某程 发表于 2011-10-29 17:26


本帖最后由 某程 于 2011-10-29 17:33 编辑


【原文标题】Let Tai wan In (to International Organizations)
                   ----Beijing has little reason left to block Taipei'sefforts at good global citizenship






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Nextmonth, the countries that are members of the United Nations Framework onClimate Change will meet in SouthAfrica to share knowledge and coordinatestrategies. According to its own charter, the UNFCC strives to achieve"the widest possible cooperation" from the global community. Taiwan, whichhas committed to cutting its greenhouse emissions 30% by the year 2020 andneeds advice on how to do it, is not invited. 下个月,联合国气候变化纲要公约成员国将会在南非开会旨在相互交流和协调策略。根据联合国章程,此公约致力于从全球会议中达到“最大可能性的合作”。台湾却没有被邀请,尽管它承诺在2020年前削减30%的温室气体。

This is part of a familiar pattern.An international problem emerges that requires full global participation tosolve. By any reasonable criteria, Taiwan, which is among the world's25 largest economies and a demonstrably good international citizen, should be aparticipant. Yet Taiwan'sparticipation is blocked by the mainland Chinese government, which exercises aneffective veto power by threatening other governments with economic orpolitical retaliation for any perceived "recognition" of Taiwan.这是类似情形的一部分。国际问题需要整个全球参与去解决。用任何合理的标准,台湾作为世界前25大经济体以及民主的国际化成员,都应该参加。然而台湾的参与权却被大陆政府阻隔了。大陆政府为了防止别的政府对台湾的认可运用经济或者政治手段威胁。

This is part of the ChineseCommunist Party's strategy to bolster its argument that Beijingshould have sovereignty over Taiwan,which has been ruled by the government of the Republic of China since 1945.Beijing's efforts to deny Taiwan "international space"—a diplomaticterm of art for legitimacy or recognition as an actor in its own right in worldaffairs—are also a means of pressuring Taiwan's people to politically unifywith mainland China. 这是中国共产党为了支撑其认为的北京对台湾享有管辖权的部分策略,也是北京政府为了逼迫台湾人民要在政治上归大陆中国管辖而造势。台湾政府曾在1945年统治中华民国。北京现在要否认台湾的“国际地位”---国际地位一词是外交上的术语,表示在国际性事物参与上享有法律上的权利以及他国对其的认同。

Beijing has played such games for years, and it is long past time for arethink both by Beijingand by the foreign governments who play along. Recent improvements incross-Strait relations should spur Beijingto ease its resistance, which increasingly seems petty and self-defeatinganyway.北京玩弄这套把戏很多年了,过去北京也和其他支持北京的外国政府玩了很多年了。近来海峡两岸关系的提升应该使得北京减轻了这套把戏,看上去像是北京似乎放弃了。

China's Taiwanobstructionism is unfair to Taiwan's23 million inhabitants, who are innocent pawns in Beijing'sploy to restrict Taiwan'sautonomy. The mainland is using low-level coercion against Taiwan's peopleby making them international second-class citizens. This tactic is out of stepwith international norms, and in some cases is potentially harmful toTaiwanese. During the SARS outbreak of 2002-03, Beijing'sinsistence on representing Taiwanin the World Health Organization prevented the Taiwan government from directlyworking with the WHO, perhaps resulting in unnecessary deaths.中国的台湾阻扰对台湾2300万居民来说都是不公平的,他们是北京限制台湾自主权的无辜牺牲品。大陆在对台湾人民运用低等手段让他们成为国际世界的二等公民。这种手段与国际惯例不符,在某些方面对台湾人民是潜在伤害的。在非典爆发的2002年到03年间,北京继续在世界卫生组织压至台湾政府,不让他们与卫生组织合作,导致最后很多不必要的死亡。

