荡漾 发表于 2009-3-28 06:52


本帖最后由 荡漾 于 2009-2-8 02:21 编辑

【原文标题】Beijing to world: Don't take Chinese from Gitmo











   周二欧盟司法专员Jacques Barrot称同意接收关塔那摩监狱囚犯的欧洲国家可能获得财政援助。欧洲议会的主要政党正敦促欧盟国家接收大约45名关塔那摩囚犯。



BEIJING – Beijing warned other countries on Thursday not to accept Chinese Muslim detainees released from the U.S. military prison in Guantanamo Bay, reiterating a long-standing demand that they be returned to China.

In one of his first acts as president, Barack Obama ordered Guantanamo shut by the end of 2009. Last month, Obama gave a U.S. task force 30 days to recommend where to put the 245 remaining detainees.

Three of the 17 ethnic Uighur Muslims currently held at the detention facility have been cleared for release and have asked for political asylum in Canada, lawyers for the men and the Uighur Canadian Association, a nonprofit group sponsoring the men, said Tuesday. Two of the men applied last week and one applied in October.

The U.S. government and human rights groups say they could be abused and tortured if returned to China.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu did not mention Canada directly, but said China was "against any country accepting these people."

"We hope it will be handled appropriately and in accordance with international law," Jiang said at a regularly scheduled news conference. China contends that international law requires the men be returned, although there is no accepted consensus.

Jiang did not give details or say whether China planned retaliatory action against countries that accepted the men.
China says they are members of a violent separatist group and demands they be returned to face trial. The men were captured on battlefields in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

The former Bush administration said the Uighurs were too dangerous to be admitted to the U.S. Albania accepted five Uighur detainees in 2006 but has since balked at taking others, partly for fear of diplomatic repercussions from China.

Canada, which hasn't commented on the latest cases, had previously refused several requests from Washington to provide asylum for men cleared for release.

On Tuesday, the EU Justice Commissioner Jacques Barrot said European countries that agree to take in Guantanamo detainees may eligible for financial aid. The major parties in the European Parliament are urging EU nations to accept some 45 inmates from Guantanamo.

Privately, European diplomats say Chinese officials have been visiting their governments warning them against receiving the men.

Uighurs traditionally formed the majority in northwestern China's Xinjiang region, which borders on Pakistan and Afghanistan. Militants among China's six million Uighurs have waged a long-simmering campaign to overthrow Chinese rule, saying their culture and religion are threatened by communist restrictions and waves of immigrants from other parts of the country.


llq 发表于 2009-3-29 11:34


北门北风 发表于 2009-3-29 11:38


516265258 发表于 2009-3-29 17:15

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查看完整版本: 美联社:中国向世界发出警告勿接收关塔那摩的中国人