hong_hai_er 发表于 2010-1-30 21:16

【10.01.30 NYT】希大妈警告中国: 不制裁伊朗中国将面临经济不安全和外交孤立

【中文标题】对伊朗的制裁 克林顿警告中国
【原文标题】Clinton Warns China on Iran Sanctions
【来源地址】http://www.nytimes.com/2010/01/3 ... iplo.html?scp=7&;sq=&st=nyt

希大妈警告中国: 不制裁伊朗中国将面临经济不安全和外交孤立

January 30, 2010
Clinton Warns China on Iran Sanctions

对伊朗的制裁 克林顿警告中国
作者:马可 兰德勒

PARIS — Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton warned China on Friday that it would face economic insecurity and diplomatic isolation if it did not sign on to tough new sanctions against Iran for its nuclear program, seeking to raise the pressure on Beijing to fall in line with an American-led campaign.
巴黎——为了寻求提高对北京的压力, 迫其符合美国领导的行动, 周五, 国务卿希拉里克林顿警告中国, 如果不签署对伊朗核计划采取严厉的新制裁, 中国将面临经济不安全和外交孤立。

Speaking to students at the École Militaire,the prestigious French war college, Mrs. Clinton said, “China will be under a lot of pressure to recognize the destabilizing effect that a nuclear-armed Iran would have” in the Persian Gulf, “from which they receive a significant percentage of their oil supply.”1 S%
在法国很有威望的"军事学院"(École Militaire) 克林顿夫人跟学生说: 中国将在许多压力之下承认从他们获得占很大比例石油供应的拥有核武的伊朗对波斯湾会带来的不稳定影响。

With Russia increasingly frustrated by Iran’s recalcitrance, China has emerged as perhaps the lone holdout to a new United Nationsresolution that would focus sweeping financial and economic sanctions on Iran’s leadership, including a possible ban on sales of technology to its energy sector." j

Mrs. Clinton — in a flurry of meetings this week in Europe,including one with the Chinese foreign minister — has tried to build momentum for new measures against Iran. Britain, France and Germany back the effort, and Russia, which has often blocked previous efforts,now seems ready to act.
克林顿夫人 - 本周在欧洲一系列会议上,其中包括与中国外长的 - 试图建立对伊朗采取新措施的锐势。英国,法国和德国支持这项努力,俄罗斯,它过去经常阻止这种努力的,现在似乎准备采取行动。

Only China, which imports crude oil from Iran and has large investments in Iran’s oil and gas sector, has said it would prefer to continue negotiating with the Iranian government. With a veto in the United Nations Security Council, it could block a move to impose more sanctions."

“We understand that right now, that is something that seems counterproductive to you, sanction a country from which you get so much of the natural resources your growing economy needs,” Mrs. Clinton said, referring to the Chinese, in comments after a speech on European security. “But think about the longer-term implications.”
"我们理解现在要制裁一个你们得到那么多天然资源来保持你们的经济增长的国家,对你们来说是适得其反的了" , 希拉里在谈及欧洲安全的演讲后针对中国来说, “但是考虑长期的影响吧。”

American officials have been making this argument privately to the Chinese for weeks, as the United States tries to win them over for new sanctions. But this is the first time Mrs. Clinton has publicly madethe link between China’s energy security and the alarm over Iran’s nuclear ambitions.
因为美国试图赢得中国支持他们的新制裁, 美国官员一直私人跟中国讨论了几周,但是这是克林顿夫人首次公开拿中国的能源安全以及伊朗的核野心扯在一起。

In case Beijing missed the urgency of her appeal, Mrs. Clinton remarked that a nuclear-armed Iran would risk setting off an arms race in the Persian Gulf, and that it could provoke a military strike from Israel, which she said would regard a nuclear Iran as an “existential threat.”
希拉里表示,如果北京错过了她呼于的紧迫性,一个拥有核武器的伊朗会在波斯湾引发军备竞赛的风险,那可能激起来自以色列的军事打击, 她认为这方面的军事打击是一个拥有核武的伊朗的“存在的威胁。”

Tensions between China and the United States have flared recently over a range of issues, most notably Internet freedom and Google’s announcement that its systems had been hacked by sources in mainland China. Unprompted, Mrs. Clinton alluded to another source of friction: President Obama’s plan to meet with the Dalai Lama, whom Beijing condemns as a subversive.!

China, she said, should not allow such irritants to derail its otherwise “positive, comprehensive” relationship with the United States.

Mrs. Clinton was in London and Paris this week for meetings on Afghanistan and Yemen, and for her security speech. But jitters about Iran and its nuclear ambitions have shadowed her at every stop.

