荡漾 发表于 2009-3-30 01:48


【原文标题】China's power to dominate

    英国罗汉普顿大学国际种族与文化多样性研究中心(CRONEM)研究员Sean Carey博士认为中国在破译出品牌营销中的文化密码之前,在许多方面仍将停留在世界最大加工厂的定位上。










    已故社会人类学家Ernest Gellner经观察提出一个颇有力的观点称多数现代经济中起作用的关键特点在于重“语义、沟通胜于有形”的物质。










Until China cracks the cultural code involved in branding and marketing it will remain in many ways just the world’s biggest factory, argues Sean Carey

Everyone especially new US President, Barack Obama, is well aware that America's position as a global superpower depends heavily on its economic performance.

And figures last week which revealed national income dropped by an annual equivalent of six per cent in the previous quarter must be worrying not only to the US Treasury but also to the State Department.

By contrast, things are much better in China. The world's third-largest economy is still expected to register growth of around eight per cent this year and has, in any case, huge currency reserves - nearly $2 trillion - with which to ride out the current financial storm.

And China is beginning to flex its military muscles - witness, for example, its growing naval presence in the Indian Ocean in order to control and dominate the shipping lanes transporting goods and raw materials, especially oil, between Africa and Asia.

It is also using soft power to good effect. A recent tour by Chinese President, Hu Jintao, of four African countries – Mali, Senegal, Tanzania and Mauritius - resulted in a number of trade deals and loans for a variety of infrastructure projects: bridges, roads and airports - designed to promote "friendship" and boost "win-win cooperation".

It would be easy then to make out a case that the current decline in US economic fortunes is a taste of things to come.

Indeed, there is already a substantial body of opinion that says that before too long the US and its less powerful allies will have to budge up and make space so that China can take its rightful place at the head of the world’s political table.
That China's economic growth will continue is pretty much guaranteed but my guess is that the effects will not work out in quite the way the country’s various cheerleaders are predicting.


Well, the late Ernest Gellner, a social anthropologist, made a telling point when he observed that a key feature of most modern economies is that work is "semantic and communicative rather than physical".

In other words, mastery of language and other cultural idioms - signs, symbols and metaphors – becomes progressively more important while working in fields and factories ends up having a marginal significance.

This brings us neatly to the world of brands and marketing for goods, services and places amongst other things. The amount of cultural capital that has been built up in relation to these semantic-communicative activities in the world’s advanced economies - especially in the US - is huge. And unlike a lot of agricultural and manufacturing techniques this knowledge is not easily acquired or transferred.

Leaving aside the oil and gas producers the most powerful nations (even allowing for the current economic turmoil) are those which have control of a significant number of internationally recognised brands which by earning vast amounts of foreign exchange not only keep the global economy moving but also generate and maintain political-military status and prestige.

And it’s revealing that in the 2008 "Best Global Brands" list of goods and services compiled by Interbrand the US has eight of the top 10 global brands - Coca-Cola, IBM, Microsoft, GE, Intel, McDonald's, Disney and Google - and 52 of the top 100 which is clear evidence of its economic status and power.

Most of the remaining brands – including familiar everyday names like L’Oreal, BMW, Prada, Shell, Nestle, Nokia and HSBC - are clustered in European countries including Finland, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Switzerland and the UK.

Apart from Japan which includes Honda, Sony and Nintendo among its eight brands the only other Far Eastern country to make the list was South Korea with Hyundai and Samsung.

So where does this leave China? There are some important national brands – the Chery compact car, Flying Pigeon bicycles and Prima televisions, for example – but none of these look capable of genuinely penetrating the international marketplace any time soon.

And that absence of bright, shiny Chinese-owned brands that appeal to consumers in advanced economies is a fundamental problem for both the country’s economic and political progress. It’s clear that until China cracks the cultural code involved in branding and marketing it will remain in many ways just the world’s biggest factory.

It also means, of course, that for better or worse the era of US–Western economic and political domination is far from over.

Dr Sean Carey is Research Fellow at CRONEM, Roehampton University


荡漾 发表于 2009-3-30 01:53


Ben Gee
06 March 2009 at 10:49
A 6% drop in output in the US drop its per capita output from $ 47000 to about $ 44200. A 8% growth of output in China improve its per capita output from about $ 3000 to $3240. Even when total oputput is used, China's GNP is only 25% that of the US. China will not be able to save the world unless the US, Europe and Japan can save themselves. To some of China's trading partners, China will help some. China itself is Not out of the woods yet. If China can not save itself, it will not be able to help anybody else.

06 March 2009 at 15:06
This article seems to be arguing again for status quo, the advanced capitalist model of the world that has been debunked economically and environmentally. What is the escape from the world of signs and symbolism we now find ourselves in? Baudrillard may hold the answer but I have not had time to read him. Any ideas anyone?

Riaz Ahmad
07 March 2009 at 01:40
China has come a long way in a very short time, it will most certainly do the same in marketing and branding.

10 March 2009 at 09:04
Do not belittle the Chinese. It is the Chinese that has enabled us to have cheap consumer goods. It is the rise of China that has made the US to think twice of its China policy. There are also conspiracy theories that the US purposely create the economic slowdown to retard China's growth to maintain the status quo.

Have you not heard of the spending spree by the Chinese to buy cheap upmarket properties in the US?

Please realise and accept that success is not just via the capitalist system where infact many people have said that the current economic turmoil is the failure of the system.

While the US is busy bombing poor and weak countries, China is concentrating on developing the poor countries and strengthening their economies. The Chinese deserve better then being critisied cynically.




12 March 2009 at 02:23
Good luck to the people of China!


0okmn 发表于 2009-3-30 07:12


黑桃A 发表于 2009-3-30 08:19


悉听尊便 发表于 2009-3-30 13:16

本帖最后由 悉听尊便 于 2009-3-30 13:25 编辑



Pal 发表于 2009-3-30 14:23


foryhi 发表于 2009-3-30 16:22


scholarzhang 发表于 2009-3-31 00:21


oracle0380 发表于 2009-3-31 11:37


热眼近观 发表于 2009-3-31 18:07


月陶然 发表于 2009-3-31 19:57


流星火雨 发表于 2009-3-31 20:48


中央办公厅 发表于 2009-4-1 23:21


悉听尊便 发表于 2009-4-3 13:28

9# oracle0380


千年明月 发表于 2009-4-4 16:09

9# oracle0380
是这样=影响力和统治力之间鸿沟巨大,认同感源自软实力,或者简单表述成底气十足的自信。到国人开始首选中国品牌的时候,则差不多可以开始谈中国的影响力足以左右世界格局。山寨不失为一种特有的现 ...
悉听尊便 发表于 2009-4-3 13:28 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif说得太好了,我个人在生活中也是尽量使用国有品牌,包括电器和各类生活用品,好象质量上从没出过问题。我家的全自动洗衣机、电视机和冰箱都是国有自主品牌,每台都用了10年以上,从未修过,联想笔记本电脑也用了5年,从未出过问题。其实很多人对国产的不信任,在很大程度上是心态问题,不否认国产的东西质量良莠不齐,因为中国工厂太多,规模管理差异也非常大,有的还是小作坊,但是著名的国有品牌,一般质量都不差。

悉听尊便 发表于 2009-4-5 16:46

说得太好了,我个人在生活中也是尽量使用国有品牌,包括电器和各类生活用品,好象质量上从没出过问题。我家的全自动洗衣机、电视机和冰箱都是国有自主品牌,每台都用了10年以上,从未修过,联想笔记本电脑也用了5年 ...
千年明月 发表于 2009-4-4 16:09 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif
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