Truth-home 发表于 2009-3-9 12:08


【原文标题】Dalai Lama 'too soft' on China, say Tibetan exiles
由David Eimer在北京





“达赖喇嘛一直在试图通过对话解决这一局势,但是,个人认为,对话是没有出路的。西藏的情况变得更糟,”顿珠多吉 ,西藏青年大会副总统。




电话和电子邮件的联系已经暂停,而在难以控制的僧侣的寺庙有武装警卫值勤。与此同时,大批藏族人选择不庆祝“落萨-(藏历新年)” ,西藏15天的藏历新年2月25日开始,以纪念那些去年的骚乱死者。


北京的残酷镇压去年3月的抗议,导致200名藏人被打死,数千人被监禁,助长了批评达赖喇嘛的“中间道路”的政策,安抚中寻求“有意义的自治” ,而不是完全独立的西藏。
“去年已经大规模唤醒藏人。他们现在所看到的任何敌对的无论什么都将看作中国的镇压, ”拉敦次仁,西藏自由学生运动执行主任。


流亡团体之间的差异迫使达赖喇嘛去年11月召集在达兰萨拉突出团体召开特别会议,在那里是他和西藏流亡政府的总部。“达赖喇嘛次会议上说'我的做法已经失败,告诉我下一步该怎么做' , ”出席会议的次仁女士说。 " “但这次会议是西藏流亡政府举行的,他们不会告诉他, '噢,你已经失败' ,因此这次会议以他的神圣而告终。 ”

与流亡政府里其他的达赖喇嘛的年长的追随者不同, 32岁的次仁女士和30岁的多吉是年轻一代更激进的西藏活动家,他们的一生都生活在祖国以外。与达赖喇嘛相反,多吉不排除武力对抗中共统治。

“西藏青年大会一直是和平的,但我不敢说将来是什么样。会发生什么都受西藏的情况和中国政府的态度而定,他在星期日电讯报说 。

受挫“中间道路”政策的失败,事实上,达赖现在已经是73岁了 ,这意味着流亡藏人正在积极考虑未来时,当他不在的时候。“西藏人现在讨论的有那些选择,如何选择将来的达赖喇嘛,或达赖喇嘛在政治意义上不再需要,多吉说 。



Dalai Lama 'too soft' on China, say Tibetan exiles

By David Eimer in Beijing Last Updated: 1:51PM GMT 07 Mar 2009

He is revered in the West as one of the world's most charismaticleaders, a man who has challenged the might of China with peacefuldiplomacy.
But 50 years on from his exile to India, the Dalai Lama is facing agrowing tide of discontent over claims that his non-confrontationalstyle of leadership is simply too soft.

Militant Tibetan groups are increasingly challenging the spiritualleader's authority ahead of Tuesday's anniversary of the faileduprising against Chinese rule that led to him fleeing to Dharamsala innorthern India.

Mindful of the fact that half a century has passed and Tibet'sindependence has still not been achieved, they refer to his "failed"policies and talk of replacing the figurehead of the Free Tibetcampaign with a more aggressive leader.

"The Dalai Lama has been trying to resolve the situation throughdialogue but, personally, I think the dialogue is getting us nowhere.The situation in Tibet is getting worse," said Dhondup Dorjee, thevice-president of the Tibetan Youth Congress, the largestpro-independence exiles group.

Debate about the future direction of the movement has intensified justas Tibet has been closed to the outside world by Beijing who areworried of an uprising to mark the anniversary.

Protests have already taken place, with one monk in Aba County, SichuanProvince, reported to have been shot dead last week after settinghimself on fire. In an effort to prevent a repeat of last year'swidespread demonstrations in the Tibetan capital Lhasa and elsewhere inthe region, Beijing has deployed entire divisions of troops in Tibetand areas in surrounding provinces with large Tibetan populations.

Journalists and foreigners have been barred from travelling in the region, which amounts to roughly one-quarter of all China.

Phone and email links have been suspended, while monks at the mostrestive monasteries are being kept under armed guard. At the same time,large numbers of Tibetans are choosing not to celebrate Losar, the 15day Tibetan New Year holiday which began on February 25, in memory ofthose who died during last year's disturbances.

