空气稀薄 发表于 2009-3-3 17:21



原文标题:Tibet’s Rising Son
登载媒体:美国 新闻周刊

Traditionally, the Karmapa Lama would not become the leader of the Tibetan people. Tradition may need to change.
Prayers in Exile: Can the Karmapa Lama succeed where the Dalai Lama has failed?

By Patrick Symmes | NEWSWEEK
Published Feb 21, 2009
From the magazine issue dated Mar 2, 2009
时代周刊记者 Patrick Symmes
2009年2月21日 发稿

For a god, he is a nice young man. lean and assured, dressed in red and gold, the Karmapa Lama is a scholar-prince greeted with bows wherever he treads. He switches between Chinese and Tibetan fluently, studies Korean at night and occasionally interrupts a translator to voice polite outrage in English. In his temporary quarters, at a new monastery outside Bodh Gaya in eastern India, he can be glimpsed at dusk, between courtly duties, pacing slowly on a lofty terrace that overlooks women gathering wheat from the parched fields below.

The Karmapa, now a handsome 24-year-old with a shaved head, was born to a family of nomads in 1985. But then a party of monks, told to search "east of snow" for their new leader, found him in eastern Tibet. At the age of 7, he was enthroned as a living deity, the 17th reincarnation in a succession of Buddhist leaders of the Kagyu sect. At 14, he fled his native land in a dramatic escape over snowy passes to Nepal, and then India, where he attached himself to the exiled Tibetan leader, the Dalai Lama. Tibetans in the diaspora immediately saw something special in the Karmapa Lama—the deep personal charisma of his mentor, infused with the vigor of youth. Some saw, even then, a potential leader in his own right.

The Dalai Lama is without peer among living Tibetan deities. As head of Tibet's biggest sect, the Gelug, he is the revered and recognized leader of his people. He has won the Nobel Prize and built a global following on little more than moral strength, somehow keeping a movement of rival sects and international pressure groups united behind the notion of justice for Tibet. Yet the Dalai Lama has failed in one key respect: China has rejected even his mildest calls for autonomy and cultural freedom. March will mark 50 years since the Dalai Lama slipped into exile. Some Tibetans now believe that the Karmapa Lama may be able to succeed where the Dalai Lama has failed—if, against all tradition and precedent, he is given an opportunity to lead.
在西藏活佛中,达赖喇嘛地位崇高、无人能及。作为西藏最大宗教流派黄派的首领,他受到一干随众的尊重和膜拜。他曾荣获诺贝尔奖,作为精神领袖,其信徒遍布全球。由于种种原因,他将对立教派和国际压力集团联合起来,掀起了一场名为“为西藏正义而战”的运动。尽管达赖喇嘛成绩显赫,但是他在一个重要方面始终无法取得突破:即使他采用最温和的方式呼吁西藏自治和文化自由,仍遭到中国的一味排斥。自达赖喇嘛逃亡海外至今,这场斗争已持续了 50 年。现在,一些藏人认为噶玛巴喇嘛可能完成达赖喇嘛未尽的事业。若真是如此,根据传统和先例,他将有机会成为达赖喇嘛的接班人。

But a change of power among the Tibetans, as among less mystical movements, is a tricky business. Now 73, the Dalai Lama has shaken off minor illnesses, yet muses openly on his death or incapacity, urging Tibetan exiles to plan what may come after. By tradition, the 14th Dalai Lama will essentially hand off power to himself, when he is reincarnated after death. In one of the more intriguing rituals of Tibetan Buddhism, a search committee of monks interprets augury, dreams and mystical symbols on remote lakes, and then dashes off on horseback to identify and enthrone a baby as the next Dalai Lama. The problem is that it takes about 20 years before a credibly educated, suitably adult figure emerges to stand up for his people. And no political movement in this day and age—particularly one that China is determined to strangle—can survive a 20-year pause.
但是,在这场日趋公开的运动中,流亡藏人内部的权利更迭成为一件棘手的事情。达赖喇嘛现年 73 岁,身体状况一直欠佳,他曾公开表示了对死亡和行动不便的担忧,这迫使流亡藏人开始为将来作打算。根据惯例,十四世达赖喇嘛实质上应将权力传承给自己的转世。藏传佛教有其神秘性,活佛转世尤其神秘,活佛转世灵童的确定都是从一套神秘而复杂的宗教仪式开始的。通常,寻找灵童的僧侣会根据观湖解析预言、梦境和神迹,然后立即寻访转世灵童,在确定所寻找的婴孩符合要求后,便立其为下一世达赖喇嘛。但问题是,要将一位婴孩培养成学识渊博、举止适宜的成年人,并日益展露出领导才能,需要漫漫二十载。况且,在当今,没有任何一场政治运动能经得起 20 年的沉寂,特别是在中国决心镇压的情况下。

