Anonymous 发表于 2010-1-26 12:16

【10.1.2 越南青年报】中国新出台的岛屿法对于越南来说没有意义

本帖最后由 匿名 于 2010-1-26 12:21 编辑

【中文标题】中国新出台的岛屿法对于越南来说没有意义【原文标题】China’s new island law means nothing to Vietnam【原文链接】【翻译方式】人工【声明】本翻译供AC爱国网友使用,未经许可不得删除【原文库链接】【译文】 The Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokeswoman Nguyen Phuong Nga外交部发言人阮芳雅 Vietnam has dismissed a new law passed by China to protect islands saying it will have no impact on the disputed Hoang Sa (Paracel) and Truong Sa (Spratly) Archipelagoes. 越南驳斥了中国新通过的海岛保护法,并表示该法不会对有争议的黄沙(帕拉塞尔)和长沙(斯普拉特利)列岛带来影响。 The Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokeswoman, Nguyen Phuong Nga, said Tuesday that Vietnam has confirmed its sovereignty over the two archipelagoes many times. 周二,外交部发言人阮芳雅表示,越南已经多次证明对这两个群岛行驶主权。 “Any activities by other countries, including issuing legal regulations concerning the archipelagoes as well as Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone and continental shelf in the East Sea, are not legitimate,” the ministry’s website quoted her as saying.她引述外交部网站的话说:“其他国家的任何活动,包括出台有关群岛以及越南专属经济区和东海大陆架的法律法规,都是不合法的。”
[注意:由于南中国海位于越南东部,所以在越南,南中国海被称作东海,此处的东海和南中国海是同一区域] The standing committee of China’s National People’s Congress passed December 26 the Island Protection Law to develop the country’s islands economically and strengthen their protection.12月26日,中国人大常务委员会通过了《海岛保护法》,用以发展该国的岛屿经济并加强对它们的保护。 The law was first drafted in June and has since undergone several amendments.这部法律是一个初稿,自六月起历经了多次修改。 While Vietnam has kept collecting historical evidence of its sovereignty over the archipelagoes, China has repeatedly arrested Vietnamese fishermen and seized their boats off Hoang Sa, most recently on December 8.越南一直在收集有关群岛主权的历史证据,中国曾多次抓捕越南渔民,最近的一次是12月8日,扣押了他们经过黄沙群岛的船。 “Vietnam is concerned that China has often arrested Vietnamese fishermen when they were fishing legally in Vietnamese waters,” Nga said, demanding that China should return the boats and other assets to the fishermen.阮芳雅说:“越南担忧经常在越南海域合法捕鱼的越南渔民,中国经常抓捕他们,”要求中国应返还船只和渔民的其他财产。 In 2009, the Chinese captured 17 Vietnamese fishing boats and took in 210 fishermen off Quang Ngai Province’s Ly Son and Binh Son districts while they were fishing or sheltering from storms off Hoang Sa archipelagoes, according to the provincial coast guard.省海岸警卫队表示,2009年,中国扣押了17搜经过Quang Ngai 省的惹岛和平山地区的越南渔船,抓了正在捕鱼或者在黄沙群岛躲避风暴的210名渔民。
(注意:这是2009年全年的统计数字| 惹岛为越南主权岛屿)






Anonymous 发表于 2010-1-26 12:24



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