小明啊 发表于 2011-11-2 12:51


本帖最后由 小明啊 于 2011-11-2 14:04 编辑


The Top 10 Screeds in China's Global Times【中文标题】环球时报的十篇裹脚布【译者】小明啊

【原文链接】    http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2011/10/31/the_top_10_screeds_in_chinas_global_times

The nationalist tabloid has published its share of saber-rattling op-eds.这份国民小报已经开始好战叫嚣!BY URI FRIEDMAN | NOVEMBER 1, 2011
Today on Foreign Policy, Christina Larsonprofiles China's populist, hyper-nationalistic Global Times. Just how belligerent is the state-run tabloid? Let's take a look at 10 of its most scatching screed.今天的外交政策带大家来看一份中国的民粹主义宣传刊物《环球时报》,想知道这份国营小报是个怎样的好战分子么?让我们看看最有挑衅意味的十篇长文。第一弹:DON'T TAKE PEACEFUL APPROACH FOR GRANTED (10/25/11)不要认为和平是理所当然的Money Quote:    "If these countries don't want to change their ways with China, they will need to prepare for the sounds of cannons. We need to be ready for that, as it may be the only way for the disputes in the sea to be resolved."文章引用:“如果这些国家不想改变自己的方式,他们就要准备听炮声了。我们必须准备充分,,因为它可能是海上纠纷问题的唯一解决方法。”Context: The editorial argues that countries like Vietnam and the Philippines are taking advantage ·area valued for its fishing and oil and gas deposits.文章解读:社论认为,像越南和菲律宾这样的国家,他们的区域利用价值在于渔业资源,石油,和天然气储量。
第二弹:LOCKE'S LIFESTYLE AND NEW MISSION (09/22/11)骆家辉的生活方式和新的任务Money Quote: " He enjoys the fact that his acts are praised by Chinese media, even though he knows he is not as plain as described ... It is not suitable to overly praise a foreign ambassador, particularly when his task in China is rather complicated."引用原文:“骆家辉非常享受他在中国的行为被中国媒体大加赞扬,尽管他知道他不像是文章描述的那样……并不适合过于赞美一个外国大使,特别是当他在中国的任务是非常复杂的时候。”Context:The tabloid penned the editorial at a time when Gary Locke -- pictured above -- had just become the U.S. ambassador to China and the Chinese public was buzzing about his alleged modesty, as displayed in his flying economy class, lugging his luggage around a Beijing airport, waiting in line at the Great Wall, and slinging a backpack across his shoulder as he tried to use a coupon at Starbucks.文章解读:在这家小报刊登这则社评的时候,骆家辉已成为驻中大使,而他谦逊的作风令媒体和大众议论纷纷,比如他被拍到乘坐经济舱吗,在长城上排队,背着双肩包在星巴克试图使用一张优惠券等等。 第三弹:US HAS NO STOMACH FOR SOUTH CHINA SEA MILITARY CLASH (10/30/11)美对南中国海军事纷争没敢胆试Money Quote:    "China insists on peace. However, the US and other countries make use of this insistence as a tool to press China now. We should stop insisting on sticking to peace when other countries are challenging our bottom line again and again."引用原文:“中国坚持和平。然而,美国和其他国家将这种坚持作为一种工具向中国施加压力。我们应该停止这种平静的坚持,因为其他国家正在一遍又一遍的挑战我们的底线。”Context:The author of the editorial, an analyst named Long Tao at a Chinese think tank called the China Energy Fund Committee, is reacting to America conducting military exercises with Vietnam and the Philippines in the South China Sea.文章解读:这篇文章的作者叫做龙涛,供职于中国一家名称为中国能源基金委员会的智囊团,是一位分析师,文章是对是对美国与越南和菲律宾在南中国海进行军事演习的反应。

第四弹:ALERT TO BUT NOT LURED BY FOREIGN INFLUENCE (10/29/11)警惕!小心外来势力洗脑Money Quote:" Living in an international environment that China temporarily cannot change, we need to be alert to foreign interference as well as keep a sober mind, clean house and constantly improve governance ... No country is fond of interference from the outside. China is no exception. In addition to hostile forces originating in foreign countries, China also has to face the mixed chorus formed by Tibet separatists, East Turkistan terrorists and the Falun Gong cult, who have gone abroad. Inner calm is specially needed when dealing with the collusions of the above-mentioned forces."引用原文:“现今的国际形势是中国暂时不能改变的,,我们需要警惕外国干涉以及保持清醒的头脑,打扫国内环境并不断提高治理手段……没有哪一个国家喜欢来自外界的干扰,中国也不例外。除了来源于外国敌对势力,中国还面临着国外那些由西藏分裂势力,东突厥斯坦恐怖主义分子和法轮功邪教形成的共同冲击。我们要静下心来好好处理以上提到到那些力量。Context:The editorial, which reflects on China's rise in a globalized world, sounds a lot like the paranoia about foreign interference expressed by dictators during the Arab Spring. The appeal at the end to "inner calm" may sound tranquil, but one can't help but wonder whether it's a euphemism for a crackdown.文章解读:本站编辑总结,在中国目前崛起的背景下,这篇文章看起来很像是阿拉伯之春中那些偏执者对外国干扰独裁者的反映。文末中“内心的安静”听起来很平静,但是我们怀疑这更像是对“镇压”的一种委婉说法。

