yqh 发表于 2009-10-2 19:50


本帖最后由 vivicat 于 2009-10-4 23:27 编辑

【原文标题】 China's Gala Show of Strength

BEIJING, Oct. 1 -- China's military brought its latest weaponry to the National Day parade through Tiananmen Square on Thursday,


including medium- and long-range missiles and armored vehicles, alongside goose-stepping troops.


President Hu Jintao, standing up in the sunroof of a Chinese-made Red Flag automobile, reviewed the thousands of troops who stood


at attention in front of the hotels, government buildings and new shopping plazas along Beijing's Changan Avenue.
Afterward, speaking from the top of the gate to the Forbidden City, Hu dusted off some of the Communist Party's well-worn slogans,


reasserting the virtues of "socialism with Chinese characteristics," openness, unity, prosperity, and the continued leadership of the Communist Party.
Thick smog that had blanketed the city Wednesday cleared, and fighter jets, helicopters and China's first midair refueling planes flew
over the center of the city.


The missiles and equipment are the latest manifestations of China's more than 10-year-old effort to modernize its military, prompted
in part by a confrontation with the United States in 1996 after Washington sent aircraft carriers to protect Taiwan from Chinese missile threats.


Ahead of Thursday's parade, U.S. analysts said they were most concerned about infantry combat vehicles, long-range missiles, and missiles that might be aimed at aircraft carriers.


Still, many foreign military analysts anticipated few, if any, surprises Thursday because most of the equipment had been seen at weapons fairs or in satellite photos, including some available through Google, taken during months of rehearsals for the celebration marking the 60th anniversary of the China's Communist Revolution.


"They've had a couple of practice runs, and it seems that most of what will be in the parade we've seen already," said Richard D. Fisher Jr., a senior fellow on Asian military affairs at the International Assessment and Strategy Center. On Thursday, he said, there were "no surprises."


"Much or most of what will be on display will be same or upgraded models or variations of stuff that was on display 10 years ago," said Dennis J. Blasko, an independent analyst who served 23 years in the U.S. Army as a military intelligence officer and foreign area officer specializing in China.

“展出的大部分将和10年前相同或是它的升级版”曾在美国军队服役23年从事军事情报和在华工作人员工作的丹尼斯J布洛什科 独立分析师称。

Such assessments did not deter a barrage of Chinese media coverage before the parade. On Wednesday night, Chinese state television featured stories about military formations, female fighter pilots, and rapid-reaction forces that were shown raiding buildings and buses.


The celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Communist Party's victory in China's civil war also included scores of synchronized dancing performers and students waving colorful banners and props.


The official New China News Agency said a 200,000-square-foot, three-ton cloth painting titled "This Land Is So Rich and Beautiful" was to be held aloft by 2,009 armed policemen. Music was performed by 1,500 military band members, a 2,100-member adult chorus, a youth chorus of 300 and a 130-member orchestra.


There were 34 large floats from various provinces and regions and one featuring 181 foreigners under the banner "One World." Others paid tribute to the country's space program, industrial technologies


But while the demonstrations and display of tanks and other weapons in Tiananmen Square struck a chord among the Chinese, they worried some in the United States.


"The People's Liberation Army is moving from regional power projection to global power projection," said Fisher, who has long warned of against China's military advances. He cited an infantry combat vehicle designed to pop out of a transport plane and logistical-support vehicles. "The message: They're not all tooth. They have plenty of tail to worry us as well," he said.


New Chinese capabilities could undercut the protection the United States offers its allies in the region, he said. He also warned of an amphibious fighting vehicle capable of firing missiles farther than Taiwan's land-bound tanks.


Xiao Gongqin, a historian at Shanghai Normal University, cautioned against misinterpreting the military parade. "It's not like some Westerners think, that China will be expansionist internationally," he said. "Mainly the aim is to increase the Chinese people's confidence. Hu Jintao has emphasized on many occasions that China will adhere to the principles of peaceful diplomacy."

来自上海师范大学的历史学家Xiao Gongqin告诫说请不要曲解阅兵。 “这不是像有些西方人认为的中国将在国际上扩张势力,”他说。 “阅兵的主要目的是提高中国人民的自信心。胡锦涛多次强调,中国将坚持和平外交的原则。”

Chas W. Freeman Jr., a veteran diplomat, China expert and former senior Pentagon official, said he did not see a threat to the United States and noted that Chinese military spending is still a fraction of U.S. military spending. Indeed, the Reuters news agency reported Wednesday that two unnamed sources close to the People's Liberation Army said China would reduce its 2.3 million-member army by 700,000, though increases in the air force and navy would offset part of that.

一位资深外交官,中国问题专家,前五角大楼高级官员chas说,他不认为对美国构成威胁,并指出,中国的军费开支仍只是美国军费开支的一小部分。事实上,路透社周三报道,两名未透露姓名解放军消息人士说,中国还将把230万的军队减少70万,虽然增加的空军和海军将抵消该部分 。

Freeman said the only weapons China has deployed against the United States -- cyberwarfare tools -- were not on display Thursday. "They have no intention of fighting a war in the United States, but we have done a lot of planning about fighting them on their territory," he said. "Their answer has been cyberwarfare."