"The Chinese hard-liner strategy has always been, when the present Dalai Lama passes away, the Tibetan movement will fizzle out, or disintegrate," says Lobsang Sangay, a senior fellow at Harvard Law School who participated in a recent conference on the future of the Tibetan exiles in Dharamsala, the exile capital in western India. "So the issue is, is there anyone who can replace him? What will happen to the Tibetan movement after he passes away? That's the big question."
洛桑桑格表示:“中国在西藏问题上一直采取不妥协政策,如果现任达赖喇嘛辞世,西藏运动可能最终失败,甚至瓦解。因此,如今要考虑的是:达赖之后,谁能接棒?以及西藏运动将何去何从?这是一个值得深思的问题。”(洛桑桑格,哈佛法学院高级研究员,近期曾赴印度西部的 “西藏流亡政府”达兰萨拉参加会议,商讨流亡藏人未来走向。)

Lobsang is one of those who argues that the question already has a perfect answer: the Karmapa Lama can serve as a temporary replacement. Because he comes from a different sect, he can't become the Dalai Lama, but he could serve as regent until a new reincarnation reaches adulthood. The Karmapa is suited for this, in part, because he embodies the story of his people—a story of oppression, escape and exile that is very similar to that of the Dalai Lama himself, who fled Lhasa disguised as a common soldier in 1959. The Karmapa fled in 1999, at a time when he was under Chinese pressure to denounce the Dalai Lama. Instead, he joined the exile leader—after a daring late-December trek over the Himalaya. Some 150,000 Tibetans out of 6 million have made similar journeys to exile.
有些人认为这个问题已经有了一个完美的答案,洛桑(上一段提到的哈佛大学法学院的四年级学生 )就是这些人中的一个。噶玛巴喇嘛可以作为一个临时代替者。他来自于另一个学派,因而他不能成为达赖喇嘛,但在新的转世灵童成人之前,他可以担任摄政人。对此,噶玛巴是非常适合的。因为,从某一方面来说,他包含了他的人民的的经历:被压迫、逃离、流亡,这个达赖喇嘛非常相似,达赖喇嘛他自己在1959年就是装扮成一个普通士兵逃离拉萨的。噶玛巴在1999年逃离的,那时,中国对他施压让他谴责达赖喇嘛。然而,他在12月末,经过勇敢的艰苦跋涉,跨越喜马拉雅之后,加入了流亡领导。六百万藏人中的大约十五万人通过相似的行程流亡。

In recent years, the younger monk has been increasingly seen under the Dalai Lama's wing. The two live near each other in Dharamsala. Foreign delegations seeking audience with the Dalai Lama often find the Karmapa Lama included, or are urged by the Dalai Lama himself to seek out the newcomer. "He has grown up to be a very attractive lama to the general public," Lobsang says, "but also, importantly, to the young. They can connect with him. He's of the same age. They know the hardships he went through to escape."

At the meeting of Tibetan exiles in November, at least five of 15 working groups listed the Karmapa as a suitable candidate to lead the community in the future. He was mentioned by the prime minister of the Tibetan government-in-exile as a potential leader, and also by the Dalai Lama, who named him among several monks who might emerge to lead the movement. In one scenario, the Dalai Lama would appoint the Karmapa now, to serve after the senior monk's death as a formal regent, providing theological and temporal leadership until a new Dalai Lama comes of age.

By naming a young and popular regent now, the Dalai Lama could assure a smooth transition to a figure who has become like a son to him, while dashing Chinese hopes of simply outwaiting the Tibetan exiles. He might also help to head off a full-blown power struggle over succession. As it is, any new leader—or joint leadership—will have to balance sectarian rivalries, win over alienated youth in Dharamsala, mollify the demands of sympathizers abroad and possibly deal with rival claimants to the title of the next Dalai Lama (each with his own powerful tutors and advisers).

