codewei 发表于 2011-12-5 08:41


当我还在是少年,我看着每个人都像超过30岁。现在看来那些30岁的人在我的书中都是孩子。我冒昧的说,用不了多久,成熟的80岁高龄的人也不会像我曾想象的那样古稀。何谓老年的看法,往往是在步入那个年龄层时,我们个人生活的变化。Baby Boomers Make Old the New Young
When I was a teenager, I viewed anyone over 30 as old. These days 30-year-olds are just kids in my book. And I venture to say that before long that ripe old age of 80 will not seem quite as ancient as I once thought. Perceptions of what constitutes old age tend to change in our individual lives as we approach those ages.
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