某程 发表于 2011-10-27 23:04



【原文标题】Occupy tensions high after vet's skull fracture





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In this photo taken Oct. 25, 2011, 24-year-old Iraq War veteran Scott Olsen lays on the ground bleeding from a head wound after being struck by a by a projectile during an Occupy Wall Street protest in Oakland, Calif. (AP Photo/Jay Finneburgh)
这张照片拍摄于2011年10月25日,24岁的伊拉克战争退役老兵Scott Olsen躺在地上额头流血,由于在加州的奥克兰的占领华尔街运动中被投射物打中。

(AP)OAKLAND, Calif. -- Oakland's police chief is promising a vigorous investigation into a clash between police and Occupy Wall Street protesters that left an Iraq War veteran in critical condition with a fractured skull.

Police Chief Howard Jordan spoke Wednesday as tensions grew over demonstration encampments in key California cities.警长Howard Jordan在周三的时候说道,现在加州主要大城市的示威运动冲突在不断升级。

Late Wednesday, hundreds of anti-Wall Street protesters Oakland filled a street with a late-night march.

"It's unfortunate it happened. I wish that it didn't happen. Our goal, obviously, isn't to cause injury to anyone," the chief said at an afternoon press conference.

Olsen, 24, suffered a fractured skull Tuesday in a march with other protesters toward City Hall, said Dottie Guy, of the Iraq Veterans Against the War. The demonstrators had been making an attempt to re-establish a presence in the area of a disbanded protesters' camp when they were met by officers in riot gear.
同是伊拉克战争的老兵Dottie Guy说道,24岁的Olsen在周二和众多行走者一同向市政厅的行走中受伤的。当时示威者们想尝试在被解散的营地的区域重新组织起来的时候遭遇了警察的警棍。

It's not known exactly what type of object struck Olsen or who might have thrown it, though Guy's group said it was lodged by officers. Several small skirmishes had broken out in the night with police clearing the area by firing tear gas and protesters throwing rocks and bottles at them.

An Oakland hospital spokesman said Olsen, a network administrator in Daly City, was in critical condition Wednesday.

Earlier Wednesday, officials allowed protesters back into the plaza outside City Hall where their 15-day-old encampment had been raided the day before, but said people would be prohibiting from spending the night. About 1,000 people quickly filled the plaza.

But another showdown between police and protesters appeared to be averted late Wednesday night as several hundred filed out of a plaza.

An AP photographer on the scene said police erected barricades to prevent the marchers from reaching a freeway, sending the group down side streets en masse.

Small contingents of officers could be seen following behind but there were no signs of any confrontations or arrests. The march tapered off after about an hour, with most of the protesters apparently dispersing.

By early Thursday, about 50 people were left at the site and few police could be seen.

"I'm going to stay here tonight," Jhalid Shakur, 43, of Oakland, said earlier in the day. "I don't have a tent, but I'll sleep on a bench if there's space.‘"We're about to build our city back," he said.
43岁的Jhalid Shakur在早些日子说道,“我打算今晚在这过夜,我没有帐篷,但是如果有空凳子的话我会在凳子上过夜。我们准备把我们的地盘重新建起来。”

Meanwhile, San Francisco officials warned protesters Wednesday that they could face arrest if they continue camping in a city plaza. In a letter, Police Chief Greg Suhr said the protesters could be arrested for violating a variety of city laws against camping, cooking, urinating and littering in public parks.
同时,洛杉矶的警察在周三警告示威者如果他们仍要在广场扎营的话就面临被逮捕。在一封信中,警长Greg Suhr称道,示威者会由于在公园违法扎营、做饭、排泄和倒垃圾而被逮捕。

"Existing and ongoing violations make you subject to arrest," Suhr wrote in the notice, but didn't say if or when arrests would occur.

Police have taken down a previous Occupy San Francisco camp in the Justin Herman Plaza and also cleared another camp outside the Federal Reserve Bank downtown.

Late Wednesday some of the San Francisco protesters, estimated to be about 200 people, had their arms locked and were practicing trying to keep police from entering the perimeter of their encampment.

Police estimated at least five protesters were arrested and several others injured in the Tuesday evening clashes.

