满仓 发表于 2011-3-15 13:07

【11.03.14 GlobalPost】中日关系如何渡过这场灾难

【原文标题】How will China-Japan relations weather storm?
【原文作者】Kathleen E. McLaughlin




















Wendy Schorr:

Jayesh Patel:

Shun Huang:

Steven Lee:
Shun Huang,我恐怕你纠正错误的努力,根本就没有落入那些满脑袋都想着如何抨击中国的人的耳朵里。他们无耻到想借用这次灾难来加固自身的偏见。对这些自以为是的沙文主义者来说,中国做什么事都是错误的。

Daniel Johnson:

Shun Huang:

Shun Huang:

Jeff Day:

Steven Lee:

Raymond Geisel:


Members of the Chinese rescue team prepare to depart to aid Japan, after the earthquake and tsunami, at the airport in Beijing on March 13, 2011. Premier Wen Jiabao expressed his "deep sympathy" to the Japanese government and people, and offered any "necessary help" to its neighbor, the foreign ministry said.

BEIJING, China — China has sent a 15-man rescue to team and promises of aid to Japan in the wake of its catastrophic earthquake and tsunami, but extensions of help in crisis won’t necessarily mean a long-term shift in the two countries’ contentious relationship.

When China suffered an earthquake in rural Sichuan province that killed nearly 90,000 people three years ago, a small Japanese search-and-rescue crew made international headlines by helping in recovery efforts. The symbolism was big: Japanese troops had not been allowed in China for 60 years, since the Second World War ended and they were driven out.

Sichuan’s disaster response also marked the start of a much more transparent attitude of a country that had buried its 1976 Tangshan earthquake and refused foreign aid, in a disaster that may have killed 250,000 people.

The Japanese crew in Sichuan, using world-class rescue equipment and search dogs, found not a single survivor; in part perhaps because negotiations delayed their arrival by several days. When they left China, shuttled out the side door of a small hotel in Chengdu, the Japanese crew seemed assured that they had done their best.

Now the world’s second-largest economy and a global political force, China is in position to extend a hand.

China’s state-run media reported heavily on the offers of aid, running photo slideshows and several stories about the Chinese crew working in Japan.

“Chinese seismic workers know exactly what Japanese people feel right now. We are willing to offer assistance to Japan anytime,” the Xinhua news agency quoted Chen Jianmin, director of the China Earthquake Administration, as saying Friday in a message to his Japanese counterpart.

With all the world attention those Japanese rescue workers attracted back in 2008, there was speculation and hope that Sino-Japanese relations had turned an important corner. Yet the past three years have been marred by more spats and frayed diplomatic relations. And while the Chinese public is talking non-stop about Japan’s turmoil, powers at the top have taken a much more guarded approach to discussing the situation.

It was only at the very end of his nearly 2.5-hour press conference on Monday that Premier Wen Jiabao turned his attention to Japan. He first asked if there were Japanese journalists among the gathering of hundreds (there were), then said he didn’t want to take a question from them, but had something to say. Wen offered China’s “deep condolences” to Japan.

.Wen meets with reporters once every year, at the close of the National People’s Congress. He takes a pre-screened selection of questions from journalists from China and other countries. This year no Japanese reporter was called on. Instead, Wen made a statement.

“China is also a country prone to earthquake disasters and we fully empathize with how they feel now,” Wen said. “We will provide more as Japan needs it and we want to continue to help as necessary.”

China has pledged roughly $150,000 in aid to Japan for recovery. Yet it remains to be seen whether rocky relations will return once the crisis abates.

Chu Xiaobo, a Sino-Japan relations expert at Peking University, said symbolic actions — like Japan’s aid in Sichuan in 2008 — can help the overall relationship.

Three years ago, he said, “common people in China were touched by their actions, and this greatly changed Japan's image in some Chinese peoples' mind. Obviously it was a good interaction.”

Now the same might come of China’s extension of aid to Japan.

“I think action like this has a positive impact on relations between countries,” said Chu. “Humans have become more dependent on one another and bilateral relations are not just about politics and economics anymore. It’s about connections on many deeper levels.”

Wendy Schorr

The "second largest economy" is pledging only $150,000 in aid? Such humanitarians!

