忧心 发表于 2009-7-25 14:14

【2009.07.23 美联社】比利时犯人用直升机上演越狱传奇

本帖最后由 忧心 于 2009-7-25 14:19 编辑

【原文标题】Inmates break out of Belgian prison in helicopter
【登载媒体】美联社(AP News)
Inmates break out of Belgian prison in helicopter

BRUSSELS (AP) -- Belgian authorities say three inmates made a dramatic escape from prison by helicopter.

美联社布鲁塞尔消息 ---- 比利时有关部门称3名犯人用直升机上演了越狱传奇。

Bruges prosecutor's office spokesman Marc Florens tells VRT television that an accomplice hijacked a helicopter Thursday and forced its pilot to fly into the prison yard, where the men got inside.

布鲁日检方发言人Marc Florens告诉VRT电台说,越狱犯的同谋者周四劫持了一架直升机,胁迫飞行员飞到犯人所在的监狱院中。

He says they flew to a field 20 kilometers from Bruges, near a highway where they stole a black Mercedes and got away. Police say they have found no trace of the car.


One of the men was identified as Ashraf Sekkaki, a 26-year-old convicted bank robber who has been described as one of the most dangerous criminals in Belgium. Sekkaki escaped from another prison in 2003.

其中一名越狱犯被确定为Ashraf Sekkaki,他是一名26岁的银行劫匪,被认为是比利时最危险的罪犯之一。Sekkaki曾于2003年从另一所监狱中逃跑。

An inmate escaped by helicopter from another Belgian prison in 2007. He was arrested two days later



whitesnow 发表于 2009-7-25 14:38



vip0yang 发表于 2009-7-27 11:33

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