In London, Mrs. Clinton brought along specialists on sanctions from the Treasury Departmentto talk to Chinese officials about technical issues, like how the Iranian government transfers money to banks in Asia to avoidrestrictions on its transactions in Western banks.

Mrs. Clinton met Thursday with the Chinese foreign minister, YangJiechi, who was attending the Afghanistan conference. A senior administration official said Mr. Yang listened to the American arguments but reiterated his government’s preference to stick with negotiations.

International patience with Iran has frayed, particularly since Iranian authorities backed out of a deal to ship a significant portion of their lightly enriched uranium to France or Russia to be further enriched for medical purposes.

Frustration with Iran is also mounting on Capitol Hill, where the Senate passed its own sanctions bill on Thursday. Mrs. Clinton said the administration would focus on obtaining a United Nations resolution,though she said the Senate’s legislation could end up being“complementary.”
整个国会山都是对伊朗的不满和气愤,周四, 在国会山, 参议院通过自己的制裁法案。克林顿夫人说,尽管参议院的立法可能最终会变成“相辅相成的,”(美国)政府将集中争取通过在联合国决议。

As part of the effort to broaden and toughen sanctions, the Obama administration is expected to push to add financial institutions to the blacklist of those helping Iran’s nuclear program.*

The focus of these sanctions, Mrs. Clinton has said, would be on Iran’s leadership, particularly members of the Islamic Revolutionary GuardsCorps. Many in the corps also played a role in cracking down on the enduring protests after Iran’s disputed presidential election in June.

Mrs. Clinton, who met the French president Nicolas Sarkozy, earlier in the day, said she applauded his “leadership on this issue.”*

Her address on European security, the main reason for her stop in Paris, was meant to answer recent Russian proposals to revamp security arrangements on the continent, including major arms treaties.
对欧洲安全问题, 她在巴黎站的主要原因,是为了回答俄罗斯最近建议,以改革大陆的安全安排,包括的主要武器条约。

The United States, Mrs. Clinton said, opposed negotiating new security treaties, saying that would be time-consuming and cumbersome.Instead, she said she wanted to strengthen existing institutions.
克林顿夫人说: 美国反对进行新的安全条约谈判,她说这将是费时和麻烦。相反,她说她想加强现有的机构。

“The United States and Russia will not always agree,” she said. “Our interests will not always overlap. But when we disagree, we will seek constructive ways to discuss and manage our differences.”
“美国和俄罗斯将不会总是互相同意的了,”她说。 "我们的利益不会总是重叠的。但是,当我们不同意的时候,我们将寻求建设性的方式来讨论和处理我们的分歧。"

wccs 发表于 2010-1-30 21:44


ossdownloader 发表于 2010-1-30 22:05


hong_hai_er 发表于 2010-1-30 22:20



fly111 发表于 2010-1-30 22:43


百姓 发表于 2010-1-30 22:46


博雅之士 发表于 2010-1-30 23:04


983 发表于 2010-1-30 23:06


下个月 发表于 2010-1-30 23:17


in2out 发表于 2010-1-30 23:19

轼锋 发表于 2010-1-30 23:23


hong_hai_er 发表于 2010-1-30 23:34

以色列是中东地区唯一一个非《不扩散核武器条约》签约国 Q69)

MachuPicchu 发表于 2010-1-30 23:48


无可就要 发表于 2010-1-30 23:48

本帖最后由 无可就要 于 2010-1-30 23:49 编辑




richthofen77 发表于 2010-1-31 01:21

美国佬急了,伊朗对美国很棘手。美国在中东就是一个收保护费的,不过收人钱财,那得替人消灾。现在伊朗搞炮仗,中东没人愿意看到,不单是犹太人,其他阿拉伯人也不愿意波斯人先有这个玩意。大家都看着美国呢,保护费收了,却摆不平伊朗,以后美国在中东还怎么混。动手的话,伊拉克 阿富汗二滩还没收场,再开一局美国又实在是力不从心。

何艳 发表于 2010-1-31 03:52

中国的经济不好了,西方国家也会受累, 你不让我过好日子,那你也别过好日子!

小艺 发表于 2010-1-31 12:46


myanticnn 发表于 2010-1-31 12:52

北京巴不得 米国赶快对 伊朗宣战呢

hong_hai_er 发表于 2010-1-31 13:01

北京巴不得 米国赶快对 伊朗宣战呢
myanticnn 发表于 2010-1-31 12:52 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


hong_hai_er 发表于 2010-1-31 13:02

小艺 发表于 2010-1-31 12:46 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif

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