中国唯一为应对美国而部署的信息化战争武器将不再星期四展出。 “他们没有在美国本土发动战争的能力,但我们已经完成了将战争控制在其领土上而进行的很多规划,”他说。 “他们回答是恐慌。”

Freeman did say that Chinese military advances have affected Taiwan. "The Chinese now do have the ability to punish Taiwan so severely that even if the United States intervenes, Taiwan can't win in any sense," he said, adding that the development "has basically brought Taiwan to heel."


Blasko said Chinese officials argue that parading military equipment contributes to transparency and deterrence, although he added that "deterrence and intimidation are two sides of one coin."


But Blasko also cautioned against alarm about China's display. Even if new weapons were in the parade, such as the land-attack cruise missile that analysts would like to know more about, he said, it would say nothing about how many the military has or how well they work.


"What we're seeing here is only equipment," he said. "All we're seeing them do is drive at two or three miles per hour in very neat formations. . . . And the troops marching or flying will have spent five months in preparation for this parade, which means their units will have missed an entire season of field training. But evidently the high command feels this is worth the training loss."

“我们在这里看到的只是装备,”他说。 “所有我们看到他们做的只是两个或三个每小时英里的非常整齐的队列。。。。和军队行进或飞行将花费5个月,为了准备这个游行,这意味着他们的部队已错过了整个赛季的实地培训。但很明显的最高指挥部认为这是值得的培训损失!

翻译交流见#8   #10

But while the demonstrations and display of tanks and other weapons in Tiananmen Square struck a chord among the Chinese, they worried some in the United States.

大概的意思。 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif

Freeman said the only weapons China has deployed against the United States -- cyberwarfare tools -- were not on display Thursday. "They have no intention of fighting a war in the United States, but we have done a lot of planning about fighting them on their territory," he said. "Their answer has been cyberwarfare."
中国唯一为应对美国而部署的信息化战争武器将不再星期四展出。 “他们没有在美国本土发动战争的能力,但我们已经完成了将战争控制在其领土上而进行的很多规划,”他说。 “他们回答是恐慌。”
应该是意图和网络战,太明显了。 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


16# zkf81

原文是“no surprise”。 应该翻译成“不会有意外”。原文没有“惊喜”中“喜”的那一层意思。
深深的红 发表于 2009-10-4 02:50 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


Chinese military advances have affected Taiwan.


深深的红 发表于 2009-10-4 02:56 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif

过客不言 发表于 2009-10-2 20:01


遥远的冬天 发表于 2009-10-2 20:03


rainne 发表于 2009-10-2 20:08


列宁在十月 发表于 2009-10-2 20:25


wbbbsws 发表于 2009-10-2 20:31


yyx44 发表于 2009-10-2 20:41


zero9999 发表于 2009-10-2 20:50

But while the demonstrations and display of tanks and other weapons in Tiananmen Square struck a chord among the Chinese, they worried some in the United States.

yqh 发表于 2009-10-2 21:00

8# zero9999

zero9999 发表于 2009-10-2 21:04

Freeman said the only weapons China has deployed against the United States -- cyberwarfare tools -- were not on display Thursday. "They have no intention of fighting a war in the United States, but we have done a lot of planning about fighting them on their territory," he said. "Their answer has been cyberwarfare."
中国唯一为应对美国而部署的信息化战争武器将不再星期四展出。 “他们没有在美国本土发动战争的能力,但我们已经完成了将战争控制在其领土上而进行的很多规划,”他说。 “他们回答是恐慌。” 应该是意图和网络战,太明显了。

983 发表于 2009-10-2 22:04


julia 发表于 2009-10-3 00:13


wxw999 发表于 2009-10-3 12:15


双子dě真爱 发表于 2009-10-3 12:27

wxw999 发表于 2009-10-3 12:15 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


zkf81 发表于 2009-10-3 16:46

"They've had a couple of practice runs, and it seems that most of what will be in the parade we've seen already," said Richard D. Fisher Jr., a senior fellow on Asian military affairs at the International Assessment and Strategy Center. On Thursday, he said, there were "no surprises."
" W( A5 Y; u$ m* Z4 p1 z8 v+ Y, Abbs.m4.cnbbs.m4.cn4 a. N( A: |3 T) W' ^, G+ z: R


sanyuechuyi 发表于 2009-10-3 17:24


天之刃 发表于 2009-10-3 17:58


生如夏花 发表于 2009-10-3 20:14


xiaoming853524 发表于 2009-10-3 23:01


深深的红 发表于 2009-10-4 02:50

16# zkf81

原文是“no surprise”。 应该翻译成“不会有意外”。原文没有“惊喜”中“喜”的那一层意思。
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查看完整版本: 【华盛顿邮报09.10.01】中国展示肌肉