Tensions are especially high in Lhasa. Animosity between Tibetans andthe Han Chinese who have been encouraged to move to the high-altitudecapital means that few Chinese, apart from soldiers and police, areseen on the streets after dark.

Beijing's brutal suppression of last March's protests, which resultedin 200 Tibetans being killed and thousands more imprisoned, has fuelledcriticism of the Dalai Lama's "Middle Way" policy of appeasing China byseeking "meaningful autonomy", rather than full independence for Tibet.

"The last year has been a massive wake-up call for Tibetans. They seenow that any opposition whatsoever will see them crushed by theChinese," said Lhadon Tethong, the executive director of Students for aFree Tibet.

Talks between the Dalai Lama's representatives and Beijing have beentaking place on and off since the 1980s. Now, many Tibetans believe thetime for talking is over.

Differences between the exiles forced the Dalai Lama last November tocall a special meeting of the most prominent groups in Dharamsala,where he and the Tibetan government-in-exile have their HQ. "When theDalai Lama called that meeting he was saying 'My approach has failed,tell me what to do next'," said Miss Tethong, who attended thegathering. "But the meeting was dominated by the Tibetangovernment-in-exile and they're not going to tell him 'Oh you'vefailed', so it ended up being an endorsement of His Holiness."

Unlike the older followers of the Dalai Lama who make up thegovernment-in-exile, the 32-year-old Miss Tethong and 30-year-old MrDorjee are part of a younger generation of more radical Tibetanactivists who have lived their entire lives outside their nativecountry. In contrast to the Dalai Lama, Mr Dorjee refuses to rule outthe possibility of violent opposition to Chinese rule.

"The Tibetan Youth Congress has always been peaceful, but I can't speakfor the future. What happens will be influenced by the situation inTibet and the attitude of the Chinese government," he told The Sunday Telegraph.

Frustration over the failure of the "Middle Way" policy and the factthat the Dalai Lama is now 73, means that Tibetan exiles are nowactively contemplating a future when he won't be around. "Tibetans arenow discussing what the options are, how to select the next Dalai Lama,or even if the Dalai Lama is no longer needed in a political sense,"said Mr Dorjee.

China, though, continues to insist that the Dalai Lama is a separatistwho wants an independent Tibet, and has stepped up its attacks on himahead of the March 10 anniversary. State media has also sought to blameunspecified "western forces" for exploiting the Tibet issue, as a wayof attacking China at a time when the country is becoming increasinglyinfluential on the world stage.

langyong 发表于 2009-3-9 12:25

1# Truth-home


wooddoo 发表于 2009-3-9 12:30





yoyo624 发表于 2009-3-9 12:42


Pal 发表于 2009-3-9 12:57


cowpa 发表于 2009-3-9 13:31

仇恨还不是西方这些子兔 崽 子 挑起的阿!!

lezaiyisheng 发表于 2009-3-9 13:57


外间幻想 发表于 2009-3-9 16:28


红色的血 发表于 2009-3-9 16:32

不是我自吹自擂 当初在写喇嘛号召不过藏历年的时候,我就留言了 爱过不过只是过后别说中国政府不让藏族过传统节日灭绝西藏文化.你看是不是现在发现不对了就立马把以前说的政府组织强制藏族人过节改成了不让藏族过节对此还有什么话好说.无耻到了这个地步Q67)

270332911 发表于 2009-3-9 16:33


99tea 发表于 2009-3-9 19:14


漫游的手 发表于 2009-3-9 19:20

西方就是利用西藏达到分裂中国! 它们的猖獗行动只会让中国人越来越清醒,不再对西方抱有天真的幻想,不再稀罕它们的‘民主’‘自由’

惊天破石 发表于 2009-3-9 19:31


惊天破石 发表于 2009-3-9 19:34

“国家媒体也试图归罪于“西方势力”利用西藏问题,在中国在世界舞台上正变得越来越有影响力的时候攻击打压中国。 ”

云淡蓝 发表于 2009-3-9 23:18


kusanagi20 发表于 2009-3-10 09:30


makelose 发表于 2009-3-10 11:35

外间幻想 发表于 2009-3-9 16:28

joangb 发表于 2009-3-10 12:00


yao_rh 发表于 2009-3-10 12:19


bqydp 发表于 2009-3-10 13:28

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