krypton 发表于 2009-5-17 12:14

【09.05.12 英国电讯报博】你宁愿在哪被捕,中国还是印度?

本帖最后由 I'm_zhcn 于 2009-5-22 07:55 编辑

【原文标题】China v India: where would you rather be arrested?
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China v India: where would you rather be arrested?
Posted By: Peter Foster at May 12, 2009 at 10:07:03 [General]
Posted in: Foreign Correspondents
I came across this Indian blog which links to the video of a Financial Times correspondent being accosted by local government thugs while trying to interview the parents of Sichuan Earthquake victims.


Look closely at the faces of the men who surround and peer into Financial Times correspondent Jamil Anderlini's car in Sichuan, when he went to interview the mother of a child who died in last year's earthquake.

让我们仔细看看这些当金融时报通讯记者Jamil Anderlini前往四川采访一个去年地震中失去孩子孩子的母亲时,那些包围并紧盯着他的汽车的人的脸孔。

They represent, in sum, the ugly face of China. Watch the video, and repeat three times after
me: 'China is an emerging superpower!' Incredible!'
I guess we all deal in stereotypes, but this view of China is one that I heard commonly expressed during my time in India.
It smacks of moral superiority and underpins the complacent assumption - widely held among Indian elites - that the lumbering Indian elephant will over take the Chinese dragon in the end because India is a messy, health democracy and China is a corrupt, inward looking autocracy.
A democracy India may be, but when it comes to police brutality, India keeps some dirty secrets which, in my experience, receive nothing like the attention that China's human rights transgressions do, particularly in the Western media.
This is not to justify Chinese abuses for a second - they are rightly condemned - but merely to contextualize them against the ground realities in India, as opposed to the stereotype of India as 'the world's largest democracy' which - while it may not be able to build roads, power stations and ports or prevent malnutrition in 40 per cent of its udner-5s - at least guarantees the basic human rights of all its citizens.
A report by the Asian Centre for Human Rights in June last year, 'Torture in India 2008: A State of Denial' calculated that, on average, four people died every day in police custody in Indian between 2002-2007.
I suspect that many British readers would be surprised to read that statistic. 'Much more the kind of thing you would expect from China, but surely not India,' they might say. They'd be wrong.
我怀疑许多英国读者看到这份统计报告后会感到惊讶。他们可能会说:“中国这样的事情可能会多得多,但绝不会在印度发生. ”这只是他们一相情愿。
They might be equally surprised to learn that India didn't sign the UN's Convention Against Torture until 1997 (China signed it in 1988) and still hasn't ratified the convention today, while China did so in 1988.

India also holds the dubious distinction, according to ACHR, of refusing an invitation the UN's Special Rapporteur on torture for the longest period of time since 1993. By contrast, Pakistan (1997), Nepal (September 2005), China (November 2005) and Sri Lanka (2007) have all invited the Special Rapporteur.
It's also worth remembering that when it comes to corruption - one of the single biggest destroyers of quality of life for ordinary people wanting access to their rights and entitlements - India (85th in 2008) scores worse than China (72nd) on the annual Transparency International Index rankings.
If you are stopped in China for a traffic offence, I'm told you wouldn't dream of offering a policeman a bribe. But in India the process is so routine it's a national joke - especially round Diwali when the cops were out for present money.
As for the 'ugly face of India', you only have to read the Indian newspaper for a few days to realize that the kind of thuggishness seen on the video linked to above is but mild compared much of the violence committed by Indian land mafias, corrupt policemen and the henchmen of criminal-politicians.
And does anyone remember the video which the Indian news channel NDTV screened a few years back of the Bihari policeman chaining a petty thief to his motorcycle and dragging him round the streets while the crowed bayed in appreciation?
Or the story of the drunken Indian policeman who threw two young boys into a swollen river because he caught them stealing from an orchard?
All this leads me to pose a hypothetical question which I throw open to floor for debate.
If it were possible to complete a free and fair survey of the citizens of India and China, asking a representative sample who had a better experience of daily interaction with their respective police forces, whose would come out on top?

