lilyma06 发表于 2011-8-15 15:37



【原文标题】China's Official Data Muddy Its Housing Picture



【译    者】lilyma06


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【译    文】

The outlook for China's housing sector is both crucially important for the world economy and—because of weakness in the data—very hard to predict.
Despite a government push this year for more-accurate home-price data from China's National Bureau of Statistics, international markets—and most Chinese consumers—remain deeply dubious of the official monthly figures.   
July data from the National Bureau of Statistics are due out Thursday, but confidence in the official figures is so low that the markets pay more attention to numbers from a private data provider, the China Real Estate Index System.

A worker installs windows Sunday in a building in Hefei, China.

China, an engine of global growth, has to do better at explaining this key sector of its economy. Take Shanghai, the country's financial hub and richest city. According to data from the China Real Estate Index System, prices of new apartments in Shanghai have risen by more than 150% in the past five years. That outpaces a 107% increase in wages over the same period—moving home ownership further out of reach for average earners.
But the official data tell a different story. According to China's NBS, prices for new apartments in Shanghai have climbed 20% over the past five years—well below the increase in wages.
As important, though the trend in both data series is upward, the path mapped out by the private data is more volatile—with bigger ups and downs in the growth rate than in the official data.
Why is the difference between those two sets of figures so important? (Full disclosure: I investigate the question in detail in my book "Understanding China's Economic Indicators.") Investment in residential real estate accounts directly for 12% of China's gross domestic product, and more than that when demand for steel, cement, and other construction materials is factored in. China's real-estate boom helps energize the domestic economy and keeps miners from Australia to Brazil flush with cash.
House prices are a key leading indicator of changes in policy, sales and investment. Rising prices attract speculators into the market. Entrepreneurs and billionaires descend on Beijing and Shanghai with suitcases of cash, snapping up entire floors of luxury residential developments. Higher sales encourage developers to break ground on more-lavish projects. But if prices rise too fast, the government has to step in to cool the market, speculators move to the sidelines, and developers put down their tools.

Beijing could be forgiven for a little tardiness in getting up to speed on housing data. The boom that has made developers and speculators rich and left young professionals grasping for the first rung on the real-estate ladder is a recent phenomenon. As recently as 15 years ago, the private property market was almost nonexistent. Home for most workers was employer-provided housing. But with an incipient property bubble threatening to cause economic disorder and social unrest, the government has attempted to bring prices under control, with the latest crackdown kicking off in April 2010.
Of course, if prices have risen only as fast as the official data suggest, there is no need to worry. With just a slight mismatch between prices and incomes, a brief period with a slower increase in prices will improve affordability. When that happens, the government will be able to loosen its controls, sales will rise, and developers will be powering up their cement mixers—reassuring international markets that the economy is humming along. If the official numbers are also correct that house prices typically move gradually and within a small range, even continued controls by the government are unlikely to result in a sharp correction.
But if—as seems more likely—the China Real Estate Index System data are correct and prices are considerably out of whack with income, the government in Beijing and reluctant local officials will have to maintain controls on the sector for a long time, raising the specter of a rough patch for China's economy. Equally worrying, if movements in prices are as volatile as the private data suggest, the chances of a policy misstep leading to a sharp correction are higher.
Despite, or perhaps because of, the importance attached to real estate, there are few areas of China's economy where the official data are less reliable. In 2009, the combination of a slowdown in growth that hit many home buyers in the pocketbook and continued failure by statisticians to report the rapid increase in house prices evident to would-be buyers was too much for public opinion to bear.
也许是因为房地产的重要性,对于对中国经济官方公布的数据也有少部分是不可靠的。 2009年经济增长放缓的组合使很多房屋购买者掏了腰包,而统计人员未报告的房价迅速增长也使很多买家承受太多的舆论观点。
The National Bureau of Statistics' announcement of an increase in average house prices of just 1.5% was met with public skepticism. One Chinese Internet commentator asked: "Can you believe that? Obviously a misplaced decimal point."
Outrage over the 2009 data sparked some change. But the new system rolled out in January wasn't much of an improvement. On the plus side, outdated and unrepresentative samples that analysts believe were to blame for problems with the old data were replaced by a system that captures every sale of new property. On the down side, the national average figure—the best guide to the overall state of China's housing sector and a major focus of market attention—was shelved in favor of more detailed city-level data. That differs from practices in the U.S., where the monthly Standard & Poor's Case-Shiller index and new-home sales data from the Census Bureau both provide national benchmarks for price changes as well as city or regional breakdowns.
Adding to the confusion, local officials in China control the flow of high- and low-price property on to the market, affecting the movement of the data. Nicole Wong, China property analyst at CLSA, said when the government cracks down on property speculators, officials withhold permission for developers to bring high-value properties to market—contributing to the appearance of falling prices. When the heat is off, more-expensive developments are allowed back in.
Sleight of hand by local officials—moving the house-price index without changing the underlying situation—does little to solve China's housing bubble, or to provide investors and policy makers with an accurate understanding of the sector. If the Chinese government is serious about controlling runaway house prices, the first step should be to provide credible data on exactly how high home prices actually are.

igcaxxm 发表于 2011-8-16 13:48


两怀 发表于 2011-8-16 17:15


沐霜 发表于 2011-8-17 03:56

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