vivicat 发表于 2009-11-27 07:28

【09.11 17 NPR】中国百姓期待的是奥巴马的实际行动,而非口头支票(评论见沙发,20#更新)

本帖最后由 vivicat 于 2009-11-29 02:10 编辑

【原文标题】Ordinary Chinese Wait For Obama's Deeds, Not Words

Before the summit in Beijing on Tuesday, President Obama had met several times with his Chinese counterpart, Hu Jintao. But making his first presidential trip to Asia, this is Obama's first contact with people in China, and he did not receive the rock star reception that has greeted him in other regions such as Europe.


One of Obama's main messages has been that the U.S. does not seek to contain China or force its values on it.


Many Chinese welcome that message, but they don't necessarily trust it.


"This humility is a kind of pose," says Yu Baoping, a Beijing resident. "Of course, as America's president, he's got to protect America's interests, and I suspect that could harm China's interests. For example, he's slapped high duties on imports from China, and this has had a big impact on us."


Beijing-based blogger Rao Jin acknowledges that Obama is charismatic. But he sees little difference between Obama's China policies and those of his predecessor. Many American analysts see President Bush's China policies as relatively successful and advocated that Obama continue them. But not Rao.


"Chinese peoples' opinion of him will only change when he does things that bring substantial benefits to U.S.-China relations, such as refusing to meet with the Dalai Lama, stop taking protectionist trade measures and stop selling arms to separatist forces such as Taiwan."


Last year, Rao founded Anti-CNN, a Web site devoted to exposing perceived bias in Western media reports about China.


The U.S. Embassy in Beijing had invited Rao to blog Monday's town-hall discussion in Shanghai, but Chinese organizers had already picked the audience, and Rao didn't get in.


The U.S. also had pressed to have the discussion broadcast live, but Chinese officials declined. It was only broadcast live in Shanghai, thus limiting the reach of Obama's message. On Chinese Web portals, censors deleted parts of the discussion that dealt with Internet censorship.


Rao argues that Obama's use of the Internet has won him many online fans in China. But, he says, he has also created unrealistic expectations of a more friendly United States.


"When these fans discover that he can't make good on his promises, the mood on the Internet could coalesce very quickly and turn into a force against him."


An online survey by the Global Times showed that 86 percent of respondents were indifferent to Obama's visit, while 46 percent said they disliked the U.S. president. The Global Times is known as a nationalist tabloid, but the poll still suggests a big change since the end of last year, when an online poll by the China Daily found 75 percent support for Obama.


Other Chinese had hoped that Obama would raise the human rights issue more forcefully with the Chinese government.


"I can't say that I don't feel any sense of loss," says Pu Zhiqiang, a Beijing-based civil rights lawyer. "Over the past decade, I've had to convince myself not to hope that external forces can change China."


Pu is particularly critical of the highly staged town hall events.


"This kind of event does not represent the thinking of China's youth. It's the same as previous visits to China by American presidents," Pu says. "This sort of rehearsed performance is disrespectful to our guests and deceitful towards our own people."


Pu notes that U.S. Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton visited Beijing's top universities in 2002 and 1998 respectively, and held discussions with students.


While Clinton and then-President Jiang Zemin fielded questions from reporters in 1998, Obama and Hu each made statements to the press Tuesday, but took no questions.



vivicat 发表于 2009-11-27 07:32


本帖最后由 vivicat 于 2009-11-29 02:00 编辑

John Gee (Quixoter) wrote:

"...things that bring substantial benefits to U.S.-China relations, such as refusing to meet with the Dalai Lama, stop taking protectionist trade measures and stop selling arms to separatist forces such as Taiwan."

Sounds like a pretty one-sided relations-ship to me.

2009年11月17日 9:48:38

John Gee (Quixoter)写道:



2009年11月17日 9:48:38

Joe Shuren (joeshuren) wrote:

Mr Obama didn't really answer a single question, and his talk about American history failed to make a connection with needs of Chinese to understand their own history (hint: diversity is not a big concern, maybe a luxury brand). But you have to chuckle when Mr Obama lectures these young business students (Young Communists) about the need to be social entrepreneurs instead of selfishly trying to get rich.

2009年11月17日 9:57:00

Joe Shuren (joeshuren)写道:


2009年11月17日 9:57:00

Mark Pachankis (KarlPopperFan) wrote:

the tariff on tires only hurts poor American consumers and Chinese workers while protecting a VERY small portion of the US population. This is what tariffs do: protect a few at the expense of the majority.