In Los Angeles, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa said the Occupy LA encampment outside City Hall "cannot continue indefinitely."
在洛杉矶,洛杉矶市长Antonio Villaraigosa宣称,在市政厅外地占领洛杉矶运动“不可能一直进行下去。”

Villaraigosa told the Los Angeles Times Wednesday that he respects the protesters right to peacefully assemble and express their views, but they must respect city laws and regulations.

He said he has asked city officials to draft restrictions limiting when people are allowed on city property.

Villaraigosa said county health inspectors have expressed concerns over the cleanliness of the camp. And, he says the demonstration is hurting the city's lawn and trees.

Oakland Mayor Jean Quan said the city supports the protesters' goals but had to act Tuesday when a small number of them threw rocks, paint and bottles at the police.
奥克兰的市长Jean Quan说道,城市将保障示威者的权利但是在周二的时候,小部分人向警察扔石块、颜料和瓶子表示他们将有所作为。

"We had, on one hand, demonstrators who tried to rush banks, other demonstrators saying don't do that, and we had police officers, for the most part, 99 percent, who took a lot of abuse," the mayor said. "So yesterday was a sad day for us.

Jordan said an internal review board and local prosecutors have been asked to determine if officers on the scene used excessive force. He asked witnesses with recordings of violent interactions between civilians and the officers who came from several Bay Area agencies to submit them to investigators.

The clash Tuesday evening came as officials complained about what they described as deteriorating safety, sanitation and health issues at the dismantled camp.

Oakland City Administrator Deana Santana said protesters would be allowed to assemble in the plaza outside City Hall from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. She pleaded with those who planned to make another stand there to refrain from smashing windows, lighting fires and attempting to stay overnight.
奥克兰市的行政主管人员Deana Santana称道,示威者将在早上六点到晚上十点之间允许在市政厅外地广场集会。他恳求那些计划再次抵抗的人们尽量克制自己不要砸窗、点火和试图在广场过夜。

"If we could have these simple, reasonable requests, we think we can assure safety in the streets tonight," Santana said.


by Progress4USA October 27, 2011 10:19 AM EDT
So this is the way our great society welcomes home its vets!!?!??!Please note, the President's Jobs Bill makes provisions for tax incentives to those companies that hire returning vets... PASS THE BILL NOW...WE CAN'T WAIT!!!!!

y stn_sage October 27, 2011 10:15 AM EDTRed line Oakland as another city with a Nazi, violent, first strikepolice force bent on destruction and mayhem!

抽丝剥茧 发表于 2011-10-28 00:19


忠孝节义 发表于 2011-10-28 05:02

本帖最后由 忠孝节义 于 2011-10-28 05:02 编辑





沐霜 发表于 2011-10-28 07:15


hello20012 发表于 2011-10-28 08:37


lyycc 发表于 2011-10-28 08:57


carlvinson 发表于 2011-10-28 09:27


zhuxi_2008 发表于 2011-10-28 12:04



倾杯乐 发表于 2011-10-28 12:42

忠孝节义 发表于 2011-10-28 05:02 static/image/common/back.gif
「现在还不知道袭击Olsen的是什么物件以及谁扔了它,尽管GUY的团队说是警察打的。一些小的冲突发生在晚上当 ...


冰镇自来水 发表于 2011-10-28 12:44


勿近小人 发表于 2011-10-28 12:55


in2out 发表于 2011-10-28 12:55


横林叶叶 发表于 2011-10-28 13:09


横林叶叶 发表于 2011-10-28 13:10


qushichen 发表于 2011-10-28 14:42


qushichen 发表于 2011-10-28 14:46

横林叶叶 发表于 2011-10-28 13:09 static/image/common/back.gif
伤了的退伍兵,是否能触动美国最有战斗力的那部分人? ...

美加州监狱发生种族暴乱 1300名囚犯群殴250人伤







serial 发表于 2011-10-28 15:30

往血里闹 ,闹大了才有戏 ,不过如没有“外部势力”支持,还是很难,中国看样子不打算趟浑水 ,但俄罗斯可以阿

忠孝节义 发表于 2011-10-28 16:44

横林叶叶 发表于 2011-10-28 13:09 static/image/common/back.gif
伤了的退伍兵,是否能触动美国最有战斗力的那部分人? ...


coldwarj 发表于 2011-10-28 16:58


滔滔1949 发表于 2011-10-28 18:12

横林叶叶 发表于 2011-10-28 13:10 static/image/common/back.gif

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