孙无空 发表于 2009-8-3 13:41

【09.07.13 澳大利亚人报】北京持续增加羞辱(澳大利亚)

本帖最后由 vivicat 于 2009-8-3 14:23 编辑

【原文标题】Beijing ramps up the humiliation

Beijing ramps up the humiliation


Greg Sheridan, Foreign editor| July 13, 2009
Article from:The Australian

IF Rio Tinto executive Stern Hu is not released from a Chinese prison soon, the pressure on Foreign Minister Stephen Smith and Kevin Rudd to intervene directly with their counterparts will become irresistible.

如果力拓职员Stern Hu 还没有从中国监狱中马上释放出来,那么需要外长Stephen Smith和路克文对中国同级别的人直接干涉的压力,也将不可避免。

If it reaches that stage, their intervention will probably be ineffective, and that would be even more humiliating.


Trade Minister Simon Crean has made representations on Hu's behalf, but was given a mid-level official to deal with. The Chinese seem determined to continue to humiliate Canberra.

贸易部长Simon Crean就胡事件发表了一个声明,但也只是得到了一个中级别的官方处理意见。中国看起来是铁了心要继续羞辱堪培拉。

The bottom line is clear - if Hu is not released, our relationship with China is shattered and the Rudd government will be profoundly embarrassed and seen to have no influence in Beijing.


So far, there is nothing to criticise in the Rudd government's response. It is doing everything it can and understands the grotesque injustice done to Hu, the intimidation China is trying to exert on Australia and the high stakes involved.


Prime ministerial and foreign minister calls are cards Canberra will need to play eventually, but it is reasonable to extend some tactical flexibility to the Rudd government.


However, there is also nothing wrong in Malcolm Turnbull's energetic prosecution of the issue.

不管怎么说, Malcolm Turnbull积极参与这件事情也是完全正确的。

Only if the broad Australian civil society demonstrates its shock and anger at China's crude tactics of intimidation is there a chance that cooler heads in Beijing might see the damage these outrageous actions are doing to China's reputation internationally, as well as its interests in Australia.


Indeed, in its own way, and within only the limits of formal diplomatic constraints, the Rudd government was itself making maximum efforts yesterday to put pressure on the Chinese authorities along these lines.


Both Smith and Assistant Treasurer Chris Bowen tellingly said that China would harm its reputation among international companies, and discourage foreign businessmen from working there, through its actions in the Hu matter.

外长和财长助理Chris Bowen明白告诉中国,通过他们对于胡采取的行动,将在国际公司中损害其名誉,也将使工作在中国的外国商人感到灰心。

These comments can only be based on the presumption, which is shared by every reasonable observer, that the charges against Hu are completely ridiculous, and completely political.


It is important, analytically, not to get caught up in the proceduralism of the Chinese legal system. There is no rule of law in China. The Chinese have made it clear they can regard any commercial matter as a matter of their national interest, and any negotiation involving it therefore as involving Chinese state secrets.


Under this system, they can intervene legally in any business deal they do not like and imprison anyone they choose.


The decision to imprison Hu was a political decision and therefore the decision to release him must occur at the political level.


Eventually the Prime Minister and Smith must secure this result. It is extremely discouraging that Smith commented that "we may be in for the long haul".


There is always a bureaucratic temptation to sacrifice the individual for the sake of stability in any bilateral relationship.


To do so in this case would be to accept China's right to arbitrarily punish any Australian involved in a business deal that China Inc does not like. It would permanently and radically tilt the playing field against Australia in any future business negotiation if the Australian side is always to labour under the fear of arbitrary imprisonment in China.


If this is the case, then the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade should issue a travel warning pointing out to Australian businessmen that they face the danger of arbitrary arrest and lengthy detention in China if they, their company or even the Australian government displease the Chinese.


Certainly that commentary in the press which has equated Hu's case with Schapelle Corby's is utterly inane, an example of the breathtaking naivety and provincialism of which Australians are capable. The airport police in Bali were pursuing no government agenda and consular access was granted to Corby straight away.

当然,那些对此事件的言论的施加压力同Schapelle Corby案子一样,显得空洞无力。这是澳大利亚无比天真和乡下人作风的活生生的例子,巴厘岛机场警察还是在没有进入政府程序和外交进入下,就批准对Schapelle Corby拘捕。

Apart from the fact there is nothing in Hu's character to suggest criminal espionage as a sideline, it is inconceivable that after Rio had earned China Inc's fury for rejecting the Chinalco partial takeover bid, and in the middle of the tense iron ore price negotiations, the No2 Rio man in China would choose this time to run a criminal operation courting a lengthy jail term at best.


One of the most important lessons to come out of this mess is the absolute shattering of the myth that Chinese government-owned commercial entities are not part of China Inc. In their actions against Hu, the Chinese authorities have explicitly said that commercial matters are matters of national security for China and that commercial information can be regarded as a state secret whenever China likes, and foreign executives can be imprisoned at will. The implications for Chinese conduct of investments in Australia is clear.


The Foreign Investment Review Board, perhaps at the direction of the Rudd government, needs to factor this information in to all future decisions about proposed Chinese strategic investments in Australia.


孙无空 发表于 2009-8-3 13:49

注:Schapelle Corby案子



尘音六戒 发表于 2009-8-3 13:52


孙无空 发表于 2009-8-3 13:58

完全不理会他们自己的错误,他们黑心里装的龌龊心思,和中国的主权独立以及司法独立。 ...
尘音六戒 发表于 2009-8-3 13:52 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif



tony1984 发表于 2009-8-3 14:29


shuishenlan 发表于 2009-8-3 14:34


芒果记 发表于 2009-8-3 14:36


chinaren2010 发表于 2009-8-3 15:48


林间画匠 发表于 2009-8-3 15:57


aimeili 发表于 2009-8-3 16:00


无可就要 发表于 2009-8-3 19:59


jia5725 发表于 2009-8-3 20:17


zhangchi 发表于 2009-8-3 20:53


不死狂龙 发表于 2009-8-4 01:55


veld 发表于 2009-8-4 13:13

本帖最后由 veld 于 2009-8-4 13:18 编辑

如果广大的澳大利亚公民表达他们的对于中国粗鲁威胁策略的震惊和愤怒,一些是仅有的机会,也许能让北京那些头脑冷静的人意识到,他们正在做的那些令人不耻的行为将损害中国的国际声誉,同样也损害了其在澳大利亚的利益。3 P4 V0 T( W2 @/ J8 V: y3 R! ]



nbnbren 发表于 2009-8-4 14:46



月下中天 发表于 2009-8-4 15:03


hzxswyg 发表于 2009-8-4 19:55


北门北风 发表于 2009-8-4 20:02


syzfmh 发表于 2009-8-4 22:18

这个澳大利亚记者说的对呀!最好别和中国人有任何来往!免得被当做间谍!最好澳国人连铁矿石也别卖给中国了。出于安全考虑最好造一个巨大的金属罩子,把澳大利亚国土完全罩起来,免得中国人抢了去! 18# hzxswyg
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