小竹篓 发表于 2009-3-12 16:42

华盛顿邮报: 中国要求美军停止测绘活动

本帖最后由 小竹篓 于 2009-3-12 17:41 编辑

登载媒体: 华盛顿邮报
链接:http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp ... R2009031101612.html
标题:China demands end of US Navy surveillance
翻译方式: 原创
译者: 小竹篓

虽然下月在伦敦召开的20国集团首脑会议上,中美首脑的首次会面被寄予了很高的期望,不过双方对此事的描述相互矛盾, 都没有屈服的意思。



美国科学家联合会的Hans M. Kristensen是首位在卫星照片上确认中国“金”级核潜艇存在的专家,

根据海事专家Mark Valencia的说法,中国想运用权力保护他在这一海域的机密,而美国要竭尽所能获得中国潜艇和海底地形的资料,类似“无敌”号一样的公海相遇事件将会增多。“这样的事故很有可能再次发生并且更加危险,而且也不会只发生在中美两国之间。”Mark Valencia在周三发表在“远东经济回顾”网站上的文章中写道。



中国的领土要求随着北京对联合国公约海洋法解释而加剧。中国认为联合国公约赋予了他在专属经济区内禁止广泛的活动的权力,这和美国的立场相悖。美国海军认为那是国际海域,自己有权开展研究。这两种相矛盾的主张是导致两军上一次严重冲突的主要原因。2001年,海南省南部国际空域,一架中国战斗机和一架美国侦察机相撞。这一次“无敌”号事件,北京的立场更加强硬, 同时引用了联合国公约和中国国内的相关法律法规。

小竹篓 发表于 2009-3-12 16:45

BEIJING -- China's Defense Ministry has demanded that the U.S. Navy end surveillance missions off the country's southern coast following a weekend confrontation between an American vessel and Chinese ships.

In its first public comment on the Sunday episode, the ministry repeated earlier statements from the Foreign Ministry that the unarmed U.S. ship was operating illegally inside China's exclusive economic zone when it was challenged by three Chinese government ships and two Chinese-flagged trawlers.

"The Chinese side's carrying out of routine enforcement and safeguarding measures within its exclusive economic zone was entirely appropriate and legal," ministry spokesman Huang Xueping said in a statement faxed overnight to reporters.

"We demand the United States respect our legal interests and security concerns, and take effective measures to prevent a recurrence of such incidents," Huang said.

Despite the sharp remarks, Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi and U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton met in a private meeting Wednesday in Washington D.C. to say the countries agreed on the need to reduce tensions and avoid a repeat of the confrontation.

But neither side yielded in their conflicting versions of events, even as they prepare for a much-anticipated first meeting between Hu and President Barack Obama at next month's G20 summit in London.

The U.S. says that Navy mapping ship USNS Impeccable was operating legally when it was harassed by Chinese boats in international waters about 75 miles (120 kilometers) off China's southern island province of Hainan.

Defense Department officials say the Impeccable was on a mission to seek out threats such as submarines and was towing a sonar apparatus that scans and listens for subs, mines and torpedoes. With its numerous Chinese military installations, Hainan offers rich hunting for such surveillance.

Of particular interest is the new submarine base near the resort city of Sanya that is home to the Chinese navy's most sophisticated craft.

Satellite photographs of the base taken last year and posted on the Internet by the Federation of American Scientists show a submarine cave entrance and a pier, with a Chinese nuclear-powered Jin class sub docked there.

While little else is known, its location on the South China Sea offers the Chinese navy access to crucial waterways through which much of the shipping bound for Japan and Northeast Asia must travel.

The Hainan base shows how China is paying increasing attention to the South China Sea and other important waterways that are vital to its booming international trade and the delivery of oil and other natural resources for the expanding economy.

China's nuclear submarines have up until now largely operated out of the Northern Fleet base near the port of Qingdao, said Hans M. Kristensen, the FAS researcher who first identified the Jin sub's presence from satellite photos.

"The base is attaining new importance ... this is the first time a large facility in the South China Sea is being used," Kristensen said.

High-seas encounters such as the Impeccable incident are likely to grow more common because China wants to assert its right to protect its secrets in the area, while the U.S. wants to gain as much knowledge as possible about China's subs and the underwater terrain, according to maritime policy analyst Mark Valencia.

"Thus such incidents are likely to be repeated and become more dangerous and they do not pertain to China and the U.S. alone," Valencia wrote in an article posted Wednesday on the Web site of the Far Eastern Economic Review.

China's claim to the entire South China Sea and its hundreds of islands and reefs overlaps with those of a half-dozen other nations, leading to occasional clashes and standoffs. Increasingly, China's rapid naval upgrade, exemplified by the Hainan base, is putting muscle behind its arguments.

President and Communist Party leader Hu Jintao, who also heads the commissions overseeing the armed forces, called on the military Wednesday to pick up the pace of modernization to "resolutely safeguard the country's sovereignty, security and territorial integrity."

China's territorial claims are sharpened still more by Beijing's interpretation of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. China sees the convention as giving it the right to ban a broad range of activities within its exclusive economic zone. That grates against the U.S. position that the Navy ships were in international waters and therefore have the right to conduct surveying.

Those dueling claims also lay at the heart of the last major confrontation between the two militaries, a 2001 midair collision between a Chinese fighter jet and a U.S. spy plane in international air space south of Hainan.

This time, Beijing appears to be pressing its stance even harder, citing both the U.N. convention and its own domestic laws and regulations

红色的血 发表于 2009-3-12 16:54

要是去离美国本土75海里地方也这么干 美国人会怎么反应? 直接开炮了吧

墨羽 发表于 2009-3-12 19:19

“surveillance”不是“测绘”,是“监视”、“窃 听”。

小竹篓 发表于 2009-3-12 19:53

谢谢提醒。 我另一篇文“美方称中国骚扰美军监视舰”(http://bbs.m4.cn/thread-147296-1-1.html)就是翻作““监视”、“窃 听”, 不过针对这艘船当时是在“ mapping”,我就译作“测绘”了。

cx621 发表于 2009-3-12 20:47

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