zhongdong_wang 发表于 2010-3-7 22:36

【10.03.01 纽约时报】在中国,丰田首席再次为召回道歉

【原文标题】In China, Toyota Chief Again Apologizes for Recall
BEIJING (AP) — The president of Toyota, Akio Toyoda, apologized Monday to customers in China, the fast-growing market that has become increasingly important as automakers struggle with weak global sales.
The number of Toyota vehicles recalled in China makes up only a small percentage of the 8.5 million pulled worldwide since October for sticky gas pedals, faulty floor mats and glitches in braking software.
But auto sales in China have become increasingly critical for automakers as sales lag in traditional markets. Last year, China overtook the United States as the biggest auto market, with a 48 percent jump in sales, and automakers are looking to it to offset weak global demand and drive future growth.
“The Chinese market is very important, so I flew here in person in the hope my personal expression of an apology and explanation will give customers some relief,” Mr. Toyoda told news conference of the recall.
His appearance was his second abroad after last week’s visit to Washington, where he was grilled by angry lawmakers. He said he flew to China directly from the United States to show his sincerity.
Mr. Toyoda said China was important to his company and reiterated earlier statements that, with his family name on the product, he is personally responsible for safety.
The president said that in response to the crisis, Toyota would create a global quality committee with a chief quality officer from each region.
“The incident had caused an impact and worries to Chinese consumers,” Mr. Toyoda said, appearing unemotional as he spoke to about 300 reporters. “I hereby express my sincere apologies for these worries.”
China’s state-controlled media have made only muted comment on the recalls, in contrast to the blistering criticism Toyoda faced from American lawmakers.
Toyota’s February sales by its two local joint ventures with state-owned partners were up from a year earlier, according to Passenger Car Association estimates. Sales for its venture with Guangzhou Automobile Group climbed 50 percent to 17,500 units. Sales at its FAW Group venture jumped 106 percent to 40,400 units.
“So far, it’s hard to see any direct impact on Toyota’s sales,” said Rao Da, general secretary of the China Passenger Car Association, an industry group. “The crucial thing for them is brand reputation. If they don’t pay great attention to this, it will eventually hurt the customers’ trust.”
“迄今为止,很难看出对丰田销量有任何直接影响,”一家企业集团,中国乘用车联合的会秘书长Rao Da说。“对他们来说重要的事情是品牌声誉。如果他们不对此大加注意,最终会危害到顾客的信任。”
A spokesman for Toyota China, Niu Yu, said monthly sales figures would be released Tuesday.
丰田中国的一位发言人Niu Yu说月销量数字会在星期二公布。
Toyota got a relatively late start in China, after fitful efforts to break into the market using tie-ups between its subsidiary Daihatsu Motor and state-run Tianjin Automobile Industry Holding Company.
Toyota rolled out its first made-in-China Camry in May 2006.
Sales growth lagged other foreign brands last year because of Toyota’s focus on bigger cars while the government promoted smaller vehicles with tax breaks and subsidies. Toyota sales rose 50 percent, compared with 76 percent for Volkswagen and 219 percent for the Chevrolet unit in General Motors.
Toyota is preparing to release a lower-cost brand for China in response to demand for smaller cars, according to analysts.
In August, its joint venture with FAW recalled nearly 690,000 Camry and Yaris passenger cars after finding problems with electric window controls. There was no apparent impact on sales.

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查看完整版本: 【10.03.01 纽约时报】在中国,丰田首席再次为召回道歉