Alyosha 发表于 2009-11-26 14:59

【09.11.26 每日电讯报】经济不景, 感恩节出外旅游下降三分之一

本帖最后由 渔音谦谦 于 2009-11-26 17:04 编辑

【中文标题】经济不景, 感恩节出外旅游下降三分之一
【原文标题】Thanksgiving travel down a third in bad economy

【译文】Thanksgiving travel down a third in bad economy
经济不景, 感恩节出外旅游下降三分之一
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By Nick Allen in Los Angeles Published: 2:00AM GMT 26 Nov 20094 ?+ y$ _) ?2 t3 N! K, |. X' O

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The number of people traveling for Thanksgiving in America has fallen by more than a third since four years ago with the downturn in the economy blamed for the stay-at-home trend.

In 2005, around 58 million people made journeys to see family or friends for the holiday but this year the figure is expected to be 38 million, according to research by AAA.& To/ C3 A" c3 A" G5 y% pA6 B
2005年,大约有5亿8千万的人在假日出游去看望家人或者朋友,但是今年这个数量预期只有3亿8千万, AAA研究指出.

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The number of people taking flights has fallen by 6.7 per cent since last year as those that do travel opt for the cheaper option of going by train or car.

Amtrak said it expected the day before Thanksgiving to be its busiest of the year with around 125,000 passengers. On an average Wednesday it carries 74,000 passengers.

Most people have decided that car travel makes the most financial sense and about 33 million are expected to drive.

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Thanksgiving journeys fell by 25 per cent between 2007 and 2008 and there is not likely to be a reverse of that trend this year, AAA said.
感恩节旅行在2007年至2008年间下降了25%, 而且今年看上去并没有相反的趋势,AAA表示.

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Airlines had been hoping for a Thanksgiving boost after weak business during the rest of the year.

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But Manu Maile, an airline worker at Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport, said it was quieter than last Thanksgiving.* E2 R$ b4 o5 u1 D5 f7 j
但是, 达拉斯/沃斯堡国际机场的工作人员Manu Maile表示,今年的感恩节比去年还冷清.

She said: "Last year we had people fighting at the checkpoint. They were getting mad over waiting in line."
她说: “ 去年还有一些人在安检站争论,他们近疯狂地等待排队.”

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The fall in Thanksgiving air travel did not mean empty planes as carriers cut flights, meaning those that did fly were still full.

About 1.7 million are expected to pass through the world's busiest airport, Hartsfield Jackson Atlanta Internationa.
大约1千7百万人会使用全球最繁忙的机场, 哈兹菲尔德-杰克逊国际机场.* M2 Z$ u9 g! X2 J, k

wyd2008 发表于 2009-11-26 16:52


遥远的冬天 发表于 2009-11-26 16:53

1# Alyosha

Airlines had been hoping for a Thanksgiving boost after weak business during the rest of the year.




遥远的冬天 发表于 2009-11-26 16:55


遥远的冬天 发表于 2009-11-26 19:02

本帖最后由 遥远的冬天 于 2009-11-26 19:13 编辑

Thanksgiving travel down a third in bad economy
经济不景, 感恩节出外旅游下降三分之一

The number of people traveling for Thanksgiving in America has fallen by more than a third since four years ago with the downturn in the economy blamed for the stay-at-home trend.




In 2005, around 58 million people made journeys to see family or friends for the holiday but this year the figure is expected to be 38 million, according to research by AAA.

2005年,大约有5亿8千万的人在假日出游去看望家人或者朋友,但是今年这个数量预期只有3亿8千万, AAA研究指出.



The number of people taking flights has fallen by 6.7 per cent since last year as those that do travel opt for the cheaper option of going by train or car.


Amtrak said it expected the day before Thanksgiving to be its busiest of the year with around 125,000 passengers. On an average Wednesday it carries 74,000 passengers.


Most people have decided that car travel makes the most financial sense and about 33 million are expected to drive.



car travel应该是指火车旅行,33million也只有三千三百万。

Thanksgiving journeys fell by 25 per cent between 2007 and 2008 and there is not likely to be a reverse of that trend this year, AAA said.

感恩节旅行在2007年至2008年间下降了25%, 而且今年看上去并没有相反的趋势,AAA表示.

Airlines had been hoping for a Thanksgiving boost after weak business during the rest of the year.




But Manu Maile, an airline worker at Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport, said it was quieter than last Thanksgiving.

但是, 达拉斯/沃斯堡国际机场的工作人员Manu Maile表示,今年的感恩节比去年还冷清.

She said: "Last year we had people fighting at the checkpoint. They were getting mad over waiting in line."

她说: “ 去年还有一些人在安检站争论,他们近疯狂地等待排队.”

她说: “ 去年有人在安检站打架,他们对排队等待很是恼火.”


The fall in Thanksgiving air travel did not mean empty planes as carriers cut flights, meaning those that did fly were still full.




About 1.7 million are expected to pass through the world's busiest airport, Hartsfield Jackson Atlanta Internationa.

大约1千7百万人会使用全球最繁忙的机场, 哈兹菲尔德-杰克逊国际机场.

预计大约有一百七十万人将会通过全球最繁忙的机场, 哈兹菲尔德-杰克逊国际机场.

1.7 million,170万。
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