antifake2 发表于 2009-10-28 15:54

【09.10.26纽约时报】CNN新闻收视垫底 别人重播都比它强

【中文标题】CNN新闻收视垫底 别人重播都比它强
【原文标题】CNN Last in TV News on Cable 【登载媒体】纽约时报

CNN, which created the all-news cable network almost 30 years ago,hit a new competitive low with its prime-time programs in October, with three of its four programs between 7 and 11 p.m. finishing fourth and last among the cable news networks.   Skip to next paragraph   


Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images Anderson Cooper, CNN Anchor

      It was the first time that the programs had ever performed that poorly against their news network competitors. October was also the third month in the last year that CNN as a network finished fourth behind the three other cable news networks in prime time with the audience that the networks rely on for advertising sales.


CNN had a strong performance in the election year of 2008, but the channel’s prime-time numbers are down 22 percent from 2007.


The development comes at a time when the commercial environment has become challenging for nearly all news organizations.


In an era when the relationship between the White House and Fox News is making headlines, and when the ideological rivalry between MSNBC on the left and Fox News on the right is commanding the spotlight, CNN has little from a news angle to stir consistent interest from viewers.


As a consequence, CNN’s position in prime-time programming, the most profitable area of the cable news business, has been undermined by the strength of competing channels that focus largely on opinion-based programs during those hours.


CNN itself is responsible for one of those competitors, having installed some popular opinionated hosts at its sister network HLN, formerly Headline News, which has emerged in recent months as a stronger performer in prime time than CNN itself.


In October, CNN’s programs were behind not only Fox and MSNBC, but HLN as well. HLN relies on hosts like Nancy Grace and Jane Velez-Mitchell.

十月份,CNN的节目不只是落后于FOX和MSNBC后在,连LHN也是。HLN是靠主持人Nancy Grace和Jane Velez-mitchell撑起来的。

Perhaps most alarming for CNN was the performance of Anderson Cooper, who has become the signature host for the network in prime time. Mr. Cooper,who as recently as 2008 was a ratings leader at 10 p.m., finished fourth and last at 10 p.m. in October. He trailed not only the leader, Greta Van Susteren, on Fox, but Keith Olbermannon MSNBC and Ms. Grace on HLN, despite the fact that both those shows were repeats of programs that had been broadcast at 8 p.m.

CNN变成这样,罪魁祸首也许要算Anderson Cooper的表现,他已经是CNN黄金时段标志性的主持人。 Cooper先生最近就如2008年10点档排名领先一样,今年10点档倒数领先。

十月份,他不仅失去了收视领袖的宝座,还落在了FOX的Greta Van Susteren的后面,甚至落在MSNBC的Keith Olbermann和HLM的Grace女士的后面,而且后两个节目还是在10点重播(首播8点)。

In an interview in March, Jon Klein, the president of CNN’s domestic networks, said that Mr. Cooper’s program was an hour “where we could win.”Mr. Klein was traveling and unavailable for comment. Other CNN executives said that Mr. Cooper’s decline was largely because of as lower news period and that Mr. Klein had meant Mr. Cooper, whose show is focused on news coverage and not opinion, could win when news was driving viewers to his program.

在三月份的一个访谈中,CNN国内新闻网络的主席Jon Klein曾说,Cooper的节目是我们的“至胜法宝”。目前,Klein先生还在度假中,无法就此发表评论。CNN其它主管说,Cooper的退步很大程度是因为现在新闻处于低迷期,而且Klein的意思是,Cooper先生更多关注新闻范围,而不是评论,如果在他的节目中邀请评论员,他将会是“至胜法宝”。

The executives also argued that CNN still easily beat MSNBC (though it continues to trail Fox News badly) in terms of total viewers over the full day of programming.


No CNN executive would say anything else on the record, saying that Mr. Klein would speak for the network in the future.


Fox dominates the news channel ratings in prime time, with its opinion-based programs, hosted by Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity, at the top. But its newscasts are also far ahead of CNN programs. Its 7 p.m. show, anchored by Shepard Smith, regarded as a nonideological program, dwarfs every CNN show in prime time.

