tydc 发表于 2011-2-23 10:54

【20110211 CNN】“混乱胜过专业”—在中国百思买学到的一课(11天后,百思买水土不伏退出中国)

本帖最后由 下个月 于 2011-2-24 11:59 编辑

【中文标题】“混乱胜过专业”—百思买在中国学到的一课【原文标题】Best Buy's lesson from China: Cluttered beats curated【登载媒体】美国CNN新闻
【译文】Kit R. Roane, contributorFebruary 11, 2011: 4:12 PM ET
FORTUNE -- Sometimes it's better to be late to a party. By the time Best Buy made a splash in China in 2006, large domestic rivals had already spread their tentacles across the nation, the Wal-Marts of the world were becoming entrenched, and massive PC malls -- a sort of messy and hyperactive physical Ebay (EBAY, Fortune 500) -- had already sprouted up across the landscape like mushrooms.


But a birds-eye view and a slow-go approach has helped Best Buy navigate the country's treacherous retail trade and experiment without losing its signature blue shirt.


In China, Best Buy put away the company's orthodox retail approach. Instead it benched its brand, decided to grow through acquisition and is only now slowly wooing customers and vendors towards the Best Buy way five years after arriving. At the same time, what it's learning in China may soon influence how it does business in the United States as well.The world's largest consumer-electronics retailer, Best Buy (BBY, Fortune 500) prides itself on having knowledgeable and unbiased sales people who can help bewildered customers choose from a preferred selection of electronics, which run the gamut from iPads and computers to refrigerators and electric motorcycles. In California, for example, the company will soon offer charging stations for electric cars, with their Geek Squads dispatched to help with home installation.


But Chinese consumers aren't used to the Best Buy process. Nor do the majority of them want it -- at least not right now. They've grown up shopping for electronics at cluttered mom-and-pop shops where business is fueled by word of mouth, or at big-box retailers such as Gome Electrical Appliances or Suning Appliance Group, where competing vendors display and sell their own massive array of wares. Kal Patel, who head's Best Buy's Asia operations, says that early on, Best Buy experimented with a US-style store in Shanghai. "We curated everything. We made choices in rice cookers and choices in PCs," he says. But customers wanted the old system, where they "choose for themselves from thousands of things."

但是中国的消费者们现在还不习惯百思买的流程,大多数消费者也不需要,至少是现在。消费者们在那些通过口述提供商业服务的凌乱的家庭式经营商店中购买电子产品,或者是在一个写类似于国美电器和苏宁电器的仓储式零售商,在这些地方竞争关系的供应商一起展示和销售他们自己品牌的大量产品。百思买亚洲运营的领导人Kal Patel说在早期,百思买试验过在上海进行美国式的商店。“我们已经考虑了所有的事情,并且选择好了米饭的烹饪工具和电脑。”他说,但是消费者们需要原来的旧的系统,在那里他们可以从数千中商品中为他们自己选好东西。

"What we learned, very crucially, is that in China you cannot make revolutionary change. You have to work at the pace of the Chinese consumer," he adds.


Other foreign retailers have learned that lesson the hard way. For every Carrefour -- a supermarket chain known or having the pulse of the Chinese consumer, whether the need is fresh chicken blood or nearly-kicking chicken feet -- there has been a Wal-Mart (WMT, Fortune 500) (originally derided for its American-centric view and for trying to strong-arm Chinese unions and suppliers) and a Starbucks (SBUX, Fortune 500) (accused of "trampling Chinese culture" after it opened shop in Beijing's Forbidden City).


Best Buy continues to be guided by the caution of its former CIO, Bob Willett, who once noted that "if you look at any of the companies that have gone international and you dig into the reasons why they failed it is because they moved too fast."

百思买持续遵循着他的前任首席信息官的警言,Bob Willett,他曾经提到了:如果你观察下那些已经进入国际化的公司,然后分析那些他们失败的原因,你会发现是因为他们进行的太快了。

In China, no Western behemoth is more deliberate or, well, slow. Best Buy has only opened eight branded stores in the world's most fertile consumer ecosystem -- where more than $2.5 billion in retail sales still grow at double-digit clips.