Agence France-Presse/Getty Images

Mainland restrictions of Taiwan's international activities also weakenefforts to solve global problems, squandering the potential contributions of Taiwan'sexperts. One example is the International Civil Aviation Organization, whichmanages the safety and efficiency of international commercial aviation. Taiwan's inability to participate in ICAO isabsurd considering that Taoyuan International Airportnear Taipei isthe world's eighth busiest for cargo flights and the 18th busiest for themovement of passengers.大陆对台湾国际事务的限制也削弱了国际间解决国际事务的能力,台湾的很多专家都没有用武之地。一个例子是国际民用航空组织,致力于国际商务航空的安全和效率。荒谬的是,台北附近的桃源机场作为世界第八大货物航运地与全球客运第18大地却无权参与此组织。

Finally, Beijing'spolicy is counterproductive to China'sown interests. Beijing is currently trying topersuade the global community that a stronger China will help to build a morejust and peaceful world, and particularly that the mainland government supportsglobal norms. At the same time, it is seeking to establish cross-Strait"trust" and convince Taiwanese that recognizing the mainland regimeas their central government would not be so bad.最后,北京的政策对于其自身利益来说也是聊胜于无的。北京现在试图劝服别的国际组织中国的更强盛能够促进世界的和平与正义,特别是大陆政府完全遵循国际规则。同时,它也在寻求建立海峡两岸之间的“信赖”以及使台湾人民人民认识到把北京政府作为中央管辖政府并不是一件糟糕的事。

Beijing understands that if China wants peaceful unification, it must winthe hearts and minds of Taiwan'speople. Threatening them with missiles and tormenting them with isolation willnot achieve this goal. The present mainland policy reinforces Taiwanesedistrust and resistance to unification. Ending the policy of internationalexclusion of Taiwanwould be a much more effective alternative. This might encourage some Taiwaneseto take a new look at the "one country, two systems" deal Beijing has offered them,which has been a non-starter up to now.北京明白如果中国想要和平统一,就必须得台湾人民的民心。用导弹和武器威胁他们以及隔离他们是达不到目的的。现行的大陆政策只能是减少台湾人民的信任感以及对统一的抵抗。反而,运用结束国际间对台湾的排斥的策略还会更好。这也许能对台湾人民重新审视北京将要提供的“一国两制”体系有好处。虽然现在仍没实现。

Granting Taiwangreater scope at international organizations would be a low-cost tactic for Beijing. Every nationalgovernment on earth is aware of Beijing's claimof sovereignty over Taiwan.None will conclude that Beijinghas given up this claim based on a decision to make its policy more reasonable,compassionate and consistent with international norms. Instead, Chinawould gain in international prestige from such a move.对于北京来说,保证台湾对国际组织享有广范围的权利成本要低得多。地球上每个国家都在关注北京宣称对于台湾的统治权。没有人会得出北京将放弃此权利就是因为想要制定出与国际规则更合理的更协调一致的政策。相反,中国会由于这种行为获得高的国际声望。

Nor should the fear ofunintentionally encouraging separatist activism in Tibetand Xinjiang stand in the way of a conciliatory gesture toward Taiwan.Beijing has already treated Taiwan as aspecial case requiring a unique solution. Tibetand Xinjiang are provinces under the control of the central government in Beijing and occupied byPeople's Liberation Army troops. They also have access to internationalorganizations through mainland membership. Taiwan, on the other hand, iscompletely autonomous, ruled by its own democratic government, and outside themainland's systems and agencies. Chinahas promised Taiwan thatafter unification Beijingwould send no troops or officials to the island.


The precedent for China allowing some international participationby Taiwan is already set,provided Taiwandoes not use a title that implies statehood. Taiwan is a member of the WorldTrade Organization as a "customs territory." It has long sent teamsto the Olympic Games and since 2002 has participated in some regional fisheriesmanagement organizations under the name "Chinese Taipei."中国政府允许台湾参加的国际事务的名称已经暗示台湾不是以国家身份参与国际事务的惯例。台湾是作为世界贸易组织有“单独海关”的一员。台湾在“中国台北”的身份下参与国际奥林匹克运动会以及从2002年起的一些地区性渔业管理组织已经很长时间了。