The Karmapa Lama is not the only possible choice to forestall a succession struggle. The Dalai Lama has spoken highly of other monks, including the reincarnation of his former teacher. In a theological twist, the Dalai Lama also ruled last year that he can, under a doctrine called madey tulku, select his own reincarnation while still alive (dualism of this kind—alive, yet already reincarnated—rarely bothers Tibetans). This would allow the Dalai Lama to shorten the period without a leader, and control the selection and education of his replacement. But Chinese officials immediately disputed the ruling, insisting they alone have the historic right to choose the Dalai Lama's successor. This means that two rival Dalai Lamas would likely emerge, clouding the issue of succession for decades. Here the Karmapa offers another potential solution: he is the only major tulku, or reincarnation, currently recognized by both the Chinese and the Dalai Lama. He could be the hinge on which relations between Tibetans and China swing in a new direction.

噶玛巴并不是(接替达赖喇嘛的)不二选择,他还没有在这场接替者的竞争中获得垄断性的优势。因为,达赖喇嘛还曾高度地评价过一些其他的僧人,这其中还包括(他所说的)他从前的老师的投胎转世者。去年,达赖喇嘛还运用神学的手段,根据一则被称之为madey tulku的教条,规定他可以在生前自行选择自己的转世人(这种宣称一个人活着的时候已经投胎转世的二元论,很少有藏人抵触)。这个规定(如若执行下去)将缩短达赖喇嘛脱离领导地位的时间,并且他的替代者的选择和培养也控制在他自己的手里。中国内地当局立即对此规定提出了异议,并强调在选择达赖喇嘛接替者这一具有历史意义的事件上,权力只属于中国和中国人民。这就意味着(西藏政坛)有可能形成两个达赖喇嘛敌对的局面,给今后几十年内(西藏)继承权争端问题(的解决)蒙上了一层阴云。现在,噶玛巴(的出现)为解决这个问题提供了另一种可能的方案:他来做中国人民和达赖喇嘛共同认可的惟一的主事tulku,或者叫转世者。他有望成为促使西藏和内地关系向好的方向转变的枢纽地位的人物。

The Karmapa's monastic order holds a prayer festival every January in Bihar, India's poorest province, at the spot where Buddha is believed to have attained enlightenment in the sixth century B.C. Called Monlam, the prayer festival had about 200 attendees in 1993. But several years ago, when the Karmapa Lama began to appear himself, the crowds swelled, and now 10,000 monks, nuns and lay people attend. They mostly want to hear the teachings of the Karmapa—regarded as the living manifestation of the four-armed goddess of compassion—accompanied by deep-voiced, ritualistic Tibetan chants and trumpets. This year the grounds of the pilgrimage site sometimes resembled a Buddhist Woodstock, with juniper smoke and an aroma of yak-butter candles blowing over the massed ranks of monastic adepts in saffron- and wine-colored robes.


Among several thousand lay people present, Tibetan exiles—women in striped aprons, and men in off-the-shoulder-jackets—barely outnumbered those speaking in the accents of Boston, Birmingham and Berlin. Although it is rarely acknowledged, foreign followers translate into Power. Donations from Asia and the West help build new monasteries, wealthy supplicants fill begging bowls with silk and cell phones, and lamas who can shuttle between Boulder and Bihar assume greater importance than those who cannot. The temptations of the material world are not unknown even here: at the Monlam festival, the Karmapa sacked the administrator of a monastic center in Gangtok for corruption. A sweating and visibly nervous replacement was led out of a meeting with the Karmapa as a reporter from NEWSWEEK was brought in to an interview.


The rituals of Tibetan Buddhism approximate those of a medieval court, with hushed attendants, servants lighting incense and fetching tea, and hundreds of petitioners waiting for a word with the "glorious teacher of the karma people." Still, the Karmapa observes the probities of monastic life, fasting and sitting for long hours of meditation. His own interest in comfort seems no greater than massaging his toes at the end of a long day. "A little tired," he explained in his tentative English to a NEWSWEEK reporter who interviewed him twice during five days spent following him around. Visitors normally present white scarves to high Tibetan lamas, but the Karmapa seemed to make little of the offerings, and playfully drew an extra scarf from a pile of luxurious silks to toss at the reporter. Most questions from journalists were "too easy," he warned through a translator.

After that flash of pride, the Karmapa directed attention away from himself—as befits one who has renounced the ego. Asked directly if he can replace the Dalai Lama as a leader, he replied that he was only one of many possible heirs. "The Dalai Lama is like the sun. No matter how many stars there are, they don't look too bright in comparison." A broader leadership could form, he suggested, "if many stars come together the same strength and power and brilliance of that sun."