And their purpose is more experimental than anything else, says Patel. The real China strategy is being put to work at Jiangsu Five Star Appliance Company, in which Best Buy took controlling stake in 2006 for about $180 million, then bought out fully in 2008. Five Star, the nation's third- largest electronic retailer, runs 166 stores and has grown by often saturating a particular province's second- and third-tier cities.


Retailing the Chinese way


The purchase gave Best Buy immediate reach into China, but more importantly, says Patel, it gave the company a way "to learn and understand the nuances" behind how Chinese consumers shop for electronics.


One big issue for all retailers in China, explains Professor Marshall Meyer, of the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School, is that Chinese consumers are extremely price conscious while also carrying "strong local preferences." They also like lots of selection and the ability to touch products before they make a deal.


This is evident in the PC malls where many of the country's personal computers are sold. There, shoppers troll for electronics among hundreds of small vendors crammed together in kiosks. On the surface, the malls appear to be ripe for cleaning up with a little Western retail know-how, given the cluttered appearance and the surfeit of counterfeit goods at many stores. But Patel says that a closer looks reveals that these PC malls "are like ant farms and the ants are very organized."


Consumers police the vendors, which survive or fail through word of mouth. And if one vendor doesn't have a product, "the guy will run around the rest of the mall and find it for you," says Patel. "How can you compete with that?"


Five Star is where Best Buy is trying to compete, with some success. In 2006, Five Star had less than $1 billion in revenue, compared with $1.6 billion now. Meanwhile, same-store sales have grown between 20% and 30% a year and continue to accelerate, and the chain has continued to have "significant gross net margin improvement" since its purchase, according to Best Buy, which does not break out its Five Star operations data.


It has made these gains in a sometimes cutthroat environment -- someone even put broken glass on the escalators of Best Buy's Shanghai store to disrupt its opening day -- by keeping an eye on both its customer's tastes and government wants, and only importing the Best Buy ethos a little at a time.


For instance, in order to keep up with local competitors like Gnome, which has more scale, higher brand awareness and better government connections, Five Star assiduously follows China's government edicts. When China's government announced that its eleventh "Five-Year Plan" would promote greater energy efficiency and "greener" consumption, Five Star cut deals with its vendors to make sure its stores could offer best-in-breed solar water heaters and other energy efficient appliances at the right prices.


Now that the government is pushing product recycling and the idea of "inclusive growth," through the subsidy-led expansion of retail chains into China's smaller towns, Best Buy is figuring out how to roll out a version of its US-based recycling program in China and looking for ways to set up Five Star in towns so small that, as Patel puts it, "your marketing is the town crier."


An East-West hybrid


Since Chinese consumers still want lots of choices, Five Star continues to use the same retail model of its larger competitors, which basically gives each competing manufacturer a concession to run and stock a particular section of the store. (No retailer could afford to supply the same sort of variety of brands and products by themselves.)


But Patel says Best Buy tweaks the concept as much as it can behind the scenes, so that consumers are offered a better experience. The company brings every Five Star store manager to Minneapolis for training in the Best Buy way, fosters communication through regular teleconferences and forges closer relationships with its vendors' commission-driven employees, so there is less turnover and greater loyalty to the chain.


Realizing that Chinese consumers may want the immense selection but still desire less-biased help in navigating the products, Best Buy has begun paying Five Star customer service agents to walk around several of its stores, answering customer questions about products and helping them navigate between vendors so they can better compare. In a few Five Star concept stores, Best Buy has experimented more forcefully with China's prevailing retail design, doing away with the vendor-led model in a particular category -- like small appliances -- and splitting the store's mix of workers so that half are salaried Five Star employees who receive no sales commission.


Best Buy isn't dictating too much from above, and, in fact, much of the innovations taking place at its stores come from the ground. For instance, because some Chinese holidays make America's Black Friday seem tame, a group of Five Star employees culled through store data to find their best customers, then sold them "reservations" guaranteeing them holiday prices on specific items and no crowds. The idea, which has now been adopted by other Five Star stores in China, provided a competitive advantage during an important holiday season," says Patel. "The uptake was good. bought more profitable products and they were able to avoid the mob and take their time."