Beijing cares deeply aboutreclaiming Taiwan,but it also cares about cultivating a positive international image. Making thelives of Taiwan's peoplemore difficult and weakening international organizations by excluding Taiwan does not strengthen Beijing'scase for sovereignty over Taiwan,but it does hurt China'sreputation. When an international outcry is strong enough, Beijing will back down. In 2009, Beijing finally stopped blocking Taiwan's participation in the WorldHealth Assembly after a sustained campaign of international pressure.北京非常关心统一台湾,但是也对塑造正面的国际形象很关心。北京把台湾隔离的手段使得台湾人民生活更艰难,也使得国际组织被削弱了。但是这却并不能增强北京对台湾的管辖,反而损害了中国的声誉。当国际抗议够强烈的时候,北京就会让步。在2009年,在国际运动的压力下北京最终让台湾参与了世界卫生集会。

Such pressure should continue. Taipei is currentlymaking a push to join the ICAO and the UNFCC. The international communityshould support Taiwan'smembership. Beijing amply makes its point byopposing Taiwan's membershipin the United Nations, but the Chinese leadership should stop obstructing Taiwanfrom playing its natural and necessary role in meeting global challenges byjoining international organizations focused on specific, practical issues.类似的压力还会继续。台北现在正努力想要加入国际民用航空组织和联合国气候变化纲要组织。国际社团应该支持台湾作为成员国的资格。北京做了充分的准备要在联合国阻止台湾的资格,但是中国的领导人应该停止阻扰台湾,让它加入致力于更细致与实践的国际组织,在面临国际问题的挑战前发挥应有的必须作用。

Justin   Lee wrote:

The PRC government needs to understand the mostsignificant reason behind the Taiwanese populace's growing identification withbeing "Taiwanese" and their diminishing association with being"Chinese." Up until 1972, when the ROC government on Taiwan lost itsUN seat to the PRC, Taiwanese had no problems identifying with being Chinesebecause their notion of being Chinese aligned with the world's perception ofbeing Chinese (aka ROC citizen). However, when the majority of the worldswitched their recognition to the PRC, the problems began. Now, being"Chinese" implied association with the PRC. Unacceptable to most ROCcitizens living in Taiwan,people began to default to (embrace) their other identity as Taiwanese.

For example, I have yet to meet a Taiwanese student studying in the US who introduced himself as being from China or beingChinese, not because they perceive any negative connotation with such anidentification, but because most people unfamiliar with PRC-ROC relations wouldassume they are PRC citizens, which they are not.

I agree with the author's opinions but I would go even further to suggest thatthe PRC government and the international community should revise their approachto the one-China policy. Allowing the ROC government representation as "aChinese" government on the world stage would go a long way to instill asense of being Chinese among ROC citizens living in Taiwan. Take for example,North/South Korea and East/West Germany, sinceall parties had/have recognition from the international community, none feltidentification with being "Korean" or "German" impliedassociation with the opposing government. Instead, this shared identity,although with different interpretations is what's driving/drove the desire forunification我赞同作者的观点,但是我还会更进一步谈到中华人民共和国政府和国际组织应该转换他们对于一个中国策略。允许中华民国政府代表“一部分中国”政府在世界的舞台上,将会长期对居住在台湾里的中华民国国民的人注入自己是中国人的观念。例如,北朝鲜/南朝鲜和东德/西德,因为各方都是从国际组织中得到认同感,没有人会觉得作为“朝鲜人”和“德国人”,会意味着与两个相对的政府关联。相反,这种共享的身份,尽管有不同的阐述,但是却会使得统一的愿望不可遏制。

补充内容 (2011-11-5 12:27):
For example, I have yet to meet a Taiwanese student studying in the US who introduced himself as being from China or beingChinese

补充内容 (2011-11-5 12:28):
应为   我还没有遇见一个来自台湾的学生自称是来自中国,或者是中国人。

谢谢 深深的红 指正!!

某程 发表于 2011-10-29 17:28

本帖最后由 某程 于 2011-10-29 17:34 编辑


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