure of this fraud by the liberal media in the US, Canada and France ultimately forced him to ride in to the sunset.

Coming from an old French colonising family which had lived in Algeria since the 1850s and was forced to leave in 1962 during the Algerian war of independence, Ménard is essentially a French colonialist who continues to be angry over the loss of privilege that resulted from Algeria's victory of the war of independence. He seems to be unable to 'get over it', and is attempting to avenge his loss by resorting to devious methods aimed at destabilising all countries with a desire to escape from Western clutches. Upon returning to France, apparently he studied religion and planned on becoming a priest before he chose' media freedom' (instead of religion) to undermine the developing world!

For many years, various prominent liberal investigative journalists and writers in the West have denounced the largely political actions of the shadowy entity Ménard founded, especially with regards to its activities in Latin America, serving as a CIA front to back Washington's political and media war against the progressive governments in Cuba, Venezuela and Bolivia.

The Paris daily, 'Red Voltaire' revealed that in 2002, Menard had negotiated a contract with the Center for a Free Cuba (CFC), a CIA front funded through USAID to 'inform Europeans about the repression against journalists in Cuba'.

In 2005, the Havana-based French Canadian journalist Jean-Guy Allard wrote a book that exposed Ménard's activities, alliances, and sources of funding which included the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), the CIA and the European Union.

American freelance journalist and a member of the Northern California Media Guild, Diana Barahona reported in 'Counterpunch' that RWB was part of a 'neocon crusade against the Castro regime' and was on the payroll of the US State Department.

In February 2005, French investigative reporter Maxime Vivas requested the EU that an EU mediator be appointed to investigate RWB for conniving with the White House to destabilise the Cuban government, and for attempting to intervene in the political, social, cultural, health systems of an independent nation. Vivas produced strong and authentic evidence of the former CIA agent Philip Agee who stated that the RWB's paymaster NED was in fact a CIA front. In Nicaragua, for example, the CIA and the NED had created a civic front called 'Vía Cívica' (Civic Way). Having funded activities to the tune of more than 1.2 million euros, the EU, obviously, ignored Vivas' request. In 2008, she wrote a second book titled 'The Far Side of Reporters Without Borders: the CIA to the Pentagon Hawks'.

Pressure from these journalists forced Ménard to confess to receiving financing from NED, an organisation funded by the US State Department. Other funders are the European Union, the French government and the CFC (funded in turn by USAID and NED).

Journalists who are monitoring RWB have also noted that its U.S. financial report is prepared by a particular firm in Alexandria, Virginia, only a 15-minute drive from CIA headquarters, despite the organisation's claims to be a NGO with its US office in New York.

The NED that funds RWB activities in Latin America was a ceration of Ronald Reagan, with the objective of weakening regional governments resisting the US hegemony. Under orders from its paymaster, RWB made Cuba its prime target since the early 1980s, by calling Cuba 'the world's biggest prison for journalists', waging campaigns aimed at discouraging Europeans from vacationing in Cuba and the European Union from doing business there.

Since the election of President Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, RWB became a tool of the Venezuelan media magnate Gustavo Cisneros whose media monopoly was threatened by the new democratised media ownership legislation introduced by Chavez. RWB reacted by starting a campaign of bogus concern about the safety of reporters in that country, and actively supported the (failed) coup against Chavez.

RWB, together with other CIA fronts Human Rights Watch and the Committee to Protect Journalists, launched another campaign against the refusal of the government of Venezuela to renew the broadcasting licence of Venezuela's largest television network Radio Caracas Televisión, who openly supported the 2002 coup attempt against the democratically elected government. )John Pilger pointed out that if the BBC or ITV used their news broadcasts to publicly support a coup against the British government, they would suffer similar consequences).

RWB was an active accomplice in the crimes against Cuba, Venezuela and Bolivia, providing support through campaigns based on bogus charges of media harassment. RWB focused on these countries due to their ant-US hegemony stance rather than focusing on US client states in Latin America such as Colombia, Peru and Mexico which were (and are) much more dangerous for journalists. Menard also claimed to be 'unfamiliar' with the case of a Cuban journalist who is serving life sentences in US prisons for infiltrating the Miami groups who were planning terrorist attacks on his homeland.

Despite this dishonorable background, RWB continues 'confidence building' activities such as the 'Internet Freedom Day' campaign it launched on 12 March 2008. The so-called 'blacklist' of states, supposedly aimed at exposing countries with 'cyber-censorship' did not include a single Western country and its fire was aimed at the so-called Third World. The United Nations Organization for Education, Science and Culture (UNESCO) withdrew its sponsorship of (RSF) on the very day, presumably under pressure from its broader membership.

Despite resigning his role as Secretary-General of Reporters without borders in September 2008 and Ménard has now formed another front with financing from some of the Middle East dictatorships: he is the Director-General of the Doha Center for Media Freedom in Qatar which started operations in October 2008.

This short summary of RWB funding sources and its activities shows, that the international anti Sri Lankan campaign they started following the murder of Lasantha Wickramatunga fits neatly in to the model used by this shadowy front.

Sri Lanka's security, political and other interests are likely to be best served by refusing to allow this organisation to operate in Sri Lanka: UNESCO has set a precedent and the government could easily justify such action on the basis of the available information.

jianghaiheping 发表于 2009-2-3 21:56


f-kcnn 发表于 2009-2-3 23:39


☆520China☆ 发表于 2009-2-4 13:14


聆风王子 发表于 2009-2-4 13:21

感谢楼主翻译。 又见一位4月初的老会员 真高兴!

葱头头 发表于 2009-2-4 14:02


泱泱华夏 发表于 2009-2-4 17:28


tenderstorm 发表于 2009-2-4 18:03


chinese农民 发表于 2009-2-5 01:02


寒时觉春生 发表于 2009-2-5 01:21


midwinter_lee 发表于 2009-2-5 01:25



无可就要 发表于 2009-2-5 01:52


穆萨 发表于 2009-2-5 07:33


黑桃A 发表于 2009-2-5 08:36


上海闲话abc 发表于 2009-2-5 09:42

本帖最后由 上海闲话abc 于 2009-2-5 09:44 编辑

Raporters sans frontières? nonRacailles sans Frontières!
无疆界记者? 不, 无疆界人渣!

Robert Ménard? nonRobert Conard!
罗贝尔·梅纳? 不 罗贝尔·坏蛋!


wischp 发表于 2009-2-5 10:47


直角 发表于 2009-2-5 12:11


zycmail1979 发表于 2009-2-5 18:50


youllczlsmsyyk 发表于 2009-2-5 19:20


陪你到天亮 发表于 2009-2-5 19:32

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查看完整版本: 斯里兰卡新闻网:揭开“记者无国界”组织的真面目