第五弹:RUMORS FIND BEST PLACE TO BREED ON WEIBO (07/13/11)微博,谣言衍生的温床Money Quote:    "New media was once held up as a model for freedom of speech in China. But in reality, a lack of censorship leads to rumors growing more rapidly."引用原文:“新媒体曾被树立为言论自由的楷模,但在现实中,因为缺乏审查 ,导致谣言传播越来越迅速。”Context:The Chinese government has been busy waging a battle against the spread of false information online (some critics say this is code for a crackdown on dissent), and the Global Timeshas enthusiastically supported the effort, providing a justification in this instance for censorship. In another op-ed on the subject, the tabloid urged the government to "    regularly publish authoritative information so as to nip rumors in the bud."文章解读:中国政府一直忙于对抗网络虚假消息的传播,(而一些评论家说这种行为是对持不同政见者的打压),而《环球时报》用这个例子强力支持这个政策的实施。而另一个对于此事的评论中,这家小报敦促政府“定期发布辟谣信息,将虚假消息扼杀在萌芽之中”。

第六弹:TIME TO TEACH THOSE AROUND SOUTH CHINA SEA A LESSON (09/29/11)南中国海,是时候要给相关国家一个教训了Money Quote:    "The Philippines, pretending to be weak and innocent, declared that mosquitoes are not wary of the power of the Chinese elephant. The elephant should stay restrained if mosquitoes behave themselves well. But it seems like we have a completely different story now given the mosquitoes even invited an eagle to come to their ambitious party. I believe the constant military drill and infringement provide no better excuse for China to strike back."引用原文:“菲律宾,假装自己的弱小和无辜,并且公然宣布它一只小蚊子不惧怕中国大象般的实力。如果蚊子表现得好,那大象会约束自己的行为,但是现在看起来事实并非如此,蚊子甚至邀请老鹰过来对抗大象。而这些不断地军事演习,和对中国的侵扰,是中国反击的最好理由。”Context:This is another piece from Long Tao of the China Energy Fund Committee on the provocations of China's rivals in the South China Sea. Between the references to elephants, mosquitos, and eagles, the lead image of cats circling a fish bowl, and a reference to"minows," the op-ed is heavy on animal metaphors.文章解读:这篇文章还是来自中国能源基金会的龙涛写的,针对南海上中国的竞争对手对其的挑衅。文中使用了,蚊子,大象,老鹰这样的形象来比喻三个国家,并且文章的配图是三只猫围着水缸里的鱼.这些动物的背后是沉重的隐喻。
第七弹:GLOBAL LANGUAGE CAN TAKE ON CHINESE CHARACTERISTICS (10/24/11)全世界都懂中国特色Money Quote:    "While in China we still see a family-value based social order, in the West we find an interest-group based social order. When in your family you do not apply strict laws or make contracts; instead you induce a moral code. When among strangers who fight against other interest groups, you simply cannot trust them like your own family, so you need laws."引用原文:“在中国,现今社会秩序是以家庭价值为基础的。而在西方,则是以一个利益集团为基础的。当你的家人不严格执行法律和合同时,相反,你则形成了一个道德准则,当陌生人之间的对抗其他利益集团,你不能像信任自己家人一样新人他们,所以,你需要法律。“Context:Sometimes Global Timeswill outsource its missives to foreigners. This reflection on the differences between Chinese and Western culture by a German scholar seems to suggest that Western societies are held together by laws while Chinese society is held together by family values. We imagine some people might take issue with the notion that China is devoid of "strict laws."文章解读:有些时候《环球时报》会把他们的公文信函外包给外国人做,这反映了中西方文化的差异。一个德国学者似乎也暗示将西方社会维系在一起的是法律,而中国社会则是家庭价值观。我们猜想有些人可能会认为“中国需要严苛的法律”。

第八弹:CHINA MUST REACT TO VIETNAM'S PROVOCATION (06/21/11)中国必须对越南的挑衅做出反应Money Quote:"China has to be ready for two plans: negotiate with Vietnam for a peaceful solution, or answer the provocation with political, economic or even military counterstrikes. We have to be clear about the possibility of the second option, so as to let Vietnam remain sober about the South China Sea issue."引用原文:“中国要准备好两个计划:与越南进行谈判,以和平方式解决,或对其在军事政治经济上的各种挑衅做出反应。而我们必须明确的第二个选项的可能性,所以,请越南在南海问题上保持清醒。”Context: This editorial specifically singles out Vietnam's aggression in the South China Sea and increasingly friendly relationship with the United States. The picture above shows Vietnamese protesters during an anti-China rally over tensions in the South China Sea in July 2011.文章解读:这篇社论专门指出越南在中国南海的侵略和与美国关系的日益友好。上图为在越南2011年7月在中国南海局势紧张时的反华集会抗议者。

