彩虹族 发表于 2011-12-6 17:49



【原文标题】How “The Muppets” made Occupy Wall Street

【译    者】彩虹族


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Call it the triumph of Comrade Kermit. Fox Business News rips the lid off a dastardly Communist puppet plot
2011-12-6 10:00 上传
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A specter is haunting America: the specter of Communist Muppets!美国正被一个幽灵困扰住:共产主义木偶的幽灵。Don’t you dare smile! I just watched, mouth agape, a segment on the Fox Business “Follow the Money” show that definitively exposed the new Muppets movie as yet another example of liberals trying to brainwash your kids against capitalism. And boy, let me tell you, the scales have fallen from my eyes. Rupert Murdoch’s boys are on to something! When the evil masterminds behind this film decided to name their oil baron villain “Tex Richman” they were without a doubt shamelessly attempting to undermine everything that is right and true about the United States of America.你竟还笑!我只是哑然张嘴地看着,福克斯商业新闻的一段 “跟随金钱”秀完全揭露了新的木偶剧作为另一个自由党试图洗脑你的小孩反对资本主义的佐证。读者们,让我告诉你,尺度之大已另我大跌眼镜。鲁伯特·默多克的手下知道它的重要性。这部电影的邪恶策划人打算给他们的反派人物石油大王命名为“德克斯里奇曼”。毫无疑问,他们正在无耻地试图破坏美国价值观中的一切真善美。“Is liberal Hollywood using class warfare to brainwash our kids?” asked Fox.Well, duh. Of course! As the Media Research Center’s Dan Gainor pointed out during the segment, it is mere child’s play to trace the nefarious connections from the Muppet attack on a successful oil executive (c’mon, is Hollywood ever going to have a new idea?) to the Homo sapien-hating philosophy at the heart of “The Matrix” — the notion that “mankind is a virus on poor old Mother Earth.”“自由党的好莱坞真的打算利用阶级战争给我们的孩子洗脑?” 福克斯商业新闻提出疑问。当热!媒体研究中心的丹·盖诺在这个片段中指出,找出那些恶意的联系是轻而易举的,从木偶攻击成功的石油董事(拜托,好莱坞就不打算想出些新点子吗?)到中心思想为反人类的《黑客帝国》——提出“人类只是可怜的地球老母亲的病毒”的概念。“You wonder why we’ve got a bunch of Occupy Wall Street people wandering around the country?” asked Gainor not so rhetorically. “They’ve been indoctrinated for years by this kind of stuff.”Yes, that’s right, Fox Business just devoted seven minutes of precious airtime to a critique that not only connected “The Matrix” to “The Muppets” (and “Cars 2″! and “Syriana”!), but also reminded us that oil is a good thing because we need it to fuel our ambulances; and threw in a slam at Occupy Wall Street, for good measure. This is a level of brilliance that has heretofore not been regularly associated with this network. But really, I can’t tell you how glad I am that someone has finally had the balls to put a stop to this calcified “let’s put on a show to save something precious from the nasty job creator” plot nonsense. It may be one of Hollywood’s oldest tropes, but that doesn’t make it right.“想知道为什么全国这么多占领华尔街的人”?盖诺不加修饰地问道。“因为很多年来他们一直被灌输这种想法”。是的,没错。福克斯商业新闻只花了7分钟的宝贵时间进行批判,不仅涉及了《黑客帝国》到《木偶历险记》(《汽车总动员2》和《迷中迷》),还提醒我们石油是个好东西,因为我们需要它来给我们的汽车加油;另外恰到好处地抨击了占领华尔街这一事件。这是一个聪明的举动,迄今为止这种聪明并没有经常同电视台联系起来。但是说实话,当最终有些人有胆量制止这种僵化的胡闹情节,“让我们制作些节目好从卑劣的戏剧工作创造者挽救宝贵的东西吧”,你不知道我有多高兴。也许这是好莱坞最古老的比喻之一,但并不意味着它就是对的。I know some of my readers might actually believe that Texas oil money is largely responsible for destroying the climate of poor old Mother Earth and transforming the U.S. political system into a dysfunctional train wreck. Tut tut. What better evidence do we need to prove that long before Kermit and Miss Piggy turned to the dark side of dialectical materialism, your impressionable little minds were being warped against the free market by “Gilligan’s Island” and Bugs Bunny?我知道我的一些读者可能真的认为德克萨斯石油金钱应该为破坏可怜的地球老母亲的气候和将美国的政治体系转变为一个失控的火车残骸而负责。啧啧。我们还需要什么更好的证据来证明,很久以前克米特和佩吉小姐已经转变到辩证唯物主义的黑暗面,你的想法已经被《盖里甘岛》和兔八哥扭曲了而反对自由市场。Even the most enlightened are not immune! When the Fox segment turned to Andrea Tantaros to discuss the long slide of “Sesame Street” into socialist propaganda, Tantaros lamented herself straight into the self-reeducation camp.“Why can’t liberals leave little kids alone? Why does there have to be a political message. I thought ‘Sesame Street’ was supposed to be about sharing and being nice to people …”即使是最聪明的人也无法幸免。当福克斯的片段从安德里亚·坦塔罗斯讨论芝麻街的长片转为社会主义者的宣传机构,坦塔罗斯哀叹自己直接进入了自我再改造的阵营。“为什么自由党就不能离孩子们远点?为什么必须出现政治信息。我原以为《芝麻街》是分享快乐的。”Is she even listening to herself?! Sharing is COMMUNIST. That is what Karl Marx was all about! And bottom line, that’s all the Occupy Wall Street protesters want. What part of “redistribution of wealth” does Tantaros not understand?Clearly, the Children’s Television Workshop has been insinuating itself into the hearts and minds of our nation’s youth from day one. Maybe, just maybe, they’ve become a little more obvious about it in recent years. But isn’t that the kind of thing you’d expect when a vast economic catastrophe that just happens to occur during the the administration of President Tex Richman leaves millions of people unemployed and exacerbates income inequality to its worst point in a century?Whoops, it looks like the Muppets have gotten to me, too. Insert maniacal laughter here.她真的知道自己在说什么嘛?共享是共产主义的,那正是关于卡尔·马克思的一切,也正是占领华尔街抗议者们想要的底线。坦塔罗斯不理解“重新分配财富”的哪部分?

lyycc 发表于 2011-12-7 08:43



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