FOX新闻频道在黄金时段收视最高,它基于评论的节目,是由Bill O'Reilly和Sean Hannity主持排名第一。但是它的新闻广播节目同样也领先于CNN,晚7点的节目,由Shepard Smith主播,是一个没有意识形态的节目,领先于CNN的黄金时段所有节目。

In October, Mr. Smith averaged 465,000 viewers among the 25- to 54-year-old audience that news sells to advertisers. Lou Dobbs on CNN was fourth in the hour, with 162,000, edged by Ms.Velez-Mitchell on HLN with 166,000. MSNBC’s Chris Matthews and“Hardball” was second with 179,000 viewers.

十月,Smith先生平均有465,000名25-54岁的观众,供于销售给广告客户。CNN的Lou Dobbs以162,000的观众数排名第四,随后是HLN的Velez-Mitchell女士,观众数为166,000。MSNBC的Chris Matthews和“Hardball”以179,000观众数排名第二。

At 10 p.m., Mr. Cooper had 211,000 viewers, to 223,000 for Mr.Olbermann’s repeat. Ms. Van Susteren had 538,000 viewers, and Ms. Grace averaged 222,000.

10点档,Cooper先生有211,000观众数,Olbermann的重播有223,000的观众数。Van Susteren有538,000的观众数,Grace女士平均有222,000的观众数。

For the month, CNN averaged 202,000 viewers,ages 25 to 54. That was far behind the dominant leader, Fox, which averaged 689,000. But it also trailed MSNBC which had 250,000 viewers in that group and HLN, which had 221,000 viewers.


The only CNN program from 7to 10 p.m. that did not finish last was Larry King, who was third. Mr. Hannity was first and Rachel Maddow on MSNBC second.

在7-10点段节目中,CNN唯一未垫底的是Larry King的节目,排名第三,Hannity先生排名第一,MSNBC的Rachel Maddow排名第二。

CNN’s performance was worst in the 8 p.m. hour. Mr. O’Reilly on FoxNews continued his long dominance with the biggest numbers of any host,881,000 viewers. Mr. Olbermann, with his first-run program was second with 295,000. Close behind was the first edition of Ms. Grace’s show with 269,000. Campbell Brown on CNN trailed, with only 162,000.

8点档,CNN的节目是最差的,FOX的O'Reilly的节目继续以881,000的观众数遥遥领先。Olbermann节目首播以295,000获得第二,Grace的节目首播以269,000紧随其后,CNN的Campbell Brown以162,000的数字垫底。

CNN defended its performance by noting that it still had higher ratings than MSNBC when each hour of the day was measured. Barbara Levin, a CNN spokeswoman, issued a statement Monday, saying: “We couldn’t be more pleased that both our networks are now topping MSNBC in total day and that leads all TV news competitors on the Web. As we have said for years, we measure our audience across all CNN worldwide platforms and through out the day, not just prime time. CNN provides quality journalism and our ratings reflect the news environment more than opinion programming does.”

CNN辩称,如果把全天的数字计入在内,他依然超过MSNBC,除此之外未有说词。CNN发言人Barbara Levin周一发表了一项声明,“我们很高兴看到,CNN全天的收视在MSNBC之上,而且CNN.com领先于任何网络新闻竞争对手,就如我们一直以来说的,我们衡量CNN的观众收视是全球及全天的,而不只是黄金时段。CNN提供高质量的新闻,我们的评级也反应出新闻环境比评论节目更有价值。”

zhiyi 发表于 2009-10-28 16:09

Congratulation telegraph from all citizenz of Beijing! 北京人民发来贺电!

whitesnow 发表于 2009-10-28 16:55


廣東省人 发表于 2009-10-28 17:00


zero9999 发表于 2009-10-28 17:51


harryfx 发表于 2009-10-28 18:25


双子dě真爱 发表于 2009-10-28 18:31

说明了媒体竞争激烈 CNN不经常搞点莫名其妙的新闻就会降低收视率所以CNN一直很无耻

阎魔瞳 发表于 2009-10-28 18:44

陕西人民发来贺电 发表于 2009-10-28 18:45


耳冉子 发表于 2009-10-28 19:15



rainne 发表于 2009-10-28 19:30


民猪人士 发表于 2009-10-28 20:56


无可就要 发表于 2009-10-28 20:57


hy7880 发表于 2009-10-28 21:16


Turshp 发表于 2009-10-28 21:37


东方红旗 发表于 2009-10-28 22:13

等全球及全天的收视都降下来了,CNN 又会怎么辩说?

达到诬赖 发表于 2009-10-28 23:30


达到诬赖 发表于 2009-10-28 23:31


每日小抄 发表于 2009-10-28 23:56




下个月 发表于 2009-10-29 08:04

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