yasmina 发表于 2012-1-4 19:44


本帖最后由 lilyma06 于 2012-1-5 09:21 编辑

【原文标题】China property: Booming market begins to splutter【中文标题】中国地产:蓬勃的市场开始坐卧不安【登载媒体】BBC
【译者】 yasmina
【翻译方式】 人工
【声明】   欢迎转载,请务必注明译者和出处 bbs.m4.cn。
游戏规则有时候,这导致了业主们对于买主提出的大的折扣的抗议。一些分析师,例如摩根大通认为,在未来的12到18个月了,在中国的大城市里,房地产市场将减少20%交易量。根据官方媒体报道,在2000年,北京的二手房买卖只有1000套。相反,去年,北京的二手房交易以超过200,000套. 随着房价的增长,房产一直被其他的投资渠道不多的中国投资者看做是最安全的投资渠道。2008年全球金融危机之后,借贷危机进一步推动房地产价格上涨。自去年,中国政府采取了一系列措施用以缓解房地产市场增长过快,例如限购,增加首付比率等。这些都是为了是房价降低。这些措施有了一定作用。
不必恐慌但是,一位驻北京的经济学家帕特里克·霍瓦内克,担心房地产行业的衰退将影响到其他的行业。“对于的中国经济,房地产价格支撑几乎所有的贷款, ”帕特里克·霍瓦内克说。“在过去的几年,中国经济的驱动一直是通过借贷。就像美国和欧洲,与房地产市场相关的一些企业的发展衰落已经远远超出房地产业以及房地产业在经济中所占比例。房价并不仅仅关系到经济,更关系到自信。”



You only have to look at the Beijing sky-line to realise how key construction has been to China's boom.As the gleaming skyscrapers, the fancy shopping malls, the towering apartment blocks have all gone up, property prices have risen with them.
They have increased at least fivefold in the last decade in cities across China, according to state media.
But in recent months, those in the property sector have gone from giddy to gloomy.
That is because property prices are beginning to fall and sales are down sharply.
Property developers are slashing prices by as much as a third in some new projects across the country.
Rules of the game
In some cases, this has led to protests from people who bought apartments only to see new buyers offered hefty discounts.
Some analysts, such as JP Morgan, believe the property market could drop by as much as 20% in the country's major cities within the next 12 to 18 months.
According to state media, there were only 1,000 sales of second-hand homes in Beijing in 2000. In contrast, there were over 200,000 sales last year.
With rising prices, property was always seen as a safe bet for many Chinese investors with few other places to put their money.
A lending boom following the global financial crisis in 2008 pushed prices up further.
Since last year, however, the authorities have taken measures to cool down the market such as restricting the number of properties individuals can buy and increasing the minimum down payment required on investments.
Part of the reason was to make housing more affordable. These measures are now biting.
No panic yet
But Patrick Chovanec - an economist based in Beijing - warns that the downturn could extend far beyond the property market.
"Property prices underpin almost all the lending that takes place in the Chinese economy," he said.
"China's economy has been driven in the last few years by lending.
"Just like the US and Europe, the ramifications of a housing market rising and falling extends far beyond construction and that proportion of the economy."
But property prices are not just about economics, they are also about confidence.
China's property prices are so high that they no longer make sense”For millions of Chinese, owning their home has become a symbol of success, that their lives are getting better.
Those without homes will welcome the drop as it may offer them a chance to get on the property ladder.
The Beijing branch of Swedish furniture giant Ikea is where many middle-class Chinese come to furnish their homes.
Outside the store, some expressed concern over falling prices.
"The property market is full of bubbles," said Liang Xiaoyu, 30, one of the customers.
"A drop in prices will probably be healthy. But if the market declines too much, it could cause problems for the economy."
There may not be outright panic yet but there is concern.
The worry is that the foundations of the world's second-largest economy may not be as firm as many thought.
End Quote Hu Jinhui vice-president, 5i5j group
"China's property prices are so high that they no longer make sense," says Hu Jinhui, vice president of 5i5j group, one of the country's largest real estate agencies."We're seeing investors move out of the private property sector to the commercial sector or overseas property market. Smaller developers face becoming bankrupt," he said.
"The property sector will remain a major sector in Chinese investment but the rules of the game have changed."
China's property market took off a decade ago after the authorities privatised much of the country's housing stock.

yasmina 发表于 2012-1-4 19:56


yasmina 发表于 2012-1-4 19:59



唯中国至上 发表于 2012-1-4 20:26

yasmina 发表于 2012-1-4 19:59 static/image/common/back.gif




yasmina 发表于 2012-1-4 20:27

恩 同意你的观点
当还没钱的时候 有个好心态吧:P

xjq63 发表于 2012-1-4 20:29


lilyma06 发表于 2012-1-5 09:11


yasmina 发表于 2012-1-5 15:31


路过不留下 发表于 2012-1-5 18:26


海无宁波 发表于 2012-1-5 18:51

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