The Karmapa shares the Dalai Lama's ability to navigate modern questions of geopolitics with a delicate balance of aphorism, riddle and ancient verities about compassion, nonviolence and generosity—along with modern nostrums on global warming and overconsumption. He has condemned violence, including the Tibetan riots against Chinese rule in Lhasa last April that killed dozens of ethnic Chinese. But he says he understands the "sheer frustration, the sheer sense of suffocation" of Tibetans scattered in exile or forced to live under Chinese rule. "For any living being," he said, "when you feel the force of being cornered time and again, more and more, the time comes when you have nothing else left except to explode."
格言,谜语,有关同情、非暴力、慷慨的古老真理,以及有关全球变暖和过度消费的现代秘方:借助这些之间的平衡,噶玛巴也拥有达赖喇嘛操纵地缘政治中当今问题的能力。他被谴责有暴力的(罪行),其中包括去年四月份反中国法律的西藏暴乱——在拉萨杀害许多(异教徒的)中国人。但是他说他深知因散步(世界各地的)流亡人士和在中国法制下受迫的西藏人的“彻底的受挫,彻底的窒息感觉。” “为了所有的生存者,”他说,“当你一次一次地并越来越多地感受到被逼绝境时,你不得不奋起推翻政权的时候到了。”

The risks of explosion were increasing, he said, and every day that the Chinese stalled in accommodating legitimate Tibetan demands merely increased the chance of chaos. "The Chinese Communist Party needs to understand that for right now, there is His Holiness the Dalai Lama. is the main force that is controlling the emotions, keeping the wave of anger from spilling out. When there isn't somebody like him, then there is a great danger." But isn't there someone like him waiting in the wings—the Karmapa Lama, perhaps? "I have no goals, nor any ambitions to be of great influence," the Karmapa said during the interview at his monastery in Bihar. "But if circumstances make me a force for change, then I am a force for change."

In some obvious ways, the Karmapa Lama is a wrong choice to replace the Dalai Lama. Already a tulku, or reincarnation, he cannot be chosen as the reborn Dalai Lama. The Karmapa is also from a rival school of Buddhism, the Kagyu, a small order known colloquially as the Black Hats. Naming the Karmapa as regent would effectively place an outsider at the head of the Dalai Lama's own Gelug, or Yellow Hat, sect. That's like sending an Episcopalian to oversee the Vatican for 20 years.

But the choice of the Karmapa is so wrong, it may be right. If the Dalai Lama acts decisively now to name the Karmapa as regent, or appoints him to lead in a purely temporal capacity, the choice could unite Tibetans more than divide them. "Theological issues are becoming secondary," Lobsang of Harvard notes. Choosing the Karmapa Lama fits "the political reality of the Tibetan movement."

"He's young," says Lhadon Tethong, the executive director of Students for a Free Tibet, which has 30,000 members worldwide. "Everyone talks about this. He's clearly a strong, dynamic character in Tibetan life, not just religious life, but spiritual and political life. He represents a new generation that continues to defy Chinese efforts to control Tibetans."

Asked during a second interview if he was in communication with the Chinese, the Karmapa at first demurred and deflected. He spoke instead of an enlightened Chinese policy toward Tibet, one that would be based on demonstrating China's Great Power status and accommodating Tibetan desires for genuine autonomy along the lines proposed by the Dalai Lama. The Karmapa then rose to leave, before being called to a halt by a reminder that the question was about contacts with China.

"I have no contacts, nothing political with anybody," he said—and then shrewdly conceded that some form of contact had taken place. The Chinese had conveyed, via India, that the Karmapa Lama should not engage in any political activities, he said. Yet if he remains purely a spiritual leader, China will not close a door on him.

"That's perfectly fine. I don't even know what politics is," the 24-year-old monk said with a broad smile. It was impossible to know for sure, but the smile could have been signaling just the opposite


courtly duties”指的是“主持(日常)宗教仪式的任务”。为什么叫“courtly”,见原文第14段。
“even then”是常用语,意为“早在那时”。“in one's own right”也是常用语,意为“独立”、“依靠自身能力(而非周围某个名人的携持和捧场)”。
早在那时,有些人就认为他有潜力完全依靠自身能力成为一名领袖人物。墨羽 发表于 2009-2-26 04:10 images/common/back.gif

简化:A replacement was led out as a reporter was brought in.
补全:A (sweating and visibly nervous replacement) was led (out of ameeting with the Karmapa) as a (reporter from NEWSWEEK) was brought (into an interview).
本刊的一名记者去采访噶玛巴时,看到一名刚刚和噶玛巴谈完话的新主管满头大汗、神情紧张地走出来。墨羽 发表于 2009-2-26 04:21 images/common/back.gif

“I wlways say to people,pray more ...do more good things,and listen to the Chinese Communist Party. to creat a happy life..”


