hong_hai_er 发表于 2010-4-15 11:52

【10.04.14 TIMES】 中国地震:灾难在帝国的边缘上

【中文标题】 中国地震:灾难在帝国的边缘上
【原文标题】China Quake: Catastrophe on the Edge of the Empire
【登载媒体】Times / yahoo US
【来源地址】 http://news.yahoo.com/s/time/201 ... 8599198204600/print (此链接已打不开)

( 注: 我翻译完它已经改修订了新版, 可恨忘了截图 ! ) (截图已补发在#41)

China Quake: Catastrophe on the Edge of the Empire



       On a good day, it takes 12 hours, by bus, to get to Yushu from the provincial capital, Xining, which is itself about a 1,000-mile drive from the national capital Beijing. As you climb south and west across the Qinghai-Tibet plateau, urban sprawl cedes to empty steppe. Just north of Tibet, the road opens on a small town tucked in a river valley. Its main street is lined with vendors selling yak butter and tea; Its low, brown hills are lined with rows of brightly colored courtyard homes. Those homes - and the town - now lie in ruin.

   平时没事的时候,从省会西宁坐公共汽车到玉树,需要12个小时,而从国家首都北京驾车去西宁大约是一千英里的路程。当你爬上南部和跨越西部地区的青藏高原,城市的伸展割让给广阔的草原。就在西藏的北部,通往一个小城镇的道路挤进一个河谷。它的主要街道两旁都是出售着酥油和茶叶的小商贩,它棕色的矮小山丘与色彩鲜艳我的庭院家宅行排列。这些家园 - 和城镇 - 现在都躺在废墟上。

       At 7:49 a.m. Wednesday morning a magnitute 7.1 earthquake shook the plateau, cracking a hospital, toppling schools and pulling mud and wood houses to the ground. At least 400 people were killed and 10,000 injured, according to state media reports. That toll will surely rise; Many people, including children, remain trapped in the rubble. Footage from the scene shows rescuers digging through debris with their bare hands. (See pictures of the devastation in Yushu.)

      在星期三上午07时49分, 7.1级地震震动了高原,爆裂一所医院,倾倒的学校和土木建筑的房屋拉倒在地上。据官方媒体报道, 至少400人死亡,10000人受伤。这种伤亡数字肯定会上升,许多人,包括儿童,仍被困在瓦砾中。从现场的画面显示,救援人员用自己的双手从碎片中挖掘。见玉树破坏的照片。

      Beijing must now try to avoid rekindling the anger that grew in the wake of another cataclysm. Two years ago a massive quake tore through neighboring Sichuan province, killing at least 87,000 people and leaving millions homeless. Then, as now, the majority of victims were killed in building collapses. Despite an estimated $250 billion recovery plan, allegations that faulty construction contributed to the death toll - particularly at the schools - have plagued China's government ever since.
(See pictures of China's Sichuan quake, six months after.)
北京现在必须设法避免从另一场大灾难滋生出来的愤怒死灰复燃。两年前,大规模的地震袭击了邻近的四川省,造成至少 87,000人死亡,数百万人无家可归。当时和现在一样,受害者大多数是死于建筑物倒塌。愤怒尽管预计2500亿美元的重建救援计划,对有缺陷的施工造成大量死亡人数的指控,尤其是在学校 - 至今还不断的困扰中国政府。 (见6个月后,中国的四川地震的照片。)

      There is another factor at work here. Yushu sits at what was the edge of the old Chinese empire and to this day its predominant population is not Han, the ethnic group that rules the new China, but Tibetan. Indeed, the name Yushu, which means "Jade Tree," beautiful as it is, is not what the locals call it. Yushu is Mandarin, the language of the bureaucrats of Beijing. The town is Jyekundo is Tibetan, which is also the language of the exiled Dalai Lama, a bÊte noir of the Chinese government. Dominating a large square in Yushu was a spectacular statue not of some culture hero from the broad river plains, crowded cities and farmlands further east but of the great Gesar, a legendary king of the pastoral peoples of Tibet and Mongolia. No one knows if it survived the quake that leveled the town.
       这里还有另一个重要的因素。玉树位于在老中华帝国的边缘, 到今天它的主要人口不是统治新中国的主要民族 - 汉族,而是藏族。事实上,玉树的名字,意思是“翡翠树,”如此的美丽,当地人却不是这样叫它的。玉树是汉语,在北京官僚的语言。这个镇藏语叫"结古多",藏语也是在流亡的达赖喇嘛- 中国政府最忌提到的黑色怪物 - 的语言。支配着玉树大广场的是一个壮观的雕像, 不是有关一些来自向东面宽阔河流平原拥挤的城市和农田上的文化英雄,而是属于伟大的西藏和蒙古牧民的传奇国王格萨尔的。没有人知道它在地震中幸存的镇夷为平地。

