diver18 发表于 2011-12-10 22:38


【美国防部新闻发布会11.12.8】记者想挑, 但五角大楼正确地理解了 胡主席有关加快推进海军转型建设,拓展深化军事斗争准备 的讲话

Q:  Different question, on China:  China's president has said that he told his navy, get ready for a war in the South Asia Sea -- so there might be strikes somewhere in the region.  And many countries are now worried.  Do you have any comments on that? 

            CAPT. KIRBY:  I think if I read his comments correctly, it was, you know, making preparations to be ready for combat and operational necessity.  I don't think we read this as, you know, get ready for war.  And as I said the other day, nobody is looking for that kind of conflict with China.  We -- Undersecretary for Policy Michele Fluornoy is over there now in defense consultative talks, which have been going in a very positive direction.  This is a -- this is a country that we have been trying very hard to develop a good, constructive military relationship with.  And we are -- we're taking steps in the right direction, and it is moving in the right direction. 

            And it's also a very big country, an economic power. 

            And the peaceful rise of China is not only good for the region, it's good for the world.  And this is -- this is a country that we want to have a good, constructive, productive relationship with. 

            Q:  Are you alerting any of the countries in the region or your allies because of Chinese -- these comments and also military buildup? 

            CAPT. KIRBY:  No, there's been no alerting of our allies and partners of these comments. 

            Look, I mean, navies exist to protect, you know, national security interests of their countries.  That's what they do.  All navies have to be ready for operation.  Our navy is ready for operations.  We certainly wouldn't begrudge the Chinese government from wanting to ensure that their navy was fit for sea. 


Jigong 发表于 2011-12-10 23:35

All navies have to be ready for operation {:soso_e179:}

沐霜 发表于 2011-12-11 10:27

I only know chinaese !!!!!!

diver18 发表于 2011-12-11 15:38

Q:Different question, on China:China's president has said that he told his navy, get ready for a war in the South Asia Sea -- so there might be strikes somewhere in the region.And many countries are now worried.Do you have any comments on that?
记者:换个话题。中国主席对海军说,准备在南亚洲海开战(明显在挑事,胡主席怎么说的,可从各大报章看到他的第一语言表述,无须参考被主义了的第N语言转译)-- 因此在这个地区的某个地方就可能有战事。许多国家因此担忧。你对此有何评论?
            CAPT. KIRBY:I think if I read his comments correctly, it was, you know, making preparations to be ready for combat and operational necessity.I don't think we read this as, you know, get ready for war.And as I said the other day, nobody is looking for that kind of conflict with China.We -- Undersecretary for Policy Michele Fluornoy is over there now in defense consultative talks, which have been going in a very positive direction.This is a -- this is a country that we have been trying very hard to develop a good, constructive military relationship with.And we are -- we're taking steps in the right direction, and it is moving in the right direction.
发言人:就我的理解,他是说,你知道的,做好 战斗和必要行动 的准备。我不会像你那样理解,准备开战。而且前几天我也说过,没有人会和中国找这样的岔。我们负责政策的副国务卿Michele Fluornoy现在正在那边进行国防咨商会谈,而且会谈相当有成果。就是说,中国是一个我们极端努力地发展一种好的,有建设性的军事关系的国家。而且我们正在迈进正确的方向,双方的关系也正向正确的方向移动。
            And it's also a very big country, an economic power.
            And the peaceful rise of China is not only good for the region, it's good for the world.And this is -- this is a country that we want to have a good, constructive, productive relationship with.
中国的和平迭起不仅有利于这个地区,同样也有利于世界。中国是一个我们想和它 有一个好的,建设性的,富有成效的关系 的国家。
            Q:Are you alerting any of the countries in the region or your allies because of Chinese -- these comments and also military buildup?
            CAPT. KIRBY:No, there's been no alerting of our allies and partners of these comments.
            Look, I mean, navies exist to protect, you know, national security interests of their countries.That's what they do.All navies have to be ready for operation.Our navy is ready for operations.We certainly wouldn't begrudge the Chinese government from wanting to ensure that their navy was fit for sea.

mummy 发表于 2011-12-11 23:57

本帖最后由 mummy 于 2011-12-12 00:06 编辑


我是老百姓 发表于 2011-12-12 11:15

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查看完整版本: 【美国防部12.8】记者想挑,但五角大楼正确地理解了胡主席加快海军转型建设,深化军事准备