等э鴏ㄝ 发表于 2010-8-2 13:39

【10.08.01 BBC】中国制造业出口创17个月来新低

本帖最后由 千年明月 于 2010-8-2 21:15 编辑

【中文标题】中国制造业出口创17个月来新低【原文标题】Chinese manufacturing output slows to 17-month low【登载媒体】BBC【原文链接】http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-10831139【原文库链接】http://bbs.m4.cn/thread-257898-1-1.html【译者】等э鴏ㄝ
   【申明】本翻译供Anti-CNN使用,未经AC或译者许可,不得转载。【译文】The Chinese government is continuing to try to slow economic growth中国政府正努力使中国经济增长减缓Chinese manufacturing output grew at its slowest rate for 17 months in July, as the government continues efforts to rein in rapid economic growth.7月份中国制造业产量的增长率是在过去的17个月中是最慢的,政府持续努力,去遏制经济增长过快。The official purchasing managers' index of manufacturing output fell to 51.2 in July from 52.1 in June, said the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing.中国物流与联合采购会的采购经理业的产量从6月份的52.1下降到7月份的51.2.Analysts said the slowdown came as banks continue to make it harder for firms to borrow money.分析家指出,放缓是由于工厂很难在银行获得贷款。Beijing has long been concerned the economy could be overheating.北京一直关心经济可能过热。Analysts said continuing efforts to cool property prices were also having a knock-on effect, as this was further limiting bank credit.分析家指出持续的努力,由于进一步的对银行贷款的限制,对降低物价起到连锁效应。Meanwhile, the government has been reducing stimulus spending on construction projects, and putting controls on investment in high energy consuming and polluting factories.同时,政府已经减少在建设项目上的开支,并且控制对高能耗和高污染的工厂的投资。"We know Chinese growth is slowing and this number provides confirmation of this," said Brian Jackson, a strategist with Royal Bank of Canada in Hong Kong.加拿大皇家银行驻香港的策划Brian Jackson说:“这些数字足已证明中国的经济正在放缓。”He added that China was now likely to be watching the state of the US and European economies.他补充说,中国现在可能是关注欧美经济发展的。Mr Jackson said that if Chinese exports remain strong, the government would stick to its slowdown policy, but that if exports fall, "Beijing will likely face pressure to deliver a renewed surge in investment spending".Mr Jackson说,如果中国的出口依然强劲,政府将坚持其放缓的政策,但如果出口下降“北京将面临继续扩大投资的压力。The most recent official figures showed that the overall Chinese economy grew by 10.3% in the three months to June, down from 11.9% in January-March, but still well above the government's 8% target.最近的官方数据显示,中国整体经济在第二季度增长10.3%,比第一季度的11.9%有所下降,但仍高于政府制定的8%A figure of 50 or above in the purchasing managers' index represents growth.

ykfo2 发表于 2010-8-2 14:20


zerglord 发表于 2010-8-2 14:33


Free_Corsica 发表于 2010-8-2 15:29


rongjingji 发表于 2010-8-4 06:50

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