移动硬盘 发表于 2010-2-27 23:51

【纽约时报 10.02.27】繁荣兴旺的中国面临劳工短缺难题

本帖最后由 移动硬盘 于 2010-2-28 00:05 编辑

【原文标题】Booming China Finds Workers in Short Supply
【登载媒体】The New York Times 纽约时报6 I4 w/ k, z4 b% C4 T% q- J' X+ a


GUANGZHOU, China — Just a year after laying off millions of factory workers, China is facing an increasingly acute labor shortage. , P- L* F, a7 ~9 H+ _: ~
As American workers struggle with near double-digit unemployment, unskilled factory workers here in China’s industrial heartland are being offered signing bonuses.
中国广州 —就在数百万工厂工人被裁员一年之后,中国面临着日渐严重的劳工短缺问题。当美国工人仍然挣扎在接近两位数的失业率(的漩涡中时),在这个中国工业中心地带的那些还没有很多技能的工厂工人则可以享受一旦签约就有奖金的福利。

Factory wages have risen as much as 20 percent in recent months.

Telemarketersare turning away potential customers because recruiters have fully booked them to cold-call people and offer them jobs.

Some manufacturers, already weeks behind schedule because they can’t find enough workers, are closing down production lines and considering raising prices. Such increases would most likely drive up the prices American consumers pay for all sorts of Chinese-made goods.

The immediate cause of the shortage is that millions of migrant workers who traveled home for the long lunar New Year earlier this month are not returning here to the coast. Thanks to a half-trillion-dollar government stimulus program, jobs are being created in the interior.

But many economists say the recent global downturn also obscured a longer-termtrend: China has drained its once vast reserves of unemployed workersin rural areas and is running out of fresh laborers for its factories.

Since China does not release reliable, timely statistics on employment, wages are considered the best barometer of labor shortages. And temp agencies here in Guangzhou raised their rate for factory workers this week to$1.17 an hour, from 95 cents an hour before the new year holiday.

The rate was 80 cents an hour two years ago, before the global financial crisis temporarily depressed wages and demand.

The dearth of returning migrants set off a desperate scramble this week to recruitthe workers who did step off long-haul buses and trains returning from the interior.

At a government-run employment center in downtown Guangzhou, employers seeking workers outnumbered job-hunters Thursday afternoon.

Outside,Liang Huoqiao, a 22-year-old plastics worker, joined a small group ofmen and women studying a 40-foot-wide list of companies seeking workers.

“You can walk into any factory and get a job,” he said.

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The official China Daily newspaper said on Thursday that surveys of employers showed that one in 12 migrant workers was not expected toreturn here to Guangdong Province. Cities farther north along China’s coast are also running low on labor; Wenzhou alone posted a shortage ofup to one million workers.

Guangdong provincial officials announced on Wednesday that they were considering increasing the minimum wage, which varies by city and ranges from $113to $146 a month.

Higher wages could ease labor shortages by prompting factories to reduce their work forces.) F" c; f$ [( p9 H+ @! Q

But many factories already pay well above the minimum wage. They are wary of further pay increases because it is not certain they can passthe increased costs on to their customers — in particular, strapped importers in the United States and the European Union.9 b$ y% {, d: L9 G( ]: U8 K8 [$ C
Rising wages suggest the re-emergence of a worker shortage that was becoming evident before the global financial crisis. A government survey three years ago of 2,749 villages in 17 provinces found that in74 percent of them, there was no one left behind who was fit to go workin city factories — the labor pool was dry.

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Mass layoffs in late 2008 and early 2009 because of the global financial crisis temporarily masked the developing shortage of industrial workers. But two powerful trends were still working toreduce the supply of young people headed for factories.

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For one, the Chinese government has rapidly expanded postsecondary education. Universities and other institutions of higher learning enrolled 6.4 million new students last year, compared to 5.7 million in2007 and just 2.2 million in 2000.

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At the same time, China’s birth rate has been sliding steadily ever since the introduction of the “one child” policy in 1977.
Labor shortages have returned particularly quickly in recent weeks as these long-term trends have collided with a recovery in overseas demand forChinese goods.

Far more jobs are available these days in China’s interior. Government infrastructure projects like rail and highway construction have absorbed millions of workers, particularly after Beijing allocated nearly $600 billion to economic stimulus spending in 2009 and 2010. Consumer spending is also rising briskly; auto sales more than doubled last month from a year before, and this has created many jobs in retailing, restaurants, hotels and other inland businesses.

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Even before the holiday, companies were struggling to find the employees needed to keep assembly lines running.

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At many factories, white-collar managers and engineers were forced tospend time on assembly lines to meet deadlines before the lunar New Year, because laborers were in such short supply. The managers often struggled with the tedious but intricate tasks required to make everything from toys to DVD players
由于企业劳动力严重不足,很多白领职业的经理和工程师也不得不挽袖卷裤进入车间,以期在农历新年以前交货。这些经理们经常处于沉闷乏味但却高度复杂的两难境地 — 制造从玩具到DVD播放机等各种各样的商品。

“People working in the office, like me, have been asked to help on the factoryfloor,” said Sky Niu, the sales manager at the Hengjia Electronics Company in Dongguan. “Of course, we can only help on the simpler tasks, such as packing.”

The labor shortageis not benefiting workers just through higher wages. Personnel managers here say they are also abandoning the informal tradition of not hiring anyone over 35 — they say they are now hiring workers up to 40 years old, and sometimes older, despite concerns about whether they can keep up week after week with the rapid pace of Chinese assembly lines.
劳动力短缺带来的高工资并未真正让工人受益。当地的人力资源经理说他们放弃了不招聘35岁以上工人的惯常做法 — 现在只要40岁以下就可以,有时候会更加宽松,而不管他们是不是能跟得上周复一周流水线工作的高节奏。

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It remains to be seen if Chinese factories will learn from their hiring difficulties now and be less quick to lay off workers during the next global downturn.

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The current system “is not stable, it’s not healthy,” said HanDongfang, the director of the China Labor Bulletin, a Hong Kong-based group that advocates collective bargaining.


Though the wage boost increases the prospect of inflation, it may have another more salutary aspect. The Obama administration has been pushing Chinato let the renminbi rise against the dollar, which would erode some of China’s formidable advantage in export markets. Rising wages in China have the same effect — while also giving Chinese families more spending power.

Letting wages rise benefits workers, said Jing Ulrich, the chairwoman of China equities and commodities at J. P. Morgan. Letting the currency rise benefits currency speculators, she said.
摩根大通公司中国证券及大宗商品主席李晶女士(Jing Ulrich)指出,工资的增加工人当然受益,而货币的升值则让投机商人从中获利。 3 W2 ?#

Mr. Liang, the 22-year-old plastics worker, said that he expected hispay to double in the next five years and added that he already had sethis priorities.
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“For sure, I want to buy a car,” he said. “Car first, then maybe marriage later.”

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