Wrath 发表于 2009-4-12 10:41


本帖最后由 Wrath 于 2009-4-12 10:46 编辑

[原文标题]U.S., China and Russia Agree on North Korea Response
[登载媒体]TheWall Street Journal

NEW YORK -- The United States on Saturday reached acompromise with Russia and China over a reaction to North Korea's rocket launchof April 5, agreeing on a draft UN Security Council statement that"condemns" the launch and implements existing UN sanctions againstPyongyang.


The United States and Japan had initially sought a swifterand much stronger Security Council resolution that would have imposed newsanctions on North Korea. But the Chinese and Russians argued that the launchwas an attempt to put a satellite in orbit and were concerned that a harsh UNreaction would drive North Korea away from negotiations on ending itsnuclear-weapons program.

美国和日本最初希望利用与联合国安理会更紧密更可靠的关系来达到对朝鲜的新的制裁.但是中国和俄罗斯政府表明火箭发射只是一个发射人造卫星的尝试.如果联合国反应过于强烈, 将会使朝核六方会谈的成果付之东流.

The strongly worded draft statement, which calls the rocketlaunch a "contravention" of the UN's ban on North Korea's ballisticmissile program, represents a climb-down for Moscow and Beijing as itacknowledges that the launch was not aimed at putting a satellite in space.


"What the Council can do, and we hope will do, throughthe adoption of this statement is to send a very clear message to North Koreathat what they have done under the guise of a satellite launch is in fact aviolation of their obligations and indeed that there are consequences for suchactions," said U.S. Ambassador Susan Rice.

美国外交大使Susan Rice表示:”联合国能做和我们希望其做到的,是通过是向北朝鲜发一封明确的声明对他们假借发射卫星,实际上是亵渎了他们的责任”

The five, veto-wielding permanent members of the SecurityCouncil -- Britain, China, France, Russia and the U.S. -- plus Japan had beenhaggling over a U.N. response to the launch for a week.


After the six nations agreed on the text it was presented toentire Security Council for consultations on Saturday. Unlike a resolution,which requires a vote, a Security Council statement read by the councilpresident in a formal meeting is agreed on by consensus.

六国在周六通过了代表安理会磋商结果的正式文件.与通常有反对票的正式决议不同的是, 一个由安理会代表们在正式会议所阅读的议案被一致通过了.

Diplomats predicted that the statement would be issued onMonday or Tuesday.


"It is a text which sends out, as we intended, a clearmessage to North Korea," said French Ambassador Jean-Maurice Ripert. Thedocument demands that North Korea

not conduct any further rocket launches. Itcalls on all U.N. member nations to "comply fully" with arms andfinancial sanctions imposed on Pyongyang in October 2006 after it conducted anunderground test of a nuclear weapon.


Those sanctions, which allowed for asset freezes ofindividuals and institutions linked to North Korea's nuclear and ballisticmissiles programs, were never implemented in deference to negotiations ondismantling the nuclear weapons program, which got underway shortly afterward.


The draft statement calls for "entities" -- shorthand for financial institutions and individuals -- to have their assets frozen.The Security Council has until April 30 to come up with a list.


The statement would also give new force to a regime ofinspecting cargo coming into and out of North Korea for contraband goods, Ms.Rice said. Additional items could be added to the list of banned goods, shesaid.

声明也将给走私监察机构新的权力去监督进出北朝鲜的货物量(太狠了!), Ms. Rice表示.新增条目将被增加被监督货物的清单.

The draft statement says the Security Council supports theresumption of the so-called Six Party Talks on the nuclear weapons program.They stalled last December when the Bush administration insisted and Pyongyangrefused to put a verification agreement in writing. "All members that havecoordinated thus far on this draft believe this text strikes the appropriatebalance between strong statement, clear condemnation and consequences, and theexpectation that all will benefit from the continuation of the Six PartyTalks," Ms. Rice said.


"We hope very much that our colleagues on the SecurityCouncil will see fit to join this consensus and send promptly a strong andunified message to ," she said.

“我们十分希望我们在安理会的伙伴会看到我们很一致并且迅速的向[北朝鲜]下发了统一的通知.”Ms.Rice 表示.(赖斯女士,我觉得你一点都不高兴.)