文中的outwait,google解释为:“To wait for something to end; To gain anadvantage by simply waiting”,意思是:“等到最后,简单地通过等待而获取好处”。我翻译成“坐等,坐视”之意。

“outwait”翻译成“坐等”固然不错,但是这个“坐等”不是一般的“坐等”,而是特有所指的:坐等当任达赖喇嘛去世。国际舆论一致认为中国当今的西藏政策主要策略就是等达赖去世后藏独运动群龙无首。由于是国际共识,所以原文无须加注,但是国内读者可能不了解这个“共识”,所以翻译时应将省略的词语补全。墨羽 发表于 2009-2-26 03:43 images/common/back.gif

空气稀薄 发表于 2009-3-3 17:21


Posted By: jxl269 @ 02/21/2009 8:22:20 PM
Let???s face it. Tibetans, who cannot articulate modern science and medicine in their native language, will have no hope and a place in this world if they do not transform their life and society. You simply cannot survive in this world by just being a Buddhist. Tibet, if not being subject to Chinese rule, would be subject to Indians or others (Brits tried and almost succeeded). The white America have been lecturing the blacks to transform themselves and join the mainstream (i.e. accept white culture and English) in order to be successful and get out of the slum. It is a hypocritical act from white world without giving the Tibetan???s same advice. It is a cruel fantasy to rest the hope on another Lama.

Posted By: kyant @ 02/21/2009 9:02:27 PM
The west is so outrage about the chinese oppression of the tibetans. Where are you when the Israels (children of the holocaust from Europe) is murdering the palestians without world condemnation. China has a lot to learn from America. How it just took over Hawaii and Puerto Rico by providing the locals with welfare.

Posted By: misotofu @ 02/21/2009 10:55:46 PM
Tibetan Bhuddhism is probably the only sect of Bhuddhism that sanctions slavery.

Posted By: rjgunter @ 02/21/2009 11:13:59 PM

Tibet, an inhospitable place for most anyone hardy requires joining the mainstream. IN fact, the mainstream might learn a lesson or two from them. Fortunately for the Chinese, they can supply low cost goods to lull the world to sleep while they obsess over a couple of little old men in saffron robes. Paranoia is hardly befitting a country that considers itself strong.

Posted By: BBC1 @ 02/21/2009 11:39:10 PM
The Karmapa is acceptable to China, he doesn't dabble in divisive politics like the HHDL does and China never disowned him. The biggest threat to the Karmapa comes from the exile community itself, which views him with suspicion because of his fluency in Mandarin, and his reluctance to criticize China. The Karmapa also belongs to a different sect from the HHDL. Most people don't realise that the Dalai Lama himself is not even the head of Tibetan Budhism.

Posted By: jaihind @ 02/22/2009 5:37:34 PM
jxl, what a messy argument...
"Tibetans, who cannot articulate modern science and medicine in their native language, will have no hope and a place in this world if they do not transform their life and society."
Who says they can't? A Chinese? The Chinese call a computer an "electric brain". The Tibetans can do that easily, too. The Tibetan script is based on Sanskrit and has easily the potential of Chinese characters to adapt to the modern world.
jxl, 多么糟的论点...

"You simply cannot survive in this world by just being a Buddhist."
Did the Tibetans claim that? That's a silly allegation.

"Tibet, if not being subject to Chinese rule, would be subject to Indians or others (Brits tried and almost succeeded)."
Who says so? Bhutan which is much smaller than Tibet and on the south side of the Himalayas is independent. If anything, they are afraid of aggression from China. They never had Han neighbours until China invaded Tibet.

"The white America have been lecturing the blacks to transform themselves and join the mainstream (i.e. accept white culture and English) in order to be successful and get out of the slum."

The Tibetans were not brought by the Han as slaves to Tibet but were the original and only inhabitants of their own country until it was invaded by Red China. This argument is colonialist and hypocritical. First I make the natives of a place a minority and then I blame them for not adjusting to the colonial lifestyle!

" It is a hypocritical act from white world without giving the Tibetan???s same advice."
Well, that much for hypocrisy.

" It is a cruel fantasy to rest the hope on another Lama."
What's cruel about resting hope on a non-violent lama? The Chinese arrest, beat up, torture and kill Tibetans to impose their views on them, and if the Tibetans try to escape across the Himalayas, they shoot them like rabbits and call it "normal border management"...