第九弹:HE REAL STAKE IN 'FREE FLOW OF INFORMATION' (01/22/10)他在“言论自由时代”掌握大权Money Quote:       "The free flow of information is an universal value treasured in all nations, including China, but the US government's ideological imposition is unacceptable and, for that reason, will not be allowed to succeed. China's real stake in the 'free flow of information' is evident in its refusal to be victimized by information imperialism."引用原文:“言论自由在许多国家作为一种普世价值存在着,包括中国,但是美国政府的思想不能被接受并且实施的,原因是,不可能成功。中国的言论自由是显而易见的,这体现在拒绝信息帝国的伤害。”Context: The op-ed lashes out at Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for endorsinga "single Internet where all of humanity has equal access to knowledge and ideas," arguing that China's meddling with the flow of information is design to ward off American imperialism. The picture above shows Clinton meeting with Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi in September 2011.文章解读:该专栏猛烈抨击国务卿希拉里关于“所有人都有平等的权利了解互联网上的内容,并认为中国将信息流混杂在一起目的是想击溃美利坚的帝国主义。上图是2011年9月希拉里会见中国外交部长杨洁篪。

第十弹:FEAR IS A MEDIOCRE REASON TO SUPPORT THE US (01/24/11)恐惧不是个好理由Money Quote:    "The US just lacks the willingness to face the serious challenges and opportunities brought by other emerging countries, including China. It should remember that prosperity comes from competition rather than fear."引用原文:美国不愿意接受来自其他新兴国家带来的挑战和机遇,包括中国。应该记住,繁荣来自竞争而不是恐惧。Context: In the wake of Chinese President Hu Jintao's January 2011 visit to the U.S., the editorial criticizes U.S. news outlets and politicians for scapegoating China out of fear about its rise. The picture above shows a Chinese man in Beijing reading a Global Times edition with the headline "America, You Are Too Highhanded" back in 2001.文章解读:之后,中国主席胡锦涛于2011年1月访问美国。社论批评美国的新闻媒体和政治家恐惧中国的崛起。上面的图片是2001年北京的一个男人在阅读《环球时报》,题目是《美国你太霸道了》

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小明啊 发表于 2011-11-2 12:52


心隐 发表于 2011-11-2 13:24


山中家乡 发表于 2011-11-2 13:33

南方晰及其主子想对环球内外夹击 哈哈

lyycc 发表于 2011-11-2 13:43




小明啊 发表于 2011-11-2 14:27

qongren 发表于 2011-11-2 14:56


陪你到天亮 发表于 2011-11-2 15:07


壮汉小奶糖 发表于 2011-11-2 15:26


壮汉小奶糖 发表于 2011-11-2 15:33


壮汉小奶糖 发表于 2011-11-2 15:34

lyycc 发表于 2011-11-2 13:43 static/image/common/back.gif



lilyma06 发表于 2011-11-2 15:39


lyycc 发表于 2011-11-2 15:40

本帖最后由 lyycc 于 2011-11-2 15:41 编辑

壮汉小奶糖 发表于 2011-11-2 15:34 http://bbs.m4.cn/static/image/common/back.gif
可是中国的内核就是好战分子,表面上看不出来,可是实质上中国做的龌龊事还不够多么 ...





小明啊 发表于 2011-11-2 15:49

lilyma06 发表于 2011-11-2 15:39 static/image/common/back.gif


lyycc 发表于 2011-11-2 15:50

本帖最后由 lyycc 于 2011-11-2 15:52 编辑




壮汉小奶糖 发表于 2011-11-2 15:57

lyycc 发表于 2011-11-2 15:50 static/image/common/back.gif

中国就算从先秦算起也有两千多年,所出的 ...


lyycc 发表于 2011-11-2 15:59

本帖最后由 lyycc 于 2011-11-2 16:00 编辑

壮汉小奶糖 发表于 2011-11-2 15:57 http://bbs.m4.cn/static/image/common/back.gif





壮汉小奶糖 发表于 2011-11-2 16:05

lyycc 发表于 2011-11-2 15:59 static/image/common/back.gif



龍十六 发表于 2011-11-2 16:23

壮汉小奶糖 发表于 2011-11-2 15:26 static/image/common/back.gif

不会只是因为“环球时报这种报纸,TG的喉舌”?TG有些许喉舌有什么不可以么?难道要满大街都是西方的喉舌才行!那——这还是 中华人民共和国 的国土么?

行走的力量 发表于 2011-11-2 16:57

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