Jayesh Patel

Yeah it's a bit low, considering China's tiny neighbors have given so much more. Taiwan has given 3.3 million $ and sent a 63 member rescue team as opposed to China's 15. Even Cambodia, one of the poorest countries in the region has given $100,000, and Vietnam has given $200,000. Mongolia and Sri Lanka, both very poor countries in comparison, have both given $1 million. South Korea has sent a 107 member rescue team and an unknown (but large) sum of money. Indonesia and Malaysia have also sent an unknown number of rescue workers. China are being very stingy in this, but at least they've done more than India, who have not donated any money, and have historically considered themselves close friends of Japan, much more so than the Southeast Asian states and the People's Republic.

Shun Huang

Wendy, please get your facts and thinking straight, japan is in no need of money but more of resources and supplies. According to Reuters (which you hopefully know that is internationally recognized and relied on as a source of information) and i quote "The government has donated 30 million yuan ($4.56 million) of relief supplies to Japan, the first batch of which has already left Shanghai, including quilts and tents." so please next time do understand that money is not the most important thing in these kind of situations :).

Steven Lee

Shun Huang: your efforts to set the record straight, I'm afraid, is falling on ears too deafened with an opportunity for a good old China-bash. Shameless that they would use this tragedy to promote their prejudice. For these self-righteous chauvinists, nothing China does can ever be good.

Daniel Johnson

One Walmart spends more on the nearby community than the whole country of China is spending to help Japan in this major disaster! How very selfish and sad that is! I wonder if Chinese citizens are allowed to donate money to relief organizations from their cell phones, or does the government regulate that too?

Shun Huang

i'm going to write the same thing i wrote to wendy, basically: China has not donated lots of money (what's money really gonna do at this point of the situation. do you think Japan really needs money) however they have done this: "The government has donated 30 million yuan ($4.56 million) of relief supplies to Japan, the first batch of which has already left Shanghai, including quilts and tents." Japan needs suplies not money ;)

Shun Huang

oh yeah, forgot to add that the source is from Reuters which i think you should know that is a highly respected and reliable source of news and facts. Well atleast highly appreciated in Europe atleast :)

Jeff Day

China has no cultural inclination nor understanding of charity...hard to understand, but it is the way it is.

Steven Lee

where'd you learn that, in missionary school?

Raymond Geisel

Only $150,000 is more like an insult.

紫玉炎华01 发表于 2011-3-15 13:11


紫玉炎华01 发表于 2011-3-15 13:12

日本不缺钱 但这时钱有什么用? 让下一次大地震在欧洲发生?教育下他们?

ak123456789 发表于 2011-3-15 13:25


yuyeguihua 发表于 2011-3-15 14:25

Jayesh Patel:


请JY 们代替主子解释一下:韩国派出了107人的救援队在哪里?难道都去找失踪的狗了吗?

yuyeguihua 发表于 2011-3-15 14:27


不了了之 发表于 2011-3-15 15:14


不了了之 发表于 2011-3-15 15:19

紫玉炎华01 发表于 2011-3-15 13:11 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


reader11 发表于 2011-3-15 16:54


呆呆小貓咪 发表于 2011-3-15 17:54

Q17)五个人两条狗狗这么久听到的最搞笑的事情了 嘿嘿。、

转折点 发表于 2011-3-15 18:30


wzs123 发表于 2011-3-15 19:54


mmc210 发表于 2011-3-15 20:24

本帖最后由 mmc210 于 2011-3-15 20:26 编辑



Sichuan’s disaster response also marked the start of a much more transparent attitude of a country that had buried its 1976 Tangshan earthquake and refused foreign aid, in a disaster that may have killed 250,000 people.

The Japanese crew in Sichuan, using world-class rescue equipment and search dogs, found not a single survivor; in part perhaps because negotiations delayed their arrival by several days. When they left China, shuttled out the side door of a small hotel in Chengdu, the Japanese crew seemed assured that they had done their best.



我想起 第一滴血4 一帮所谓的民主人士不顾性命的跑到 邪恶势力的地盘拯救人民...




lyycc 发表于 2011-3-16 11:52


bbs001 发表于 2011-3-16 19:29

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