猴猴猴 发表于 2009-3-12 00:07


【原文标题】Aborigines angry a year after 'sorry'

【登载媒体】BBC四月青年社区( S7 X9 A/ W! @$ U. R
【来源地址】http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/7909649.stm; o, s& Y.v+ d5 e* e* v0 F8 W8 J

Aborigines angry a year after 'sorry'
Page last updated at 00:41 GMT, Thursday, 26 February 2009
By Nick Bryant
BBC News, Alice Springs
最后更新日期为格林尼治标准时间,星期四, 2009年2月26日00:41
由Nick Bryant
BBC 新闻, 艾丽斯斯普林斯

Members of the aboriginal community headed to Canberra to protest

This time last year, Aborigines in the Northern Territory boarded buses for the three-day drive to Canberra, drawn to the nation's capital by the promise of a single word: Sorry. It was uttered three times by Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, as he apologised to indigenous Australians for past injustices.
In the public galleries of parliament and at live sites around the country, the "sorry speech" was met with applause, tears and thanks.
Australia's Day of Atonement, as some called it, was deemed a triumph.
But 12 months on, I was in Alice Springs to watch a group of Aborigines embark on the same journey, this time to protest at the foot of Parliament Hill.
There is deep-felt resentment that not more has changed since the apology, and fury that the Rudd government has not only kept the rudiments of the previous government's Northern Territory intervention in place, but extended elements of it to Queensland

Harry Nelson accuses the Australian government of double standards
Harry Nelson指责澳大利亚政府的双重标准

Tough restrictions

The intervention was former Prime Minister John Howard's forceful response to a report which revealed that child sex abuse had reached crisis levels in more than 70 Aboriginal communities in the Northern Territory. Declaring a national emergency, Mr Howard banned the sale, transport and consumption of alcohol in indigenous communities, as well as pornography.
Big signs went up at the entrances to these communities designating them "prescribed areas" where the new regulations applied.
Welfare payments were partly quarantined, which meant that tough restrictions came into force dictating how they were spent.
Instead of cash payments, Aborigines received plastic cards that could be redeemed for food and produce, but not for alcohol, or grog as it more commonly known in the Northern Territory.
To prevent legal challenges to these policies, the government suspended the landmark 1975 Racial Discrimination Act. Some Aboriginal leaders, like Noel Pearson, gave these policies a cautious welcome, arguing that a crisis situation required a drastic response. Others have been enraged.
巨大的标识在这些社区的入口处树立起来,指明这些地区是新条例适用的“指定区”。福利金被部分隔离,这意味着命令他们如何花费的严格限制生效了。原住民收到塑料卡(应该是配给卡),而非现金支付,可换取粮食和农产品,而不是酒精饮料,或在北领地为人熟知的烈酒。为了防止对这些政策的法律挑战,政府暂停了有里程碑意义的1975年的《种族歧视法》。一些土著领导人,像Noel Pearson,对这些政策持谨慎的欢迎态度,认为乱世需重典,其他一些人则已经被激怒。
Barbara Shaw says the rules have demonised some communities
Harry Nelson, an Aboriginal elder, was amongst those boarding the protest bus. "The apology is nothing. I don't think the apology has changed anything," he said.
He is particularly aggrieved about the restrictions placed upon welfare payments.
"Of course it does annoy me. I mean we don't tell the Canberra mob, the white people, how to spend their money. "What I would like to see is the government people have their money to be quarantined, as well. I bet you they wouldn't like it."
But the government would say that it has reduced alcohol consumption and the myriad problems it brings, I suggested "The majority of the people don't spend all their money on grog," he replied.
Barbara Shaw is another Aboriginal leader. She lives in a town camp on the outskirts of Alice Springs which has been designated a "Prescribed Area".
"That's what we are now," she said. "Prescribed area people. Everybody behind those signs are either alcoholics or paedophiles - and that's not the case."
"You think the signs are stereotyping you," I asked.
"Yeah, and demonising our people. Stereotyping our men as child abusers and mothers that neglect their children.
"You are basically saying that all Aboriginal people are alcoholics beyond those signs."

Barbara Shaw说,管制使一些社区变成魔鬼

Harry Nelson,一位土著老人,也在抗议巴士上。
”他回答。Barbara Shaw也是一个土著领袖。她住在艾丽斯斯普林斯市郊的一个小镇上,这里已被划定为“指定区”

Aborigines fear their issues are low on the government's agenda.
Another common complaint surrounds the suspension of the 1975 Racial Discrimination Act, which has been condemned by many human rights lawyers in Australia.
"At an international level, Australia's track record in human rights is being tarnished, and our standing in the global community diminished," says Claire Smith from the University of Newcastle.
"At a time when we are angling for a non-permanent seat on the United Nations' Security Council, our own transgressions prevent us from meeting our international obligations."
As Claire Smith points out, this year, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on human rights and fundamental freedoms of indigenous people, James Anaya, is scheduled to make a formal visit to Australia.
There is a concern, as well, that the Rudd government's priority now is to stave off recession and to rebuild the fire-affected communities in Victoria.
Closing the gap, that 17-year difference in the life expectancy of black and white Australians, is no longer such a pressing national issue.
Pat Turner, a former Chief Executive Officer of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission, notes: "Aboriginal affairs is always the first casualty. And now we've got this international global financial crisis Aboriginal affairs is off the agenda.
"You do the symbolic things, that's what governments and white Australia is comfortable with, but when it comes to putting money on the table, it's not going to happen."
We had planned to speak to Jenny Macklin, the government's minister for indigenous affairs.
But she is now coordinating the government's response to the Victorian wildfires - which Aboriginal leaders would say speaks of the problem.


“在国际上,澳大利亚的人权记录在正在被玷污,我们在国际社会中的地位降低了”纽卡斯尔大学的 Claire Smith说。
”正如Claire Smith指出,今年,关于土著人民人权和基本自由的联合国特别报告员,James Anaya,预定对澳大利亚作正式访问。有人担心,并指出,陆克文政府的当务之急是阻止经济衰退和重建在维多利亚受火灾影响的社区。缩小差距,这17年在澳洲黑白人预期寿命上差距,已经不再是一个紧迫的国家问题。Pat Turner,土著居民和托雷斯海峡岛民委员会的前CEO指出:

墨羽 发表于 2009-3-12 00:41

本帖最后由 墨羽 于 2009-3-11 16:42 编辑

“angry a year after 'sorry'”是“‘对不起’一年后依然愤怒”,“angry for a year”才是“愤怒了一年”。
页: [1]
查看完整版本: BBC:在'对不起'一年后澳洲原住民依然愤怒