nbnbren 发表于 2009-6-14 14:37

【09.06.12 澳大利亚人报】中国出口创纪录暴跌26%

本帖最后由 I'm_zhcn 于 2009-6-15 02:10 编辑

【原文标题】China's exports in record 26 per cent fall【登载媒体】澳大利亚人报【来源地址】http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/business/story/0,28124,25622777-5018066,00.html

CHINA's exports slumped by a record margin in May, recording the worst performance in more than six years as the financial crisis slashed demand for Chinese products.


The export figures were worse than market expectations for the second month running, slumping 26.4 per cent from a year earlier -- and exceeding last month's fall of 22.6 per cent.


Imports also fell sharply, plummeting 25.2 per cent, surpassing April's 23 per cent decline.


The latest figures have cast fresh doubts on China's economy and increased pressure on the government to boost domestic consumption.


"This was the worst (export) performance in at least six years, and well below the consensus for 23 per cent," ANZ Bank analyst Chang Wie Liang said.

澳洲ANZ银行分析师Chang Wie Liang说:“这是至少六年来最差的出口成绩,在大多数人认为的23%以下。”

"Price developments should have lifted the value of exports, suggesting a much larger impact in volume terms."


The data underscored an unhealthy shift in the composition of demand towards public investment and away from private business investment and exports, Royal Bank of Scotland economist Ben Simpfendorfer said.

苏格兰皇家银行经济师Ben Simpfendorfer说,这些数据 强调了需求部分的不健康转向公共投资,不包括私营商业投资和出口。

"Exports remain weak, but a high base of comparison exaggerates the year on year rate of deterioration," he said.


"Fixed investment was strong, but mainly on fiscal deficit spending, while anecdote indicates that private business investment is likely to be contracting as factory utilisation and profits fall."


However, figures released yesterday also showed that China's spending on factories, property and roads surged by the most in five years, as the government's 4 trillion yuan ($722 billion) stimulus package countered a record slump in exports.


China's urban fixed-asset investment in the first five months rose 32.9 per centto 5.352 trillion yuan.


Earlier this week the policy thinktank for China's cabinet warned that the country's economic recovery would be mild and unstable.


JPMorgan China equities chief Jing Ulrich said the health of the consumer economy in the US, China's largest export destination, accounting for 18 per cent of total volume, remained uncertain.

JPMorgan 中国股份领导Jing Ulrich 说,中国最大出口目的地,占到出口总额的18%,美国消费经济仍然不那么确定。

US retail sales shrank by 0.4 per cent in April, but the US Conference Board's consumer confidence index rose from 40.8 in April to 54.9 in May -- the biggest monthly jump since April 2003.

4月,美国零售额下跌0.4%,但是 US Conference Board(美国会议委员会)的消费者信心指数从4月的40.8%上升到5月的54.9%,是自2003年以来最大的月攀升。

"Unsurprisingly, infrastructure investment has shown the greatest momentum," Ms Ulrich said.


"The full economic impact of China's stimulus-driven infrastructure expansion is likely to become more apparent in the second half of 2009, but there is little that the government can do about weak external demand, except to offer exporters support through tax benefits and VAT rebates.


"For China's nascent economic recovery to be sustainable beyond the short term, policymakers must take steps to ensure that consumption remains on a firm growth trajectory, and that the investment boom does not exacerbate the economy's structural imbalances."


翻译交流见 沙发 #6
"Price developments should have lifted the value of exports, suggesting a much larger impact in volume terms."

nbnbren 发表于 2009-6-14 14:37 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif

我的理解是:出口总值 = 价格 乘以 出口货物总量, 如果价格波动了,要得到同样的生产利润,需要出口的货物总量就相应变化。 而且,这与原材料的价格波动也密切相关,因为这关系到不可压缩的生产成本。目前的趋势是: 石油等原材料产品的价格上升,而消费品需求不足引起市场价格低迷,所以生产厂家的日子很不好过。
孜心 发表于 2009-6-14 16:34 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif

nbnbren 发表于 2009-6-14 14:37

"Price developments should have lifted the value of exports, suggesting a much larger impact in volume terms."


nbnbren 发表于 2009-6-14 14:39



龙腾在天 发表于 2009-6-14 14:49



龙腾在天 发表于 2009-6-14 14:50



孜心 发表于 2009-6-14 16:34

"Price developments should have lifted the value of exports, suggesting a much larger impact in volume terms."

nbnbren 发表于 2009-6-14 14:37 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif

我的理解是:出口总值 = 价格 乘以 出口货物总量, 如果价格波动了,要得到同样的生产利润,需要出口的货物总量就相应变化。 而且,这与原材料的价格波动也密切相关,因为这关系到不可压缩的生产成本。目前的趋势是: 石油等原材料产品的价格上升,而消费品需求不足引起市场价格低迷,所以生产厂家的日子很不好过。

nbnbren 发表于 2009-6-14 16:36


dnh7688 发表于 2009-6-14 21:40


榕榕 发表于 2009-6-15 00:14


听风名雨 发表于 2009-6-15 15:48


红色的血 发表于 2009-6-16 17:23

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