Wrath 发表于 2011-10-5 02:01



【原文标题】China launches experimental space station



【原文作者】Stephen McDonel

【译 者】Wrath


【声 明】欢迎转载,请务必注明译者和出处 bbs.m4.cn

A Long March 2F rocket carrying the Tiangong 1 module blasted off on schedule shortly after 9:15pm (local time) from the Gobi desert in China's north-west ahead of China's National Day on October 1.


The unmanned 8.5-tonne module will test various space operations as a preliminary step towards building a space station by 2020.


Later this year an unmanned rocket will attempt to dock with Heavenly Palace 1.


In 2012 a manned space craft will attempt to replicate the docking procedure.


China has to be able to dock vessels in space if it is going to operate a permanent station.


In fact, avoiding collisions in orbit is said to be the major challenge they will face.


If all goes well Chinese astronauts will be living in space for months at a time within the next nine years.


But Dr Zhu Jin, a researcher from the Beijing Planetarium, says there are still few hurdles to jump on the way.

但是,Zhu Jin博士提到中国仍需要克服一些技术上的障碍.Zhu Jin博士是北京天文馆的研究员.

AUDIO: Stephen McDonell reports on China's leap into space (AM)

"To establish this space lab, we have to first overcome connection difficulties," he said.

“要想顺利建立太空实验室,我们必须克服交流上的难题.”Zhu Jin博士表示.

"The main mission for Tiangong-1 is to solve this problem."


When the Soviet Union put the first satellite into orbit and then the first man into space, it sent shivers around the
Western world.


Likewise China's emerging space program, seen a measure of its growing power, is making some other
governments nervous.


But China sees its ambitious space program as a symbol of its global stature.


State newspapers devoted several pages to the launch, hailing it as a "milestone" for the country.


Chinese premier Wen Jiabao was at the launch centre for the take-off, while president Hu Jintao watched from a space flight control centre in Beijing, the state Xinhua news agency said.


Dr Zhu Jin thinks the scientific benefits of this space station will be large.

Zhu Jin博士相信空间的科学价值将会是巨大的.

"No matter whether you're in the field of space science or not, we're all watching this closely," he said.


"Everyone's happy that step by step we're working towards having our own space lab."


直沽高粱 发表于 2011-10-5 11:34


Wrath 发表于 2011-10-5 12:31

直沽高粱 发表于 2011-10-5 11:34 static/image/common/back.gif


沐霜 发表于 2011-10-6 11:39


juntanhua 发表于 2011-10-11 11:43

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