Versions of the reservation idea have now been tried at Best Buy stores in the United States. Patel says that more lessons from China may be on the way. Noting that an increasing number of Best Buy customers are lower-income and often immigrant, he says Best Buy is exploring the idea of opening a "raw model" Five Star-style appliance store here to bring in those customers "who like a little bit of chaos in the stores and the search for bargains.



tydc 发表于 2011-2-23 11:01


tydc 发表于 2011-2-23 11:01

  晚报记者 张骏斓 见习记者 姚宏伟 报道

  入华5年仍 “水土不服”的美国最大电子产品零售商百思买,今天正式宣布关闭在华9家零售自有品牌门店,这意味着首家进入中国的外资家电零售巨头终于将战略收缩路线发挥到极致,“百思买”零售品牌正式告别中国市场。为解决善后事宜,百思买称其中4家门店将在2月24日至3月24日再重开一个月,解决消费者的相关退款等事宜。业内人士认为,造成外资家电零售商在华“水土不服”的原因,是其发展速度缓慢,规模优势无法体现所致。





  而在与销售人员的攀谈中,记者了解到员工们对于关店的传言也有所耳闻,一直都未得到确切的消息。“实际上一些人已经开始另谋出路了。 ”一位店员透露。



  而当记者来到百思买徐家汇店,该店已被白纸封门。员工们的相关通报会议正在举行中。 10点,百思买正式宣布,今日起关闭在华9家零售自有品牌门店。为了妥善解决如延保等后续事宜,百思买徐家汇店、联洋店,及苏州和杭州的门店将在2月24日至3月24日再次重开一个月,如果有客户已经订购或是其他事宜,到时可前往解决,也可以拨打客服进行咨询。据介绍,目前已经订货的消费者可以全额退款。百思买的购物卡没有消费金额的可以到指定地点兑换成等额的杉德预付卡。

  对此,在现场的一些消费者纷纷表达不满。一位预定到优惠价SONY液晶电视的客户表示,前天刚刚预定,今天来说关门了没有货了,只能退钱。“为什么收钱的时候不说自己要关门了。 ”该客户提出质疑。

  而一些在徐家汇门店中的店中店商家也表达了不理解。“现在我们的货品都在里面,百思买又不让我们进入,老板说了把货看好,这家店不开了。 ”一位店中店的员工王小姐说道。




  “这样少的门店数量,无法形成有效的规模优势,在加上其错过了发展的最好时期,全球采购的优势在中国无法体现,这些都促成了百思买的退出。 ”一位业内资深人士说道。据其透露,进入中国5年,百思买每年都在亏损,而作为一家上市公司,又不可能深耕市场,退出就成为唯一出路。







博雅之士 发表于 2011-2-23 12:08


thehand 发表于 2011-2-23 14:44


連長 发表于 2011-2-23 15:06


滔滔1949 发表于 2011-2-23 17:27

本帖最后由 滔滔1949 于 2011-2-23 17:29 编辑




大裁决 发表于 2011-2-23 20:08


紫玉炎华01 发表于 2011-2-23 21:56

回复 7# 滔滔1949

    那是因为骨子里就是流氓 被不受约束的激发出来而已

蝌蚪汤 发表于 2011-2-24 02:37


ft1255576 发表于 2011-2-24 09:13

回复 5# thehand


ft1255576 发表于 2011-2-24 09:15

美国人消费特点是人傻钱多,都不知道选什么, 听销售人员一忽悠就买了!

下个月 发表于 2011-2-24 12:02

【中文标题】“混乱胜过专业”—百思买在中国学到的一课【原文标题】Best Buy's lesson from China: Clutte ...
tydc 发表于 2011-2-23 10:54 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


seasefro 发表于 2011-2-24 13:15

美国人消费特点是人傻钱多,都不知道选什么, 听销售人员一忽悠就买了!
中国人比较理智,销售人员再怎么忽 ...
ft1255576 发表于 2011-2-24 09:15 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


Moarx 发表于 2011-2-25 21:39


durand 发表于 2011-2-26 13:16


abeltian 发表于 2011-2-28 23:32


zerglord 发表于 2011-3-7 17:11

百思买的推出是中国市场上劣币驱逐良币的一个典型案例了。说水土不服,其实是不愿意想中国恶劣的商业环境低 ...
abeltian 发表于 2011-2-28 23:32 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


Free_Corsica 发表于 2011-3-7 17:43


baibai 发表于 2011-3-7 23:06

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