Posted By: Parvardi @ 02/22/2009 1:30:06 AM

Posted By: chinajcc @ 02/22/2009 2:51:08 AM
西藏是中国的一部分,而达赖喇嘛是一个历史问题,需要对话和谈判来解决。我们尊重西藏的宗教,习俗和传统 ,我们让他们创造一个自我管理机构管辖西藏地区,但我们决不允许西藏脱离中国,即使宗教领袖试图做到这一点,用他和某种集团本身以外的整个西藏人民的利益来遮掩。

Posted By: chinajcc @ 02/22/2009 2:54:14 AM

Posted By: falota falota @ 02/22/2009 5:49:48 AM

无可就要 发表于 2009-3-3 17:30


f-kcnn 发表于 2009-3-3 17:40


一仙飞天 发表于 2009-3-3 18:16


墨羽 发表于 2009-3-3 19:30

本帖最后由 墨羽 于 2009-3-3 11:33 编辑

The Karmapa then rose to leave, before being called to a halt by a reminder that the question was about contacts with China.


注意是“rose to leave before called to halt”,不是“rose to leave after called to halt”。还有“being called to a halt”的主语不是“interview”,而是“the Karmapa”。

墨羽 发表于 2009-3-3 19:39

本帖最后由 墨羽 于 2009-3-3 11:41 编辑

A sweating and visibly nervous replacement was led out of a meeting with the Karmapa as a reporter from NEWSWEEK was brought in to an interview.



惊天破石 发表于 2009-3-3 20:11


任重道远 发表于 2009-3-3 21:15

He switches between Chinese and Tibetan fluently, studies Korean at night and occasionally interrupts a translator to voice polite outrage in English.


这是一整句,主要是表达他擅长多语言,所以,He switches between Chinese and Tibetan fluently应该翻译成在汉语和藏语间流利自如地切换,而不是"他在中国人与藏人之间左右逢源"

yoyo624 发表于 2009-3-3 21:25



tenderstorm 发表于 2009-3-3 21:29

本帖最后由 tenderstorm 于 2009-3-3 21:57 编辑



4。against 是违反,不是根据,不然不是名正言顺的了?
13lay people普通信众 ,,,,还有将近一半的人带有波士顿、伯明翰以及柏林等地口音。。。
   supplicant 不是applicant参加祈祷节的有钱人,,,
   美国《新闻周刊》的一名记者被召入参加通报会      AS 应该是连词,不是介词,
   broader 范围更广
16. 反抗汉人或中国统治。。。杀害了几十名汉人    理解,,,,的感觉
18. 黑教(噶举)    黄教(格鲁)
22 broad 笑着说:

发表时间:2008-03-04 15:01来源:长江网发表评论 进入论坛长江网讯  人民网  十一届全国人大一次会议新闻发布会上,大会新闻发言人姜恩柱回答外国记者提问时介绍说:根据我国法律规定,当选全国人大代表必须年满18岁。班禅喇嘛在十一届全国人大代表选举时还没到18岁,所以这次人大代表名单上没有他

墨羽 发表于 2009-3-3 22:23

本帖最后由 墨羽 于 2009-3-3 14:24 编辑

He switches between Chinese and Tibetan fluently, studies Korean at night and occasionally interrupts a translator to voice polite outrage in English.


这是一整句,主要是表达他擅长多语言,所以,He switches between Chinese and Tibetan fluently应该翻译成在汉语和藏语间流利自如地切换,而不是"他在中国人与藏人之间左右逢源"
任重道远 发表于 2009-3-3 13:15 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif

原翻译不但前一小句理解错了,后一小句也理解错了。“voice polite outrage”意为“发表文雅的愤慨”,与“纠正发音”毫无关系。


Chugokujin 发表于 2009-3-3 22:28


大地一聲雷 发表于 2009-3-3 23:58


任重道远 发表于 2009-3-4 00:27

Chugokujin 发表于 2009-3-3 22:28 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


tctc 发表于 2009-3-4 00:57

3# 无可就要
前些日子這傢伙還來香港騙錢, 跑到工業區講經, 說難聽點-乞討

utakee 发表于 2009-3-4 01:48


eillen1 发表于 2009-3-4 02:04

一个和尚 有什么好宣传的如来佛看了这些 特别是那个达赖喇嘛 估计要气死·~·

64396170 发表于 2009-3-4 09:37


竹隐泉 发表于 2009-3-4 10:16

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查看完整版本: 美国新闻周刊:西藏的新星-24岁的噶玛巴喇嘛(长篇报道)