      The rescue effort will bring international attention to a side of China few see. Like much of China's western regions, this rural county is relatively poor. The newly built Qinghai-Tibet railway runs 200 kilometers to the north, whisking tourists and traders - and their money - directly to Lhasa, the capital of what the Chinese have demarcated as the Tibet Autonomous Region. (The Dalai Lama claims a larger territory as what he sees as Tibet, including Qinghai province, where Yushu lies; the Tibetans have their own name for Qinghai and parts of Sichuan province: Kham). Yushu's villagers, monks and herders tend to be wary of the central government in Beijing. Many worry the influx of Han Chinese migrants threatens Tibetan culture; some consider China an occupying force.

救援工作将会引领国际社会注意到中国罕为人见的一面。像中国的西部的大部分地区,这乡下的县相对较差。新建成的青藏铁路连接北面200公里之远,拂扫着游客和商人 - 还有他们的钱 - 直接到拉萨,中国人划分为西藏自治区的首都。 (达赖喇嘛声称,他视为大西藏的领土, 包括玉树所在的青海省, 西藏人对青海省和四川部分地区的名称, 有自己的叫法: 康巴)。玉树的村民,僧侣和牧民往往对北京中央政府有所警惕。很多人担心的汉族移民的大量涌入威胁到西藏的文化;一些人认为中国是一支占领的(军事)力量。

       For now, relief efforts are proceeding - slowly. The road to the airport is damaged, forcing would-be rescuers to make the long journey overland. Downed phone lines, power outages and after-shocks have compounded the chaos, officials say. As darkness settles, officials are struggling to shelter survivors and treat the wounded. With tents, water and food in short supply, the people of Yushu/Jyekundo face many long, cold nights on the plateau.

       目前,救援工作在进行中 - 缓慢地。去机场的路上被毁了,迫使准救援人员长途跋涉走陆路进去。官员说击落的电话线,电源中断后,余震在加剧了混乱状况。夜幕平息,官员们正在努力庇护幸存者和治疗伤员。帐篷,水和食品供应短缺,玉树/古结多高原上的人在面对许多漫长而寒冷的夜晚。

莫说 发表于 2010-4-15 12:07


hkj626 发表于 2010-4-15 12:09


magicboy 发表于 2010-4-15 12:26


hong_hai_er 发表于 2010-4-15 12:26

汗,偏狭的民族主义!我就是青海的怎么没见你说的这些,生活不断变好而已,藏族待遇比汉族好的多!藏族哪个 ...
莫说 发表于 2010-4-15 12:07 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif

   请教:这个 "结古多" Jyekundo 意译成汉语会不会也是"玉树"的意思?

hong_hai_er 发表于 2010-4-15 12:29

magicboy 发表于 2010-4-15 12:26 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif

    收到! {:12_563:}

smbb0bls 发表于 2010-4-15 12:33

等写这个报道人的国家发生灾难后 我要疯狂嘲笑 讽刺 等着

oushen 发表于 2010-4-15 12:39


过客不言 发表于 2010-4-15 13:01

汗,偏狭的民族主义!我就是青海的怎么没见你说的这些,生活不断变好而已,藏族待遇比汉族好的多!藏族哪个 ...
莫说 发表于 2010-4-15 12:07 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


24632901 发表于 2010-4-15 13:50

o3O75) 一如以往!

lichen7454 发表于 2010-4-15 13:59


中山水寒 发表于 2010-4-15 14:03


mmc210 发表于 2010-4-15 14:08


za4686 发表于 2010-4-15 14:09


墨子的咸菜 发表于 2010-4-15 14:28


松园虫 发表于 2010-4-15 14:48



d_bubble 发表于 2010-4-15 15:22


liyanJT 发表于 2010-4-15 15:29


China君 发表于 2010-4-15 17:27


大地一聲雷 发表于 2010-4-15 17:48

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