墨羽 发表于 2009-4-12 16:17


墨羽 发表于 2009-4-12 16:19


墨羽 发表于 2009-4-12 16:59

“negotiations on ending itsnuclear-weapons program”并无特指“六方会谈”的字样。

墨羽 发表于 2009-4-12 16:59

“existing UN sanctions”中的“existing”漏译。

墨羽 发表于 2009-4-12 17:03

“agreeing on a draft”不是“同意”联合国安理会的“陈述”——不是已有一个陈述,然后大家同意,而是他们在反复商议后对一个草案达成共识,所以应该翻译成“共同起草”或“就……草案达成共识”。

墨羽 发表于 2009-4-12 17:06

“a swifter and much stronger Security Council resolution”根本没有“关系”的字样——是不是把“resolution”误读成“relation”了?那样的话句子也说不通啊。

墨羽 发表于 2009-4-12 17:10

But the Chinese and Russians argued that the launch was an attempt to put a satellite in orbit and were concerned that a harsh UN reaction would drive North Korea away from negotiations on ending its nuclear-weapons program.

“argued”不是“表明”,而是“论述”。“were concerned”漏译。“drive away”是“逼走”,翻译成“使……成果付之东流”太不着边了。

墨羽 发表于 2009-4-12 17:17

represents a climb-down for Moscow and Beijing as it acknowledges that the launch was not aimed at putting a satellite in space.

这句完全理解反了。原文说的是“was not aimed”,所以不是“只是……发射卫星”,而是“并不是为了发射卫星”。


墨羽 发表于 2009-4-12 17:19

“U.S. Ambassador Susan Rice”不是“美国外交大使”,而是“美国(驻联合国)大使”。

墨羽 发表于 2009-4-12 17:20

“and indeed that there are consequences for such actions”完全漏译。

rainne 发表于 2009-4-12 17:25


墨羽 发表于 2009-4-12 17:29

After the six nations agreed on the text it was presented to entire Security Council for consultations on Saturday.


墨羽 发表于 2009-4-12 17:38

Unlike a resolution,which requires a vote, a Security Council statement read by the council president in a formal meeting is agreed on by consensus.


这句翻译得比上一句更不找边:首先“vote”(投票)误读成了“veto”(一票否决)。“council president”是“安理会主席”,不是“代表们”。“agreed on by consensus”不是“一致通过”,而是“以共识方式同意”(只要没有多名代表强烈就算达成共识)。“is”表达的是正常程序,不是说“已经被通过了”(有别于“has been agreed on”)。

墨羽 发表于 2009-4-12 17:50

“underground test”不是“秘密实验”,而是“地下实验”:不是引申义的“地下”,而是确确实实的“地面以下”(甚至可能是数百米深的地下)。而实验本身不但并不“秘密”,而是是事先公开预告的——朝鲜甚至是全世界第一个(也是至今唯一一个)对它的首次核爆炸实验作出事先预告的国家。

墨羽 发表于 2009-4-12 17:53

were never implemented in deference to negotiations on dismantling the nuclear weapons program, which got underway shortly afterward.


墨羽 发表于 2009-4-12 17:54

The draft statement calls for "entities" -- shorthand for financial institutions and individuals


墨羽 发表于 2009-4-12 17:58


墨羽 发表于 2009-4-12 18:01

The draft statement says the Security Council supports the resumption of the so-called Six Party Talks on the nuclear weapons program. They stalled last December

“stalled”不是“搪塞说”,而是“暂停”。“they”不是指朝鲜,也不是指六国,而是指对话(“Six Party Talks”)。

墨羽 发表于 2009-4-12 18:06

All members that have coordinated thus far on this draft believe this text strikes the appropriate balance between strong statement, clear condemnation and consequences, and the expectation that all will benefit from the continuation of the Six Party Talks

“that have coordinated thus far”漏译,所以不是“所有成员国”,而是“所有至今为止参与了协商的成员国”。“balance”不是“协调”,而是“平衡”。“continuation”不是“延长”,而是“继续”。“expectation”漏译。
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