A tariff on tired imported from China will raise the price of low-end tires, which means poor people may drive longer on worn down tires, which endangers their lives and the lives on other on the road.

Way to go, Obama! Way to ignore economic history that shows that tariffs do NOT work!

2009年11月17日 10:19:22

Mark Pachankis (KarlPopperFan)写道:




2009年11月17日 10:19:22

Richard Kadas (imgleader) wrote:

The impression of the ordinary Chinese on Obama seems quite accurate. Our experience with him as Americans has shown that he values the adulation he receives as a 'Rock Star' president more than he does gratification that comes from actual accomplishment.

He will go down in history as the president who said, "We can", but couldn't focus enough to make change happen. A man of too many words and too few deeds

2009年11月17日 10:22:52

Richard Kadas (imgleader)写道:



2009年11月17日 10:22:52

Usurpers Dream (article1section9) wrote:

I wouldn't hold my breath China. We in the US are still waiting too.

2009年11月17日 11:16:29

Usurpers Dream (article1section9) 写道:


2009年11月17日 11:16:29

sunny2006hlj 发表于 2009-11-27 08:23


强国之鹰 发表于 2009-11-27 08:49


Wrath 发表于 2009-11-27 09:18


遥远的冬天 发表于 2009-11-27 09:45


无可就要 发表于 2009-11-27 09:49


leanderliu 发表于 2009-11-27 09:51


遥远的冬天 发表于 2009-11-27 09:59

本帖最后由 遥远的冬天 于 2009-11-27 10:01 编辑

But he sees little difference between Obama's China policies and those of his predecessor.



vivicat 发表于 2009-11-27 10:02

But he sees little difference between Obama's China policies and those of his predecessor.


胡景涛——胡锦涛。 ...
遥远的冬天 发表于 2009-11-27 09:59


OMAGOO 发表于 2009-11-27 10:54


ZhZhchen 发表于 2009-11-27 11:00


五彩石 发表于 2009-11-27 13:40


64396170 发表于 2009-11-27 13:49



忧心 发表于 2009-11-27 16:40


妇科主任 发表于 2009-11-27 17:42


baobaobaby 发表于 2009-11-27 18:14


何艳 发表于 2009-11-27 18:45


耳冉子 发表于 2009-11-27 23:21


vivicat 发表于 2009-11-29 02:04


本帖最后由 vivicat 于 2009-11-29 02:10 编辑

Santa Rita Hunter (Santaritahunter) wrote:

"Chinese peoples' opinion of him will only change when he does things that bring substantial benefits to U.S.-China relations, such as refusing to meet with the Dalai Lama, stop taking protectionist trade measures and stop selling arms to separatist forces such as Taiwan."

In other words we need to kiss the emperor's rear end. No citizen of China has any right, business or intellectual merit in accusing the US of being protectionist, of selling arms to the wrong people, or of meeting with the wrong people. China can FOAD. If that blogger's attitude is typical, then no one in America needs China for anything.

2009年11月17日 12:04:01

Tarriffs DO work if they're accompanied by immediate measures to stimulate replacement of the international tarriffed source with a domestic production source. Smoot Hawley was only a failure for the USA. It allowed Italy and other European states to insource production that they'd formerly acquired from the USA because of their trade retaliation. Smoot Hawley failed for the USA because at the time the USA was a huge net exporter with a massive current accounts surplus. If done now, especially as applied to China, something like Smoot Hawley would make things better for the USA, because we are a net importer with a massive trade deficit.

Modern neoclassical macroeconomic theory has never developed any kind of way of assessing the market effects of a huge, centralized, non-capitalist, state controlled economy on the international markets. People who are pushing for "free trade" with China are engaging in delusional faith based reasoning. China is not an open market and never will be. The Chinese domestic economy will NEVER be subject to market forces as long as they have a state run command economy.

We should cut all ties with China and expand ties with nations that are more open to US goods.

2009年11月17日 12:15:15

Santa Rita Hunter (Santaritahunter)写道:



2009年11月17日 12:04:01




2009年11月17日 12:15:15

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查看完整版本: 【09.11 17 NPR】中国百姓期待的是奥巴马的实际行动,而非口头支票(评论见沙发,20#更新)