lilyma06 发表于 2011-10-14 17:52


本帖最后由 lilyma06 于 2011-10-14 17:53 编辑

【原文标题】On Key Date, Taiwan Sends Plea to Beijing




【译 者】小明啊 lilyma06


【声 明】欢迎转载,请注明出处

TAIPEI—Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou used the occasion of an important and politically sensitive date in Chinese history to call on China to embrace democracy, as Taiwan's opposition ratchets up criticism of his closeness to Beijing ahead of elections early next year.

Mr. Ma's call isn't new, but it came on the 100th anniversary of the Xinhai Revolution, when the Qing Dynasty was overthrown and China's first republic was established.
Though the Xinhai Revolution remains a sensitive topic in China due to its connection with the Kuomintang, Taiwan's ruling party, Chinese President Hu Jintao, at Sunday festivities set up to commemorate the anniversary, called for peaceful relations between the mainland and the island, though he also reiterated Beijing's call for unification and opposition to Taiwan independence. Officials at China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs couldn't be reached late Monday.
In his speech in front of the Presidential Building in Taipei on Monday, Mr. Ma also promoted Taiwan's recent economic rapprochement with China, saying the 15 trade deals struck during his administration "were completed in a spirit of equality and with the benefit of the Taiwanese people as the government's first priority." Mr. Ma, who leads the Kuomintang, is pushing increased economic ties to China in an effort to reach an electorate that analysts say is worried about jobs and the economy.
Taiwan Celebrates Centennial

At the same time, that push has left him vulnerable to criticism that he is too close to Beijing, which worries some voters who fear that growing economic ties with China is undermining Taiwan's chances for independence. Mr. Ma will face off against the opposition Democratic Progressive Party Chairwoman Tsai Ing-wen—who favors independence—in elections in January. For now, polls show Mr. Ma and Ms. Tsai neck and neck.
Lo Chih-cheng, president of Taiwan Brain Trust, a DPP-leaning think tank, said the speech was an indication that Mr. Ma was trying to frame the election around cross-Strait issues.
"The KMT is emphasizing that if the DPP wins then the current cross-Strait exchanges will be cut off or stalled, and that will cause concerns for the Taiwanese people," he said, adding that global financial unease has put the economy foremost in the minds of voters.
The DPP argues that the deepening ties to China have done little to address unemployment or Taiwan's large wealth gap.
Mr. Ma's message was delivered to a thin crowd on Monday during celebrations for what is known as National Day, but that had heavier emphasis on the Xinhai Revolution because of the 100th anniversary. It featured a demonstration of Taiwan air might in the form of a series of flyovers by fighters, helicopters and troop carriers over the capital Taipei.
The race has also been complicated in recent weeks by the potential entry of third-party candidate James Soong, who some say could steal votes from Mr. Ma. But polls have showed Mr. Soong's entry into the race could impact both candidates roughly the same, a potential indication of more widespread unhappiness among Taiwan voters.
The occasion itself also posed a challenge for Mr. Ma. Although the Republic of China was founded in concert with the Kuomintang shortly after the Xinhai Revolution of 1911, the events that ended the Qing Dynasty happened in China at a time when Taiwan was a colony of Japan. As a result many Taiwanese feel disconnected from the revolution.
Taiwan is still called the Republic of China as it became the haven for the Kuomintang after its leaders fled China following its loss of a civil war with the Communists in the late 1940s.
Seeking to find common ground between the revolution and modern day Taiwan, Mr. Ma said that it was at heart a democratic movement whose spirit is best expressed in modern Taiwan, a functioning democracy.
Rich Pizzowrote:

China sees what is goingi on in American Style "Capitalism", and American Style "Democracy", they would be fools -which they are not- to want such unconscionable insanity into their country...
jose martinez obregonreplied:

Nah, Ma meant Libya style democracy or Indian style or Mexican style. Chinese population is too large to have the American style. Er... imagine a China with four to five times of the US debts, too big to have.
David Leereplied:
Nah,"too large population" "in line with China national condition" "for people" are all excuses to get a conclusion for the CCP:the CCP must rule China alone.A simple enough logicThe CCP rules China---is in line with "China's national conditions",other parties don't rule China---is in line with "China's national conditions";the CCP doesn't rule China---isn't in line with "China's national conditions",other party rules China---isn't in line with "China's national conditions".Actually the CCP just want a conclusion:the CCP must rule China,everything just excuses for the conclusion,it even has nothing to do with regime.
David Leereplied:
U.S. sale of weapons to Taiwan ensured that the Chinese Communist Party did not attack Taiwan with military forces.
David Taylorwrote:
Right on, Rich. So you are an admirer of a one-party system that is fuelled by bribes, corruption, surppression of the most fundamental human rights, and unconscionable alliances with some of the world's most torturous, brutal regimes. Yes, I can see how more democracy would be dangerous to the current Chinese regime.
Rich Pizzoreplied:
you obviously believe the BS that gave us the Iraq War,China is not as bad as the propaganda makes out...China has saved the US from complete financial collapse and you denigrate them? have you no sense of decency?
David Leereplied:
one-party/man systems often refuse to step down peacefully for mistakes they made,and choose to kill civilians with military forces.Iraq---A dictator is down for sure,that's not a lie.Stupid,try to learn some facts about the CCP then decides if you want to defend for it anymore.The CCP doesn't want the world to report what really happens in China,only the "good pictures" are allowed for fools like you.Millions of civilians murdered by the CCP already,too many to believe?this is a miracle in killing civilians business.
Chee Seng LIMreplied:
David, at least the majority of the people in China is happy with the way their leaders are running the country, the same cannot be said of America, where everything is going in the opposite direction of where China is aiming for.
David Leereplied:
That's what picture CCTV(one-party controlled) try to manipulate:everyone is supporting the CCP and the CCP only,everyone is very happy----here comes a simple logic fault:even everyone(or most of the Chines) loves the CCP,they still need to control the press,still NO OPEN VOTING at all.
这就是CCTV(一党控制)想达到的:每个人都支持共产党并且只是共产党,每个人都很幸福。这里面有个逻辑错误:尽管不是每个人(或者大多数中国人)都热爱共产党,他们仍需要控制媒体,根本没有公开投票。May I ask a simple question:Can Chinese(most of them love the CCP) even vote a leader at all?
Rich Pizzoreplied:
Freedom of the press, yes.. so long as the press is not promoting psycho talk, China does not allow sociopaths free speech to push their sociopathism.. THE SOCIOPATHS in the US are pushing their sick unconscionable pathology as a way of life here in the US. The social disease of sociopathy should NOT be allowed to spread via media of any sort in any civilized society.
Howard Yureplied:
Hi David,Democracy in America has proven that it can ruin a country. Look at the crony capitalism that's happening. Wall Street runs the government literally with their billions of dollars lobbying for rules that favor them. The government is in massive debt because politicians running for key positions "bribe" their voters by introducing tax cuts and government spending every 4 years. That is not sustainable.Your argument is that democracy will bring better human rights. Who is to say that better human rights cannot come with a One-Party system? As time progresses and China stabilizes economically and politically, improvements on human rights will come along. After all, people thought that all communist regimes will collapse like the USSR, but China proved it wrong. What worked for others may not necessarily work with China, so the U.S. should instead stop imposing its ideals on others.

敬扬 发表于 2011-10-14 18:19


敬扬 发表于 2011-10-14 18:21


大猫猞猁 发表于 2011-10-14 20:20


插队在德国 发表于 2011-10-14 21:50

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