Perhaps they are all as bad as each other. But stereotypes aside, I'm not sure I'd be confident in predicting the result.


ly9876654 发表于 2009-5-17 12:25


三生万物 发表于 2009-5-17 12:27


星火 发表于 2009-5-17 12:40


ZhZhchen 发表于 2009-5-17 12:57

印度民主还可以,有言论自由的,刚从印度回来不久,法律比较严格,腐败确实有,关键是穷,贫富差距比我们大,喜欢太阳神庙,道路很差,很窄,车都没有观后镜,刮掉了,或者直接拆了 ...
星火 发表于 2009-5-17 12:40
说实话 在中国我也没感到言论不自由~~~~~

heracules 发表于 2009-5-17 13:04

说实话 在中国我也没感到言论不自由~~~~~
ZhZhchen 发表于 2009-5-17 12:57你没有触及自由的边界,或者说你是刻意回避

没有记忆 发表于 2009-5-17 13:11

本帖最后由 没有记忆 于 2009-5-17 13:17 编辑

印度民主还可以,有言论自由的,刚从印度回来不久,法律比较严格,腐败确实有,关键是穷,贫富差距比我们大,喜欢太阳神庙,道路很差,很窄,车都没有观后镜,刮掉了,或者直接拆了 ...
星火 发表于 2009-5-17 12:40

heracules 发表于 2009-5-17 13:15


taga 发表于 2009-5-17 13:18

heracules 发表于 2009-5-17 13:04
嗯,的确是, 至少某些形式上, 国内的确是有很多限制的

雨蛙蛙 发表于 2009-5-17 13:24

嗯,的确是, 至少某些形式上, 国内的确是有很多限制的
taga 发表于 2009-5-17 13:18

heracules 发表于 2009-5-17 13:34

雨蛙蛙 发表于 2009-5-17 13:24

f-kcnn 发表于 2009-5-17 14:17


张无计 发表于 2009-5-17 14:29


向左微倾 发表于 2009-5-17 14:59


sam712 发表于 2009-5-17 15:11

印度民主还可以,有言论自由的,刚从印度回来不久,法律比较严格,腐败确实有,关键是穷,贫富差距比我们大,喜欢太阳神庙,道路很差,很窄,车都没有观后镜,刮掉了,或者直接拆了 ...
星火 发表于 2009-5-17 12:40


flyhawk 发表于 2009-5-17 15:31


ZhZhchen 发表于 2009-5-17 15:52

本帖最后由 ZhZhchen 于 2009-5-17 16:27 编辑

heracules 发表于 2009-5-17 13:04
说实话 我以前是很反党的 初中时还站在公安局门口喊过打到GCD 建立资本主义社会呢 警察看到都不管~~不管是不是因为派出所人看我年龄小但那足以能说明问题了    说话正真触及到统治基础了有谁不管   即使是“民主”台湾还不被成龙那一句话弄得上蹿下跳 只是成龙太有名 没人敢动手

ZhZhchen 发表于 2009-5-17 16:07

本帖最后由 ZhZhchen 于 2009-5-17 16:13 编辑

之所以西方敢于在一定程度上放开言论 是因为他们的执政和统治基础已经被放在正义的角度上了 你反对就是反民主 是违背大众心愿的 是得不到大幅度的相应的   可是这么多年 西方已经把中国政府宣扬成邪恶的化身了 是人民的公敌 是不民主的 所以一旦提到民主 人们就会觉得中国政府剥夺了自己的人权 一旦响应到一定程度人们就会群起攻之 人们会感觉到自己是“正确”且“正义”的一边可实际上是么政府当然要控制政府有禁止声讨贪官么 可以提议加强监督 但是由此一扯到“民主”政府在这个大背景下怎么可能不管西方人可以攻击政府但你攻击你就是反民主 反人权 在大部分人眼里自取其辱 还不如把握自己的投票权 (慢慢)期待国家有什么变化         除了讨论具体的监督手段 以及加强监督泛泛讨论这个世界上甚至还不存在的西方理想民主 有意义么

ZhZhchen 发表于 2009-5-17 16:13

本帖最后由 ZhZhchen 于 2009-5-17 16:49 编辑

sam712 发表于 2009-5-17 15:11
这在印度应该是很常见的吧目的是保护动物的自由 出发点的确是好的 但安全更重要

ZhZhchen 发表于 2009-5-17 16:29

民主制度最大的弊端是人们总觉得在这种制度下什么都可以改善 但实际这是最悲哀的
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