tingwen 发表于 2011-11-12 04:46


【原文标题】China ExportsSlow as Europe Clouds Global Outlook
【登载媒体】Bloomberg 彭博社
【译者】 tingwen   
【翻译方式】 人工
【声明】    欢迎转载,请务必注明译者和出处 bbs.m4.cn。


Containers are stacked at theDayaowan Bonded Port Area in Dalian, Liaoning Province, China. Photographer:Nelson Ching/Bloomberg

图中是堆放在辽宁省大连市大窑湾保税港区的集装箱。摄影师:Nelson Ching/彭博社

China’sexports rose at a slower pace in October as Europe’s sovereign-debt crisis threatensItaly and worsens the outlook forglobal growth. Overseas shipments rose 15.9 percent from a year earlier,customsbureau data showed today. The trade surplus was $17billion, compared with $14.5billion in September. Imports climbed 28.7 percent.


Stocks areslumping on concern that Europe will struggle to keep its currency union intact andas International MonetaryFund Managing Director Christine Lagarde warns of therisk of a“lost decade” for the world economy. China’s ruling CommunistParty aims to tame inflation withouttriggering a slump as reports yesterday showed weaker growth in industrial outputgrowth and the smallest gain inconsumer prices in five months.
“Export growth will slow further as Europe may enter amodest recession in the fourthquarter,” Ding Shuang, a HongKong-based economist at Citigroup Inc., saidbefore the release.“But China has a large fiscal surplus which meansthegovernment could be more proactive in its spending to support economic expansion”, he said.


Exportgrowth compared with a median estimate of 16.1percent in a Bloomberg Newssurvey of 25 economists is a gain of 17.1 percent in September. The median forecast forimportswas 22.2 percent and that for thetrade surplus was $25.8 billion.

彭博网调查了25位经济学家,他们所估计的中国出口增长率(中位数)为16.1%,与之相比,9月份的实际增幅为17.1%。 进口增长率与贸易顺差的预测(中位数)分别为22.2%和258亿美元。



Investorsyesterday propelled Italy’s 10-year bond yield to close at a euro-era high of7.25 percent, escalating the region’s crisis after the promised exit of PrimeMinister Silvio Berlusconi failed to convince them that his country can slash Europe’ssecond-largest debt burden. In the U.S., meanwhile, demand is capped byelevated unemployment.

鉴于承诺辞职的意大利总理 Silvio Berlusconi未能使投资者信服意大利有能力削减欧洲第二大的债务负担,昨天,投资者将意大利10年期债券收益率推至7.25%,创欧元历史新高,也使整个地区危机加剧。与之同时,在美国,高失业率仍然抑制需求的增长。

Orders from U.S. buyers at the Canton trade fair held in October and Novemberin Guangdong province dropped 24 percent from a year earlier and those fromEuropean buyers fell 19percent, organizers said last week. Chinese solar-panelmaker Trina Solar Ltd. cut its forecast for 2011 shipments on Nov. 3because customers in Europe have haddifficulty financing projects.


China may slow the Yuan’s appreciation against the U.S.dollar to 3 percent to 4percent until the end of 2012 from an annualized pace of 5 percent thisyear, London-based Capital Economics Ltd. said in a Nov. 3 report. Citigroup’s Dingestimates gains will slow to 4percent next year.
“Thegovernment may want to avoid allowing too much yuanappreciation as that would hurtexports,” Ding said. “But the currency will still rise as China wants to encourage importsandreduce the accumulation of itsforeign-exchange reserves,” he said.Premier Wen Jiabao said last monththe government will fine-tune economic policies as needed to sustain growth amidaglobal slowdown. He also pledged tomaintain a “basically stable” exchange rate.

伦敦资本经济公司的11月3日报告显示,中国可能会放缓人民币对美元的升值速度,到2012年年底之前,人民币汇率将从年增长率5% 降为 3%或4%。花旗集团丁爽预测明年人民币升值速率为4%。

李小龙的双截棍 发表于 2011-11-14 14:54

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查看完整版本: 【彭博社11.11.10】欧洲为世界经济复苏再添阴云,中国出口增速放缓