爱啥啥 发表于 2010-3-2 22:45

【10.3.1 路透社】全球制造商享受丰盛的二月

【原文标题】Global factories enjoy bumper February
Global factories enjoy bumper February

LONDON/BEIJING (Reuters) - Factories around the world enjoyed a bumper February with business surveys showing the manufacturing sector in major economies continued to lead an economic recovery, despite a slowdown in some growth rates.
路透社伦敦/北京电 - 全球各地的制造商享受了一个丰盛的二月:景气调查显示,尽管有一些增长率趋缓,主要经济体的制造业持续领导者经济复苏。

China|South Korea

Factory activity expanded across Asia last month, although powerhouse China showed some signs of weakening, while in Europe growth rates hit 30-month highs despite contraction in laggards Spain and Greece.

Data due later on Monday from the United States (11:00 a.m. ET) is expected to show the index there dipped to a still robust 57.5 from January's 58.4.

"There is a sense that the Asian upswing may have run into the sand slightly but it was coming from a very strong base so it was anticipated we would see some slowdown. European numbers continue to show more dynamism," said Peter Dixon, economist at Commerzbank.
“有迹象显示亚洲的复苏可能已经略微陷入困境,但是复苏源于一个十分坚强的基础,所以可以预见的是我们将会看见(亚洲经济)有些放缓。欧洲的数字继续表现出(经济)有更多的活力。”德国商业银行的Peter Dixon说。

Markit's Purchasing Managers' Index for the euro zone jumped to 54.2 in February from 52.4 the month before, slightly higher than previously thought, but the Spanish and Greek indexes remained below the 50.0 divide mark between growth and contraction.

It was something of a mixed bag in Asia where factory activity in its main economies expanded, with India and South Korea growing at their fastest pace in around two years but a pair of surveys showed the pace of manufacturing growth in China, the world's third biggest economy, eased slightly.

"Policymakers are driving with low visibility on the Chinese activity data at the moment," said Brian Jackson, a strategist with Royal Bank of Canada, adding that the timing of the Chinese New Year holidays complicated interpretation of data.
“政策制定者在此时的中国(经济)活动数据下就像是在浓雾中开车。”加拿大皇家银行战略家成员Brian Jackson说,并进一步认为春节假期期间(广泛的采购)使数据的解读更为复杂。

"So it would be premature to conclude that today's fall in the headline PMI numbers show a broader easing in the momentum of China's recovery."

The UK saw growth levels matching January's 15-year high of 56.6.

Swedish data surprised markets earlier on Monday with news that its economy unexpectedly slid back into recession in the fourth quarter of 2009.


The euro was little moved after the European data but the Australian dollar dipped and copper prices pared their gains after Asia's releases, which markets took as a sign Chinese demand for metals and commodities might soften.

Exports in the euro zone grew at their fastest rate in three years last month, boosted by the euro being battered near nine-month lows due to worries over heavily indebted smaller euro zone countries such as Greece and Portugal.

"The strength in the manufacturing sector reflects a surge in exports," said Nick Kounis at Fortis Bank.

Price pressures were also building in Asia and Europe with input prices at 17-month highs in the euro zone but a negative reading for output prices shows firms are still having to discount goods to boost sales.

The PMI derived from a survey conducted by the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing for the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) fell to 52.0 in February, well below the median forecast of 55.45 in a Reuters poll and down from 55.8 in January.

A separate survey conducted by research firm Markit for HSBC showed the PMI dipping to 55.8 from a record high of 57.4 in January.

India's PMI rose to 58.5 in February, its strongest reading since June 2008, from 57.7 in January, boosted by expanding output and new orders.

"The headline index is consistent with ongoing double-digit gains in industrial production which in turn is likely to mean that spare capacity is being eaten into rapidly," said Robert Prior-Wandesforde, Senior Asian Economist at HSBC.
汇丰银行的高级亚洲经济学家Robert Prior-Wandesforde表示:“这引人注目的指数同依次以两位数不断增长的工业产值可能意味着闲置生产能力正被快速利用。”

South Korea saw its headline PMI rise to the highest level since December 2007 at 58.2.

(Additional reporting by Anurag Joshi in MUMBAI, Yoo Choonsik in SEOUL; editing by Stephen Nisbet)
(追加报道:孟买Anurag Joshi,首尔Yoo Choonsik;编辑:Stephen Nisbet)

爱啥啥 发表于 2010-3-2 22:46

求教高手“headline PMI”何解Q56)

secondboat 发表于 2010-3-2 23:40


rongjingji 发表于 2010-3-5 20:15

叹气,叹气。制造业这个东东,实在复杂的很。说老实话,中国的制造业,到今天为止仍然在低端徘徊。我们期待 ...
secondboat 发表于 2010-3-2 23:40 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif

qongren 发表于 2010-3-7 22:38


驽马不舍 发表于 2010-3-7 22:44


zhongdong_wang 发表于 2010-3-8 12:02


求教高手“headline PMI”何解
爱啥啥 发表于 2010-3-2 22:46 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif

in the numbers
in the PMI numbers
in the headline numbers
in the headline PMI numbers

today's fall in the numbers
today's fall in the PMI numbers
today's fall in the headline numbers
today's fall in the headline PMI numbers

The headline of an E-Mail letter often concerns the content of it.

rhapsody 发表于 2010-3-8 13:22

求教高手“headline PMI”何解
爱啥啥 发表于 2010-3-2 22:46 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif
其实PMI和CPI一样,统计出来的都是一套指数而不单是一个指数;而媒体上常引用的是一个反映经济整体状况的主指数或整体指数,也就是所谓的headline PMI或headline CPI;而与此相对的就是各种各样的子指数或成分指数,反映各种领域经济活动的情况。


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