kamina_shin 发表于 2011-8-10 12:56


本帖最后由 corie_zhu 于 2011-8-10 14:20 编辑


【原文标题】Geithner: U.S. Treasuries still safe after downgrade



【译       者】kamina_shin


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Geithner: U.S. Treasuries still safe after downgrade WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury debt is as safe as it was before a Standard & Poor's rating downgrade of the United States and Congress' "damaging" debate over raising the country's debt limit, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said on Sunday. 盖特纳:美国国债降级后依然安全(路透社)-----美国国债在美国标准普尔评级下降,和美国国会关于提高国家债务上限“严重的”讨论后依然安全,财政部长蒂莫西·盖特纳周日说道。Geithner, in an interview with NBC/CNBC television, also called on European leaders to ensure that there is an "unequivocal financial backstop" for euro zone governments facing fiscal and debt problems. 盖特纳在美国全国广播公司(NBC)、美国全国广播公司财经频道(CNBC)电视的采访中也呼吁欧洲领导人确保欧元体系政府面对财政和债务问题有“明确的经济后盾”。         He added that a double-dip recession was unlikely if governments and central banks made good decisions.
Asked whether Treasuries were as safe now as they were last week, Geithner replied: "Absolutely. And the judgment by S&P changed nothing." 上周时被问及现在国债是否和以前一样安全,盖特纳回答:“当然。标准普尔的降级不会改变什么。”Geithner continued the Treasury's attack on the credit rating agency, which cut the U.S. sovereign rating late on Friday to AA-plus from AAA citing the political gridlock in Washington and a debt deal that produced less fiscal savings than the agency had prescribed. 标普鉴于华盛顿的政治僵局和产生比机构规定的少的财政储蓄的债务协议,周五下调美国主权信用评级由AAA到AA+。而盖特纳继续对信用评级机构进行国债攻击。"I mean I think S&P has shown really terrible judgment and they've handled themselves very poorly," Geithner said. "And they've shown a stunning lack of knowledge about basic U.S. fiscal budget math. And I think they drew exactly the wrong conclusion from this budget agreement." “我的意思是我认为标普表现出了低下的判断力,他们表现糟糕” 盖特纳说道,“他们表现出了令人惊奇的对于美国基础财政预算数学知识的缺乏,而且我认为他们对这预算协议得出了错误的结论。”
         Geithner said the S&P decision did not provide any new insight into the U.S. capacity to pay it bills.
         "There is no risk the United States of America would ever not be in a position to meet its obligations," Geithner said.
He acknowledged, however, that the "terrible debate" in Congress over raising the debt limit, which brought the U.S. government within days of defaulting on some obligations, raised questions about the U.S. political system's effectiveness. 盖特纳说标普的决定没有为美国有能力还债提供任何新的见解。“对于美国没有能力履行责任的担心是多余的” 盖特纳说道。然而他承认国会对于提高债务上限的“糟糕的争论”,给美国政府带来几天的履行责任的延误,反映出美国政策系统的效率问题。
      "It caused a lot of damage and that's going to take a long time to heal that damage," he said.
Geithner also said he was confident that China would continue to be strong investors in the United States, despite criticism from the Xinhua news agency that the "good old days" of U.S. borrowing were over. “这造成很大的损失,而这些损失又需要很长时间愈合。”他说。盖特纳也说道尽管新华社批评说美国借钱的“好日子”过去了,他有信心中国将继续作为美国强力的投资者。
DOUBLE-DIP UNLIKELY二次衰退不大可能The U.S. Treasury chief, who on Sunday confirmed his decision to stay in the job, said he did not believe a double-dip recession was likely for the global economy, but "it depends on the quality of judgments of the governments and central banks now."美国财政主管周日确认其在职的意愿,称他不相信全球经济会有二次衰退,但“这还得看政府和中央银行判断的水平。”
The world's governments and central banks still have room to act to deal with global economic pressures, he added.
Europe must ensure stronger growth and governments there must make progress on fiscal reforms, he said, adding he was confident that Europe would provide "more forceful" support for countries under debt pressure, such as Italy and Spain.
"So what Europe needs to do is to make sure that there's an unequivocal financial backstop. So there is no doubt in anyone's mind that those countries across Europe have the ability and the will to meet their obligations," Geithner added.

青蛙小王子 发表于 2011-8-16 15:12

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